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Why Investors will win, and Gamblers will lose the Bitcoin game - Robert

you know bitcoin is important
it's going to crash i think if it goes
to 27 000
a coin i'm going to back up the truck
i'm going to buy more
because i'm very optimistic about
bitcoin and let me explain why
but also why the risk is here this is
macro financial education in 1960 and
my generation the boomers didn't like
stocks because
everybody at my time of when i was a kid
everybody said anybody
invest in the stock market is a gambler
now everybody's in the stock market so
how did that happen
well in 1974 that brought this thing
called a 401k
out i won't touch that thing i would not
touch a 401k or an ira why because i
don't have to
you know they tell you exactly to tell
you when to wear the mask
and when to get a vaccine they tell you
what you can invest in in a 401k
in an ira i refuse to do that
i refuse to do that but i don't have to
do that
because as an entrepreneur i create my
own assets
i don't need the stock market you do i'm
not saying don't invest in i'm not
saying don't have a 401k
don't have an ira just screw you i'm not
going to be tall what to do
that's why i'm an entrepreneur you like
being told what to do go to school
get a job save money pay your taxes get
out of debt and invest
the stock market i don't want to do that
the the 401k it's another way of
controlling you and how you earn your
money until the day you die
more than that it's what you have to
invest in
they had to do it because my generation
wasn't investing in it
so that's why 19 between 1960 and 1980
they didn't like stocks so the 401k came
then what happened is in 1987 the stock
market crashed
so greenspan comes out he's a federal
reserve guy remember the federal reserve
is not
american it's not a government agency
so he came out and what greenspan put
was what i call a ppt
it's the plunge protection team or
also called the greenspan put or also
what people say don't fight the fit
basically what greenspan did is every
time the stocks crashed
the plunge protection team would protect
so my generation the boomers are going
well i don't have to worry because every
time the market crashes
the federal reserve bank and the
treasury will bail me out so that's
today we have our
u.s corporations our zombie 20 of us
corporations are zombie corporations
it means they're broke but they're being
propped up by the federal reserve back
in the government that's communism
so anyway stocks get protected gold
is a good investment because the fed all
the central banks in the world now own
gold so they're not going to let gold
they'll do something to make sure the
price of gold stays stays up
so i don't like stocks but i like gold
is getting more valuable because gold
all the gold never disappears it just
keeps piling up
but silver is being used in the green
new deal
in solar cells in medical things so i
like silver
and as you can see back here
look at this here silver was two dollars
it hit fifty dollars here when the hot
brothers were trying to manipulate the
goal market
and even today it's only 27 but you
get any
you can't get any
because they're manipulating it
trying to force it higher i'll set one
more time this is how much opportunity
you have
and that's gold silver and crypto
it's not that big
and you can make more money planting
apple trees
so our water like that deal i was
talking about
okay so here's stocks the government
will make sure it doesn't crash gold
will not crash
but crypto could you know why
because the fed doesn't want it because
the reason i like crypt all the reason i
buy bitcoin and ethereum and all that
is i don't like the fed when i talk to
most of the young guys they don't like
the fed either
but the problem is and this is why
you've got to be smarter
is that the fed wants to take this out
the european central bank these ecb
wants to take it out the bank of japan
wants to take it out
the bank of china wants to take it out
so that's why you crypto guys you've got
to be smarter today you don't just sit
there and go
does that make sense to you alexandra
yeah no
it's this conversation has cleared up a
lot of doubts i had because
it's it's it just goes to show that
the fear the media can cause over
something that might not even be
happening right
so your crypto guys you got to be
smarter because what
possibly it hasn't happened yet is a fed
or a yuan coin a chinese coin china
channel probably have it before the us
and they will be a european coin
and that'll destroy the they'll destroy
they want to destroy
bitcoin so you guys in bitcoin you've
got to be smarter
so as it's coming down like i said i'm
still going to buy more
but when it passes 27 000 i'm going to
back up the truck
just like i did when it passed uh 9 000
because that's that's what uh
traders do so let me show you the the
bigger thing here is this
this is the future this has not happened
but it might happen
if there's a fed coin they're going to
