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well my name is Robert Kiyosaki and I'm

best known for writing the book Rich Dad
Poor Dad first of all I want to talk
about the importance of education you
see in the world today we go to school
for academic education reading and
writing and that's very very important
professional education is when they
become you know a doctor or a mechanic
or a web programmer or whatever you do
so professional education is very
important and the third type of
education that's required especially
today to be a successful financial
education and unfortunately our school
systems do not teach us much about money
but some reason our school systems seem
to think you know that money might be
the root of all evil or subject yet to
be successful in the world today
financial education is extremely
important because of this lack of
financial education we see the rich
getting excessively rich so the gap
between the rich and the poor is
dangerously extreme many of the middle
class are going from middle class to
poor so that's why financial education
is crucial today if you want to you know
keep your head above water
because ultimately this is your greatest
asset you are responsible for your
education that what goes in your head
when I was just nine years old my wrists
and began to teach me to be a rich man
playing the game Monopoly and mostly
said the formula for great wealth sport
green houses one red hotel and today
even though I wasn't good academically
I'm not too strong professionally I'm a
wealthy person because my rich dad took
the time to teach me the importance of
financial education but to be successful
today we need academic professional and
financial education and financial
education what the rich dad company is
all about

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