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LECTURER NAME: Hema Latha Krishna Nair

Group members: NADIYA ASMA AKTHER (TP042382)




2.0 Introduction
Human experts are able to perform at a successful level because of their knowledge regarding the
areas of expertise. However, with Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems has been introduced to
the world. The use of the Expert Systems has been widely seen in this technological area, which
can be even considered as the norm. Based on the team’s research, it can be considered as an
intelligent computer software that portrays as a human expert in that particular field, making
things easier and solving problems regarding basics of chemistry field especially for students.
The aim of this project is to use the learnings of Artificial Intelligence to create an Expert System
to increase knowledge to the specific problem area to provide more detailed information in
“Expert Quality” performance in that application area. Therefore, A knowledge-based system
which serves as an information repository and consultant should be implemented with the
equipment of an interactive means to engage in a conversation with the user by utilizing an
Expert System Shell, the team has decided to create an Expert System dedicated to aid students.
Based on the team’s assumptions, it should be able to dramatically increases the student’s
experience and therefore it will also help them to make their basics strong, as well as it will help
them to build their level of IQ. In this project report, this “Expert System UChemistryLaB” has
been chosen by the team and an expert system will be solving a wide range of problems during
student’s exams too. A problem specification has been proposed and clear statements regarding
the need for the proposed expert system has been mentioned with references given. Next, a
chapter of knowledge acquisition has been noted with the content of types of expert system
researched by the team and a short literature review on Chatterbot has been given as well.
Furthermore, a detailed semantic net will be explained with the assistant of knowledge
representation. results will be shown. A Further analysis and research on these data have been
done by the collaborated efforts of each and every group member.
2.2 Problem Specification
2.3 The effect of Learning Chemistry Manually on Students On
worldwide scale
However, after a research and analysis done by our team, we have gathered an amount of
problems. we would like to evaluate the problems or space of improvements found and use the

solutions we have proposed to further enhance the entire experience and system.

Figure1.0 why it matters to learn chemistry for Students?

Based on this article, it mentions that chemistry is science which is very significant of our
everyday life. It also highlights that We start the day with Chemistry. One can find chemistry in
daily life in the foods we eat, the air we breathe, cleaning chemicals, our emotions and literally
every object we can see or touch. Therefore, here’s a seem to be at examples of every day
chemistry. Some common chemistry might also be obvious, but others might shock us. Our
physique is made up of chemical compounds, which are mixtures of elements. The emotions that
you experience are an end result of chemical messengers, principally neurotransmitters. Love,
jealousy, envy, infatuation, and infidelity all share a foundation in chemistry. They take a seat
there, so harmless-looking on the kitchen counter. We can be positive every day chemistry is the
responsible party. Soap is a chemical that mankind has been making for a very lengthy time. You
can structure a crude soap by means of mixing ashes and animal fat. So, because all of these
reasons it is really important to learn chemistry so well for every pupil, who has future in
science. In that case, it is really hard to imagine that students in the manual chemistry classes.
Problems and difficulties of chemistry in lower chemistry school in most countries, which
includes Greece, decrease secondary training includes three grades 7th, 8th, and ninth to ages 12-
14. The way in which a number of science topics are treated at this stage varies: in many nations
e.g. England, Scotland, Ireland, Israel, and some states of Germany an integrated science
direction exists. In some countries e.g. Denmark, a grouping of physics with chemistry happens
or e.g. France of biology with geology. Finally, in many international locations e.g. Greece, and
German states the exercise of separate subjects prevail.

Moreover, a research study on Tsaparlis, 1984a, in Greek, pronounced a survey of Greek

teacher’s appreciation of the difficulty of a number of chemistry topics that have been protected
at the time of the find out about in the 1980s. The findings confirmed that the stoichiometry
matters and standards RAM, RMM, mole, molar volume, balancing chemical equations, and
analogical reasoning in stoichiometric calculations were seen as the hardest ones. Other hard
subjects for the eighth grade were as follows the periodic table, ionic and covalent bonds,
structural and electronic formulas of covalent compounds, single-atom ions, multi-atom ions,
ionic and molecular reactions, easy and double substitution reactions.