get rid of the commercial banks
you see the only way the money can go
into the marketplace right now
is that fed the fed prints money they
give the money
to commercial banks like us bank and
bank of america
and wells fargo and they lend the money
but if the fed coin comes out they don't
need these banks
and you worked for a bank didn't you yep
wells fargo
and the only way somebody could get
money because a credit card
real estate or student loan right yep
they need that credential history
so if there's a fed coin wells fargo is
i'm not saying this is going to happen
this is my prediction of what might
don't say i'm saying it's going to go
out and all this stuff you know
at the same time if a fed coin comes in
it wipes me out
because the way i get my money is i have
great credit
and like i said just last week ken mcroy
and i borrowed 160 million dollars
that's the only way money gets into the
system is guys like us capitalists have
to borrow
money school teachers can't get a credit
card they're so stupid
well they get a student loan what a
rip-off that is
but a guy like me will go out there and
use debt
i said here
i use debt to acquire assets
and i pay no taxes but they'll never
teach you that in school
any comments there etcetera well
bruh when you're talking about like for
example the yuan digital currency right
it it kind of makes you realize that
really the
the pure intention of that is just to
gain back control
so they can monitor every little action
you do
yes that's why there's no financial
education that's why my poor dad was a
and he taught people that capitalists
are crooks and now there's crooks
everywhere you know this
is even crooked ministers obama likes
those guys
okay so it's not the money
it's the person and our school system is
intentionally designed
not to teach you about money because
once they take these two away then they
go to
marxism or communism ubi's universal
income you know and that's what they're
doing today with the stimulus checks
they're giving money straight to you
they don't have they don't need these
guys anymore
you know because i had to go to cu and
either get a credit card
or get a go to home loan
and these guys slow down the economy
so if they go to a if if if they go to a
fed coin
these guys are gone we go to pure
communism which is i think the intention
that's why kamala harris is going to be
the next president
our mmt you know marks it as monetary
that's my prediction i'm not saying it's
going to come to you if you say well i
said that it's not true
and what that is called is
it's beyond marxism they control your
they control your breathing they control
your injections
they control your money they control how
you get your money how much you make
where are you spending it where can you
travel they'll know everything about you
it's called totalitarianism
and and robert one thing i love that
kind of sums like
everything you're talking about when you
tweeted about bitcoin you said
um remember the problem is not ellen
musk or bitcoin the problem
are the fed and treasury yes
and that's why uh one of my friends
predicted that
bitcoin will go to 1.2 million
i don't know that i just listened to him
he's a lot smarter than me
you know but he says 1.2 million max
kaiser says 250
000. some guys say you know a hundred
i watch silver i think silver go to 100
and silver goes to a hundred
i make a lot of money it doesn't make
any difference
there's so many ways you can get rich in
a capitalist society
but the moment we go to this here we've
so i don't know what the future holds
but i think this is where we're going
so if this happens my gold and silver
are not in this country
i love bitcoin because it's portable
no storage problems it's important
so that's why i'm very bullish i'm very
optimistic about bitcoin because there's
going to be chaos for the next 10 years
and bitcoin will go up and down up and
down up and down up and down if here i
go up and down
blockchain will go up and down and then
they're going to try and
put me guys like me in jail happens
every time
so this here is it this is our schools
go to school get a job become a small
you know start a pizza shop or something
i don't do that
because these guys pay 40 in taxes
remember money is debt and taxes
so they they work for money they pay 40
taxes they work for money they pay 60
in taxes so the small entrepreneurs the
guys are just startups are going to pay
the highest taxes around
but the big business guys like elon musk
and uh bill gates and rich dad here
we only pay 20 tax and
as insight we're inside investors i put
my own deals together
i don't touch stocks bonds mutual funds
i'll create my own deal with the water
deal i talked about
i'm doing a green new deal but i'll pay
no taxes at all
and that's what financial education does
so this is school
this is rich dad and that's why we
created this here
capitalist tool so you can take control
of your money and your finances and your

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