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Do Linh Phuong - Session 3 - Workbook

I. Reading 8/11
Part 1
1 – A => b
2 – B => d
3 – D => b

Ques Ans Evidence Useful

1 b “ We wanted to find out more about the results
of this research so we asked our readers… Here
are some examples of what they said about
theirs friends.

2 d “ After playing football for a while, or

skateboarding, I usually feel much happier
( He said: “ every time I have a fight with my
parents” -> He didn’t mention how frequently)

3 b “ When I moved to a village in the countryside, I

thought that it would be the end of my
friendships. ... There's a lake nearby, so we
often go sailing, water-skiing or windsurfing.”

Part 2
1- A

II. Listening 12/15

Part 1
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. B
Part 2
1. B
2. A
3. D

Part 3
1. They last met up months ago => A couple of months at least
2. She had to imagine she was an animal and write a story about a typical day
3. She got a digital camera => She got a new camera and there were lots of
things she didn’t know how to do.
4. She find the computer class difficult => A computer course
5. The evening classes help her sleep better

Because if she forces herself to do something different in the evenings, it

helps her sleep better.
6. Kim goes to her dance class with a few people from work

7. Sue is going to be in the USA for 2 weeks

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