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1. Program to perform operation on array.

a) Implement C Program for Performing following operation on Array: Insertion, Display.

b) Implement C Program for Performing following operation on Array: Deletion, Display.
1. What is data structure? And needs of Data structure.
2. Operation on array.
3. Define abstract data type
4. What is Complexity?
5. Application of data structure.

2. Search a data using linear search.

1. What is searching?
2. What is linear search?
3. Consider a following list to perform linear search 56, 36, 89, 56, 01, 00, 67, 59.
a) Search the item 01 from Above list.
b) Search the item 55 from above list.
c) Describe Working of linear search with Examples.

3. Search a data using binary search

1. What is searching?
2. What is binary search?
3. Find the Position of element 21 using binary search method in array ‘A’ given below

4. Program to Sort an array using Bubble sort.

a) What is sorting?
b) What is Bubble Sort? And explain any one example.
c) What is infix Notation.

5. Program to sort an array selection sort.

a) What is sorting?
b) What is Selection Sort? And explain any one example.
c) What is postfix notation

6. Program to sort an array insertion sort.

a) What is sorting?
b) What is insertion Sort? And explain any one example.
c) Sort the following numbers in Ascending order using insertion sort : 25, 15, 4, 103, 62, 9.
And write the output after each iteration.
7. Perform push and pop operation on stack
1 What is Stack?
2 Operation on Stack. And Conditions of stack.
3 Application of stack.
4 What is Tower of Hanoi?

8. Perform insert and delete operation linear queue using array.

1 What is Queue?
2 Operation on Queue. And Conditions of stack.
3 What are the application of queue

9. Perform insert and delete operation circular queue using array.

1. What is queue? And types.
2. What is Circular Queue.
3. What is front and rear values of circular queue.

10. Perform operation on singly Linklist (insert a node)

a) At beginning of Linklist
b) At the end of Linklist.
c) At a given position in linklist.
1. What is Linklist? And types

11. Perform operation on singly Linklist(delete a node)

d) At beginning of Linklist
e) At the end of Linklist.
f) At a given position in linklist.

12. Perform operation on Circular singly Linklist (insert a node)

g) At beginning of Linklist
h) At the end of Linklist.
i) At a given position in linklist.
13. Perform operation on Circular singly Linklist(delete a node)
a) At beginning of Linklist
b) At the end of Linklist.
c) At a given position in linklist.

14. Perform traversing on binary search tree.

a) What is a tree data structure and its type.
b) What is binary search tree (BST)
c) What is tree traversal

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