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112 學年第一學期高二充實增廣 主題: 新聞英文學英文

Apple launched a new series of iPhones that included a new titanium shell, a faster chip and
improved video game playing abilities. The iPhone 15, which will come out Sept. 22, has the
same debut price as the iPhone14. Experts have said this reflects the ongoing global smart
phones lump.
蘋果推出新系列 iPhone 包括新的鈦金屬外殼,更快的晶片和改進的電玩遊戲功能,將於 9 月
22 日開賣的 iPhone 15 最大驚喜是它沒有漲價,反映出全球智慧手機市場持續的低迷。

Apple's CEO Tim Cook during an

Apple launch (Image credit: Apple)

Apple also showed off new watches, including a Series 9 Watch with a feature called double
tap where users tap their thumb and finger to get her twice, without touching the watch,
in order to perform tasks like answering a phone call. Apple said the iPhone 15's satellite
connectivity can now be used to summon roadside assistance. Apple said that USB-C charging
cables are coming to both its iPhone15 and the charging case of its AirPods Pro devices.

蘋果還展示新款手錶,包括所謂「雙擊」功能的 Series 9 手錶;用戶不用接觸手錶,而是同時

按拇指和手指兩次,即可執行工作像是接電話等。蘋果表示 iPhone 15 的衛星連線現在可用來
叫道路救援,iPhone 15 和 AirPods Pro 裝置的充電盒,都將配 Type-C 充電線。

參考資料來源:第 2 分 06 秒開始)

1. 推出;發表 6. 展示;炫耀
launch show off
2. 鈦 7. 大拇指
titanium thumb
3. 外殼 8. 衛星
shell satellite
4. 首次亮相;首演 9. 連線
debut connectivity
5. 反映 10. 召喚
reflect summon

11. 持續的 13. 道路救援
ongoing roadside assistance
12. 低迷 14. 充電線
lump charging cable

The Pro's use of titanium makes it lighter and stronger than previous models of other metals.

Pro 使用鈦金屬,使它比以前的其他金屬型號更輕、更堅固。

Apple also said the iPhone 15 Pro can capture what it calls spatial videos by using two of the
device's cameras to capture a three-dimensional video.

蘋果還指出 iPhone 15 Pro 可捕捉所謂的「空間影片」: 即用手機上的兩個攝影機來捕捉三度空


1. 金屬 metal 4. 裝置 device

2. 捕捉 capture 5. 三度空間 (3D) three-dimensional

3. 空間的 spatial

1. What are some of the key features of the iPhone 15 that were mentioned in

the text, and how does its price compare to the iPhone 14?

The iPhone 15 features a new titanium shell, a faster chip, and improved video

game capabilities. Surprisingly, it has the same debut price as the iPhone 14.

2. What unique function (功能) does the Series 9 Watch offer, and how is it


The Series 9 Watch introduces a feature called "double tap," allowing users to

perform tasks like answering a phone call by tapping their thumb and finger

together twice, without touching the watch physically.

112 學年第一學期高二充實增廣 主題: 熱門歌曲學英文

I Ain’t Worried 我不擔心 by OneRepublic 共和世代

[Verse 1]
I don't know what you've been ___told___
But time is __running__ ___out____,
no need to take it slow 但時光飛逝 我們沒有時間慢慢來
I'm stepping to you _____ toe-to-toe ___
I should be scared, honey, maybe so

But I ain't worried 'bout it right now (right now) 但我現在無憂無慮
Keeping dreams alive (hey!), 1999, heroes 繼續讓偉大的英雄夢實現
I ain't worried 'bout it right now (right now) 我現在一點都不擔心
Swimmin' in the ____ floods ___ (hey!), 像是徜徉在洪水裡
dancing on the clouds below 在雲端上跳舞
I ain't worried 'bout it 我一點都不擔心

[Verse 2]
I don't know what you've been told 我不知道你聽到了什麼
But time is running out, so _____spend_____ it like it's _____gold_____
但時間所剩無幾 一寸光陰一寸金
I'm living like I'm _____ nine-zeros ____
Got no ___ regrets __, even when I'm __broke___, yeah
I'm at my best when I got something I'm wanting to steal
Way too busy for them problems and problems to feel (yeah-yeah)
No ___ stressing __ , just __ obsessin' __ with ___ sealin' __ the deal
沒有壓力 享受達成目標
I'll take it in and let it go
我會接受一切 隨風而去

OneRepublic 於 2022 年的歌曲,也是電影捍衛戰士 2-獨行俠(Top Gun: Maverick)的電影主題曲之
一,相較起 Lady Gaga 的 Hold My Hand 此首歌曲的曲風相當輕鬆愉快,為電影點綴了最愉悅的
氛圍。OneRepublic 在詮釋這種輕鬆俏皮的歌曲,可說做得相當入味。

「ain't」為「am/are/is not」或「has/have not」的縮寫。為非正式口語用法。

例句: He ain't going. = He is not going. 他不會去了。

Things ain't what they used to be. = Things are not what they used to be. 事情不是過去的樣子了。


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