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Why Investing Isn't Risky -Robert Kiyosaki

most financial experts want you to

believe that investing is risky well
rich dad company says investing is not
what is risky is not improving your
financial intelligence or your financial
IQ having no financial education let me
give you a few examples there's two
Fundamental Investors
basic types of investors one is
fundamental I would say Warren Buffett
is a fundamental investor that's income
expense as this liability
most people says they can't read a
financial statement really don't
understand the fundamental that's what
the cash flow game cases people it's how
to be fundamental we all know markets go
up and markets go down Marcus Ulla and
Markus go down so the reason the average
person thinks investing is risky is
because prices go up and then they lose
the reason investing is risky is that to
Professional Investors
be a professional investor whether it is
to fundamental or technical is you have
to use insurance look ladies and
gentlemen you do not find it far without
insurance you know you don't buy a house
without insurance get the average person
putting their money in a stock or a
mutual fund of a bond they don't have
insurance that's what's risky if you're
going to be a professional investor you
have to understand markets go up and
down that's not new but when markets are
up you buy an insurance policy here in
case it goes down but some people that's
call a put or you can put a stop in real
estate my banker requires me to have
disaster insurance the point here ladies
and gentlemen is this is that investing
is not risky is taking advice from
people who don't know what they're
talking about a lot of the time where
people don't sell you the insurance
that's risky to put yourself in a stock
or a mutual fund without insurance is
absolutely risky it's a little more
sense than buying a car and not having
insurance so ladies and gentlemen
investing is not risky being financially
not sophisticated not educated and
taking advice from people who also
believe investing is risky is the
riskiest part of investing and that's
what makes a Rich Dad company different

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