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PPA 321
BSARCH-3B 03/11/2021

Prelim Exam
PPA 321

Choose the correct answer:

1. The selection of a member of the Board of Architecture will commence with the submission
of a list of five nominees submitted by whom?

2. Not included in the scope of practice of Architecture.

A. Architectural designing
B. Structural designing
C. Site analysis
D. Quality surveys

3. Who could be disqualified to become a member of the Board of Architecture?

A. A resident of the Philippines
B. A BS Architecture graduate of a recognized American university and passed the local
board exam
C. An architectural practitioner for 5 years
D. Former faculty member resigned 5 years hence

4. 7. A Master's Degree in Architecture shall be credited how many months in the practical
experience required of any person applying for examination?
A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 18 months
D. 24 months

5. Which of the following is a ground for suspension and revocation of Certificate of

Registration, Professional Identification Card or the Special/Temporary Permit?
A. Signed plans prepared in his/her office by draftsmen
B. Paid only the regular fees in securing Certificate of Registration
C. Aided in unauthorized practice
D. Undertook projects with service agreements

6. A provision in the Architecture Act of 2004 pertaining to application of a foreign citizen

taking the licensure examinations.
A. Non-registered person
B. Prohibition in practice
C. Vested rights
D. Reciprocity requirements

7. What additional training is required of an Architect for the renewal of his professional
A. Licensure Examination
B. Post-Graduate Studies
C. Continuing Professional Development
D. Development Seminars/Workshops
8. What PD created the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) which regulates the
practice of various professional in the Philippines?
A. PD 1096
B. PD 1185
C. PD 223
D. PD 1000

9. PD 1096 - Minimum headroom

A. 2.10m
B. 1.80 m
C. 2.40 m
D. 2.70 m

10. PD 1096 - Ceiling heights artificial ventilation

A. 2.10 m
B. 2.70m
C. 2.40m
D. 2.00 m

11. Minimum size of kitchen under PD 1096

A. 2.50 sq.m
B. 4.00 sq.m
C. 3.00 sq.m
D. 3.50 sq.m

12. Under what classification of occupancy does aircraft hangars fall?

A. Business & mercantile
B. Industrial
C. Accessory
D. Residential, hotel & apartments

13. Under what classification of occupancy does cold storage & creameries fall?
A. Industrial
B. Accessory
C. Commercial
D. Residential

14. Minimum dimension of a kitchen based on PD 1096

A. 2.00 m
B. 1.50m
C. 1.20 m
D. 1.80 m

15. Minimum width of exit door

A. 0.90 m
B. 0.80 m
C. 0.70 m
D. 0.85 m
DIRECTION: read the items below, match it with the answers on the right side. Place the correct
letter in the parenthesis.
A. Any new construction which increases the height or area of an
existing building/structure.
B. A change in the use or occupancy of a building structure or
any portions thereof which has different requirements.
C. The systematic dismantling or destruction of a
(I) 3. ERECTION - building/structure, in whole or in part.

D. The National Building Code with its implementing rules and

(A) 4. ADDITION regulations to endure safety to occupants.

E. Remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portions

(J) 5. ALTERATION of a building/structure to restore its original condition.

F. A secondary building/structure located within the same

(H) 6. RENOVATION premises, the use of which in incidental to that of the main

(B) 7. CONVERSION G. The transfer of a building or portion thereof from its original
location or position to another, either within the same lot or to a
different one.
H. Any physical change made on the building to increase its
value, utility and to improve its aesthetic quality.
I. Installation in place of components of a building/structure.

(C) 10. DEMOLITION J. Construction in a building involving changes in the materials

used, partitioning, location and size of windows, doors, structural
parts, existing utilities but does not increase the overall area
K. All on-site work done from site preparation, excavation,
foundation, assembly of all components and installation of
(D) 12. P.D. 1096 utilities of building.

L. A written authorization granted by the Building Official to an

applicant allowing him to proceed with the construction of a
specific project after plans, specifications, pertinent documents
are found in conformity to P.D. 1096.

(K) 1. CERTIFICATE OF A. Courts yards, setbacks, light wells, uncovered driveways,

access roads and parking spaces.

OCCUPANCY B. A lot having two frontages or bounded by two parallel

streets, and lots on each side.

(D) 2. AS-BUILT PLAN C. A court bounded on three sides by building lines with one
side bounded by another open space whether private or
D. A plan prepared after the construction is done showing all
changes, modifications and alterations made as compared to
(A) 4. PUBLIC OPEN the original plans and needed for the occupancy permit.

E. A non-corner or a single frontage lot.

F. A court bounded on two opposite sides bounded by other
open spaces.
G. A court bounded on all sides or around or its periphery by
building lines.
H. The total number of persons that may occupy a building
or portion thereof, at any one time.
I. A lot located in the interior of a block made accessible
from the public street or alley by means of a private access
(L) 8. CORNER LOT road.

J. Streets, alleys, easements of seashore, rivers, esteros, rail-

(E) 9. THROUGH LOT road tracks, parks, plazas.

K. No building shall be used or occupied until the building

(G)10. INNER COURT official issues this permit, wherein the certificate of
completion, log-book and building inspection sheet by
contractor signed by Architect, and as-built plan signed by
(F) 11. OPEN COURT engineers in charge are submitted.

L. A lot facing two streets at an angle meeting each other.


(J) 1. R. A. 9266 A. A window in a roof and level with it or one into a flat roof as a
dome, etc.

(H) 2. PROJECTING SIGN B. The line by the intersection of the surface of the enclosing wall
of the building and the surface of the ground.

(F) 3. DISPLAY WINDOW C. An employee shall be paid this of no less than ten (10%)
percent of his regular wage for each hour of work performed
between ten o’clock in the evening and six o’clock in the
(B) 4. BUILDING LINE morning.

D. The outer covering of the building/structure.

E. An act to enhance the mobility of disabled persons by
requiring certain buildings, institutions, establishments and public
(K) 6. STRUCTURE utilities to install facilities and other devices.

F. That portion of the building abutting the sidewalk open to the

(L) 7. CHAMFER public view protected by grills, screens or transparent materials
for the display of goods.

(A) 8. SKYLIGHTS G. The mark of floor plan directly touching the ground, the
perimeter of which is seen.

(E) 9. BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 344 H. A sign fastened to, suspended from or supported on a building
structure, the display surface of which is perpendicular from the
wall surface or is at an angle there from.
I. Any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over
the sidewalk beyond the first storey wall used as protection for
(G) 11. FOOTPRINT pedestrian.

J. An act to regulate the practice of architecture in the

(D) 12. SKIN Philippines.

K. That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of

any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of
parts joined together in some definite manner.

L. Surface produced by leveling square edge or corner equally on

both sides.

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