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Lesson 10

Personal Relationship

Lovely Grace Alata

12- Generosity

Activity 1

Direction: Identify the words/phrases being described in the following items. Write your
answers on the space provides before each number.

1. It is the term used to refer to the

Heterosexuality interest and liking towards
people from the opposite sex.
What is this term?
2. What do you call the activity
Dating that one may do in groups or
exclusively with one person?
This activity is often
romanticized. What is this
3. This is one of the reasons for
Proximity being attracted that leads to
interaction exposure and
expectation of interaction. What
is this reason?
4. When one challenges a person
or makes him want to
understand them because he is
Similarity and Complementarily
an opposite, the reason for
attraction is _______________.
What is this reason?
Like other who like himself 5. Liking those who like the person
back may be interpreted by this
term because it is said to be
fitting or appropriate.
6. This is the kind of love that is
Passionate Love characterized by an intense
longing to be united with the
other. What is this kind of love?
7. This is a kind of love that is
Romantic Love characterized by combining
intimacy and passion. What kind
of love is this?
8. This is the kind of love that is
Companionate Love displayed by old couples that is
the same as the love one has for
his friend. What kind of love is
9. When dating is only for the sake
Recreation of having fun or for the purpose
of merely engaging in fun
activities, it is said that love is
only for what purpose?
10. It is the reason for dating when
Status someone wants to be seen as
popular or as already matured.
What is it that one wants to
achieve in this kind of dating?

Activity 2 , 3, 4
Answer the questions below:

1. What is the reason why adolescents should avoid engaging in sexual activity? Explain
your answer.
Answer: Adolescents are explorers and being a part of this generation, I know that
curiosity can sometimes influence us to do things that are beyond limits. One of which is
the sexual activities that are definitely not appropriate for us. There is this rule in the
bible whish states that one can only do these things if they are married. Also,
adolescents are not yet capable to take responsibility of the outcomes of this action.
There is a big reason why some parents are strict on having a relationship with others.
It’s not because they don’t trust us but because they want to protect us from
committing sexual behaviors. There are many disadvantages into taking the risks of
doing sexual activities like catching a sexually transmitted disease such as herpes,
venereal warts, or HIV, among others. This action may also result to teenage pregnancy
and so when all this happens, all we can do is regret not listening to them. We should
respect our body and the bodies of others. Do not force yourself or others into any
sexual activity, no matter what you may already have experienced with that person.
Learn about what it really means to give consent for sexual activity, and think about it
both for yourself and any potential partner. It is important to think carefully about how
you treat yourself and others in any form of sexual activity.

2. Write a letter to a person whom you considered to be very special. The letter could be
a personal letter, a composition of a song, or a written poem. In case you do not have
a person yet, consider that you will introduce to this person in the very near future.,
hence, this letter should still be considered as necessary.
A personal letter to my special someone,
Whenever I think of how we met each other and the way we instantly connected, it
makes me smile. I feel so lucky and happy to have you as part of my life now and I wish
to have you with me for a really long time. You will never know how special you are to
me as you give me strength on the days I’m feeling weak. You always brighten my
darkest days with your words of love and wisdom. I am thankful that you respect me
and all my decisions. We may not be as showy and affectionate as others right now but
that doesn’t matter as long as we are honest and open to each other. I hope to
celebrate good times together and support each other through the bad times. We will
learn things about each other every day. We will have some bumps in the road but we
promised to work things through and talk things out. You are that special someone for
me. I know this as well as I know there is a God in heaven. I promise you that you will be
that special someone for me forever.

3. Describe an ideal family of your own that will have ten years or more from now.
Include details such as how many children you will have, the house you will live in,
your family structure, your job, your spouse’s job, your family activities on weekends
and vacations, and your socioeconomic status.
Seeing myself in the future, I would love to have a happy and comfortable life with my
husband and children. I also want at least 2-3 children as it is the ideal number for a
family because too many of them would be hard to manage in my opinion. It would also
be a pleasant change to have boys in my family because growing up, my family majority
consists of girls. I will work hard to achieve my dream of being an attorney in the future
so that me and my family can spend our moments together in a big and beautiful house.
Moreover, I also imagine my husband to be a doctor in the future, carrying our children
ang playing with them after he comes home from work. I know that our chosen
professions in the future requires a lot of time so I want to make it a tradition to always
bond with my family on weekends and go to different places whenever we are all
available. I don’t really plan to be rich in the future. An average family would be fine for
me as long as were happy, comfortable and contented with our lives. I really can’t wait
to grow up and be successful, enjoying life with the family I have always dreamed of.

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