In order to encounter those problems stated above, we will be introducing an online expert
advisory chat bot system that can gives users detail information based on the topics. These
include accurate information, accurate short notes recommendation with all of them will be
improved based on earlier and current time issues. We genuinely hope that our system will be
more beneficial for the young generation. Because, it is very important for them to prepare
themselves with advancement knowledge before facing the difficulties in the learning field.
2.4 Need for the propose expert system
A chatbot is a program that can simulate real interaction with users through a chat interface
driven by rules and AI. Chatbots have become the Centre of business messaging, with the
messaging and social media platforms are getting more popular. There will be more than 80% of
enterprises are expected to implement some sort of chatbot in 2020. UChemistry Chatbot which
is an expert system is implemented to help the students with advanced knowledge and amazing
Lab experimental videos. Chatbot gives numerous benefits to the chemistry field. Firstly,
UChemistry Chatbot is comprehensiveness and consistency. Without chatbot, UChemistry expert
has to solve student’s problems through its knowledge, experiences, and with advance
technology multiple students when they join it. Expert system can encapsulate the knowledge of
more than single human expert and make the professional knowledge more accessible. Besides,
expert system will not be prone to forgetfulness, while for human sometimes will make mistakes
and forget some significant point even, they are real life experts. Therefore, this UChemistry
Chatbot is implemented as it can know what to produce when some certain term is input by the
user. It can reduce human error and the chatbot will make sure the accuracy of the information
provided. Therefore, chatbot can guide and recommend the users or students to make the
decision by the professional knowledge of the several human experts. Chatbot follow pre-set
questionnaires to convince and attract students become the potential users. Secondly, it will give
an instant response to students and give more convenience to them. Uchemistry chatbot can help
to alleviate the student's studies environment, and emulates the human expert's ability to make a
decision. students can ask questions through the chatbot without consulting with the real human
expert. Therefore, the chatbot can reply to any user’s question at the same time and anytime as it
is 24-hour service and never has to take a break like humans. Users do not have to wait for
assistance. The chatbot will give an automated response to answer the user’s requirement very
quickly to all common queries.
By using the chatbot, there are no extra cost will be charged when the chatbot wanted to be
expanded during its service time. Chatbot can produce automated solutions quickly to the users
and avoid the human mistakes, this can prevent the organization to pay back for the user’s
complains. Therefore, it is important to improve efficiency of users experience by deploying the

In conclusion, chatbot with artificial intelligence provides the large potential to improve the
quality of the chemistry field. They are adopting the new technology, which is chatbot are
increasing, students or users will use them frequently. Therefore, UChemistry Chatbot can
greatly benefit the any level of student by reducing their extra tutor expenses, and improving
their satisfaction

2.5 Project Scope

Functional requirements
The team has listed out some of the functional requirements that the system should met. This
describes and specifies the things that the system should be able to perform.

Recommended Topics for students

UChemistry provides a functionality whereby it will be recommending some fundamental topics
of chemistry where users can select their likings, or preferences. For example, if a user wants to
watch Lab experimental videos or a user want to watch tutorial regarding any topic like solutions
and stoichiometry, it will bring them the link of the tutorial. It will also recommend him or her
the entire details of the topic. Then, it will bring the user to a webpage whereby the user will get
what they need immediately.

Print Documentation
Once the user has selected their topics and viewed the respective information regarding the
tutorial, system will then display a file of documentation/note/receipt based on the user’s
previous input. From there, the user can choose to either ignore or save the file for further

Functional requirements
The list below describes about the non-functional requirements of the system which describes the
quality attributes of the system.

As mentioned above, lack of teaching skills in the educational field it has become one of major
problems in world-wide. Thus, a system with good performance like fast response time and good
utilization is needed in a field of science like chemistry.

Ease of Use
Ease of use can be known as user friendly and related to user interface. The meaning of ease of
use in computer term is a system that is easy to learn and easy to use. Some users might not be
familiar with computer technical operations, so in order to facilitate the user-friendliness of the
system, the user interface of the system should be designed intuitively, to be understandable and
manipulatable for non-IT users. Crucial yet simple elements such as the incorporation of visual
icons, understandable words and meanings, as well as good arrangement of elements within the
system can essentially create good workflow for the users.

2.6 Project Objectives

The motive of an expert system is to grant reasoned recommendation at a same level that
provided by means of a human expert. This functionality has two fundamental pursuits to
beautify the skills of main experts in certain fields and to make a high quality of information
available to less exceptionally certified practitioners. However, the analysis of chemical
structures from mass spectrometer data is often accomplished with the resource of an expert
system. The aim for this project is to create a system that provides a smooth and automated
learning and knowledge gaining platform for the students which will act as an assistant for
providing a best information to them and help to develop their skills.

• to fulfil the requirements of this project

• to provide a simple, easy to navigate GUI with high efficiency

• to provide a user-friendly system that requires less technical knowledge to operate

3.0 Knowledge Acquisition

Definition of Expert System
Based on the research constructed by the team, it has come to the knowledge that expert systems
(ES) are one of the most prominent research domains of Artificial Intelligence. It is first
introduced by the researchers at Stanford University, Computer Science Department. Moreover,
Expert Systems can be classified as computer applications designed to diagnosed of solve
complex problems that require extra-ordinary human intelligence and expertise in a particular

3.1 Characteristics of Expert Systems

High Performance
its productivity does not depend on a certain health, mood or interest of its knowledge carrier.
Since it is able to solve complex problems that may require certain level of intelligence or
expertise, it is considered to dramatically increases the productivity of its users thus it is granted
this particular characteristic.

