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for HODs
and teachers

Introduction to the IMAS Parent-Teacher Communication Policy

Effective communication between teachers and parents is essential for the overall success
and well-being of students. A strong partnership between educators and families can
greatly enhance a child's educational experience, leading to improved academic
performance, better social and emotional development, and a more supportive learning
environment. To facilitate this collaboration, IMAS has established the Parent-Teacher
Communication Policy to outline our commitment to open, consistent, and respectful

This policy aims to establish clear guidelines and expectations for teacher-parent
communication, promoting transparency, understanding, and cooperation. By adhering to
these principles, we hope to build a strong bridge between school and home, fostering
an environment where students can thrive. We understand that every child is unique, and
by working together, we can help each student reach their full potential.

Ø All teachers should be committed to maintaining an open line of communication

between them and parents. This involves sharing essential information about students'
progress, achievements, and any concerns or issues as they arise.
Ø All communications will be conducted with respect and professionalism. We encourage
a positive and collaborative approach, respecting the expertise and perspectives of
both teachers and parents.
Ø All teachers should make themselves accessible to parents through various means, such
as email, phone, in-person meetings, or digital platforms, as appropriate and
convenient for both parties between 8.00am – 4.00pm on school days.
Ø Parents may have questions and concerns. All teachers will provide support, guidance,
and resources to help parents understand and actively participate in their child's
Ø All information shared between teachers and parents should be treated with the
utmost confidentiality, respecting the privacy of all parties involved.


Talking to Parents: What Every IMAS Teacher Needs to Know (1)

Ø Parents are professionals, so they should be treated as such. It doesn’t matter if the
parent is a professional artist, physician, performer, builder, lawyer, administrator, or
cleaner. It doesn’t matter if the parent works at home or outside of the home; it does
not matter if the parent is employed or unemployed. What matters is that the parent is
a parent, and though there is no degree conferred upon any parent before they step
into this challenging and rewarding role, parents are the “experts” of our children.

Ø So when addressing parents, teachers should address them by their surname: “Mr.
_____” or “Mrs.______ ,” and not by first names. It sets an example of respect for
students when they hear teachers address parents by their surnames.

Ø Always listen to what parents have to say first and approach every conversation with an
open mind, free of judgments. What the parent tells you about the child may surprise
you, help you, and guide you toward making the best instructional decisions in the

Ø Speak kindly to parents without being condescending. Leave your “kindergarten”

voice in the classroom and use a different tone with adults than you may use when
speaking to younger children.

Ø Provide resources for parents where they can find more information, and gently point
them in the right direction when necessary.

Ø Help parents help you. Outline a few days’ or weeks’ worth of assignments for students
so parents have an idea of how they can support homework. Give parents time to buy
lino board or art supplies.

Ø Parents are human. Parents are human, and they have good days and bad days, just
like their kids, just like you. So if a parent doesn’t get a form signed right away or
calls you the wrong name at some point, relax. And give him the second chance he


Talking to Parents: What Every IMAS Teacher Needs to Know (2)

If you connect with a parent on the phone or via email, consider starting the conversation
by saying something nice about his or her child. Or just call for no reason at all, other than
to share happy news.

If all teachers called parents for good reasons, I truly think the world would be a better
place. Parents would be happier. Kids would be happier. Teachers would be happier. And
administrators would be happier.

The problem is that it takes time, and time is precious for teachers—We get that. But we
also know that it feels good to share good news, so even one or two quick notes a week:
Hi, Mrs. _______. I just wanted to let you know that Maria is really working hard this
week, and I appreciate how she helped our new student in class today. We’re thankful
she’s a leader in our class. Thanks so much! Mr. _______!

Easy. Quick. Meaningful.

It’s amazing what doors can open when you begin by sharing a few kind words. Parents
are human, and everyone appreciates a pat on the back some days.


Teacher-Parent Communication Minimum Quota

Ø We are confident that teachers are consistently in touch with parents. Nevertheless, the
school mandates that every teacher must reach out to the parents of a minimum of 10%
of the students in their classes on a weekly basis.

Teacher A teaches the following classes:
8A1 – 30 students
8A2 – 20 students Teachers will have to contact
3(8A1) + 2(8A2) + 2(8A3) + 3(8A4) = 10 students per week.
8A3 – 20 students
8A4 – 20 students

Ø Communication with parents will be recorded in your gradebook. Please refer to the
image below. Click on Compare mode and you are ready to go. Do seek further
clarification from your HODs regarding how to use this tab in your gradebook should the
need arise.
Ø It's important to keep in mind that your parent communication records will be
considered in your annual performance evaluation.


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