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-According to Huntington, the term “Boolean plot=1 complement=0

Algebra was first suggested by Shefferin 1913.
-George Boole MAXTERM
plot=0 complement=1
-An input that is AND´ed or OR´ed with itself is KARNAUGH MAPPING
equal to that input -1953, Bell Laboratories
A.A=A -Maurice Karnaugh
COMPLEMENTARY LAW is a matrix consisting of rows and columns that
-A term AND´ed with its complement equals “0” represent the output values of a Boolean function.
and a term OR´ed with its complement equals “1”
A A’ = 0 The output values placed in each cell are derived
A+A’ = 1 from the minterms of a Boolean function.

LAW OF INTERSECTION Minterm is a product term that contains all of the

-one input is ‘AND’ to ‘1’ the result will be equal to function’s variables exactly once, either
its value ‘AND’ to ‘0’ the result is equal to ‘0’. complemented or not complemented.
A1 = A
A0= 0
the value ‘OR’ to logic ‘1’ the result value is equal 1. Each cell with a 1 must be include in at least
to ‘1’ and if the value ‘OR’ to logic ‘0’ the result one group.
value is equal to its value 2. Try to form the largest possible groups.
A+1 = 1 3. Try to end up with as few groups as possible.
A+0= A 4. The number of 1s in a group must be a power
of 2 – even if it contains a single 1.
COMMON IDENTITIES 5. Groups can be formed only at right angles;
-value ANDed to its Complement and ORed to the diagonal groups are not allowed.
B input it gives a result of A ORed B or A ANDed B 6. Groups can overlap and wrap around the sides
A(A’+B) = AB of the Kmap.
A+(A’B) = A+B 7. The larger a group is, the more redundant
inputs there are:
DE MORGAN’S THEOREM  group of 1 =0 redundant input.
-Two separate terms NOR´ed together is the same  group of 2 =1 redundant input.
as the two terms inverted (Complement) and AND  group of 4 =2 redundant input.
´ed for  group of 8 =3 redundant input.
A’+B’ = AB’  group of 16 =4 redundant input
Two separate terms NAND´ed together is the
same as the two terms inverted (Complement) and
OR´ed for example:
AB’ = A’ + B’

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