It is able to understand, diagnosed and solve the problem with the common language, logic and
knowledge of human. Human beings have the possibility of different logic and sentence
interpretation, languages barriers and knowledge and maturity level that might affect the results
of a complex problem’s solution. However, an Expert System would have the ability to combat
such flaws. Therefore, it is classified as an understandable computer application. Furthermore,
with consistencies, there comes reliabilities. Human beings cannot provide a consistent output of
information as it can be always affected by their decisions, biasness or their intentions. However,
an Expert System’s output would not be affected by the statements stated above and it does not
possess the humanly characteristic of judgement and thinking. Therefore, the provided results
will always be consistent, therefore created a reliable machine.

Highly Responsive
As mentioned above, an Expert System is unlikely to have the effect of its mood, health and state
of mind on its productivity level compared to a human being. It gives its responses as it finished
gathering and analyzed. Therefore, it can be given the characteristic of such.

Capabilities of Expert Systems

An expert system is able to interpret input, diagnose a problem and provide simple advices to
instruct and assist human in decision making upon the problem. It is able to derive a solution,
explain, demonstrate the predicted results and justify the conclusion. If the user does not accept
its solution, it can also suggest alternative options to a problem.

In-capabilities of Expert Systems

However, an expert system is not able to substitute human decisions as it does not possess
human capabilities of refining their own knowledge and produce accurate output for inadequate
knowledge base.

Components of Expert Systems

There are three components of expert systems which are

1) User interface which contain all the facts and rules regarding the domain

2) Inference engine which carries out the reasoning based on the facts and rules in the knowledge
base and later on provides conclusion and explanation

3) Knowledge base which is what the user uses to communicate with the system
3.2 Categories of Expert System for
Proposed System
The proposed system can be categorized as a scheduling and planning system as it develops a
sequence or plan of action to achieve a certain goal. This is because UChemistry recommends
hardest topics of chemistry to make these more understandable and easier to users. For example,
if the user asks the system that which topic she or he is looking for at the beginning of the
system, then this system will immediately bring the link and command to tap the link. Besides
that, Uchemistry will guide the user if he/she has any doubt or how was his/her experiences.
Which is known as feedback.

4.0 Literature Review on Chatterbot

Expert System is computer programs that originated from software engineering which is known
as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The goal of expert system is to aid in giving guidance based on
planning and diagnosis system. We know, the application of chatterbot can be used in various
fields such as education, healthcare, and route assistance. It provides to be a helpful contribution
to any organization where one can seek assistance without need of human. The concept of a
chatterbot is a sub field of Artificial Intelligence which is a branch of computer science whose
main focus is to develop and study intelligent programs and machine which can be helpful to
people in their daily work and make their life easy. Chatterbot is used to receive questions from
user and give responses based on pattern recognition. The topic that we have chosen is
chemistry, because people need to know that how chemistry really works in everyday of our life.
Due to the development and advancement of technology, at least nowadays science became more
obvious than past era. So, new generation people especially students always like to use
technologies than the manual. Earlier time students really had to work hard to understand any
topic, especially in the case of science subjects. When it comes to chemistry, it was truly very
difficult to understand. Because to know a topic they had to look for many books, notes from
different areas, and etc. Even though people were more knowledgeable on those eras, but they
had lacking in their way of teaching.

Even many students from secondary schools to universities in many countries struggle to be told
chemistry and lots of don't succeed. Research has shown that many college students do not
correctly understand necessary chemistry concepts. Additionally, many of the scientifically
incorrect thoughts held by way of the students go unchanged from the early years of education to
college and from time to time beyond. By now not thoroughly and correctly grasp imperative
concepts, many college students have bother perception the extra superior ideas that construct
upon these vital ideas. Many excessive school and university college students experience
difficulties with fundamental ideas in chemistry. Despite the importance of the foundation of
chemistry, most students emerge from introductory courses with a very confined understanding
of the subject. Chemistry had been regarded as a challenging difficulty for college students with
the aid of many researchers, teachers, and science educators due to the fact of the abstract nature
of many chemical concepts, instructing patterns applied in class, lack of instructing aids, and the
subject of the language of chemistry. All these cause students, from the principal stage to the
university, to develop poor understanding and misunderstandings. Misunderstanding of concepts
in chemistry has attracted attention over the ultimate three a long time. However, A wide variety
of research have been carried out on specific subjects in chemistry, and in other areas such as
biology, physics, or in general, in science. An examination of research on students’ getting to
know of primary physical and chemical concepts clearly demonstrates that most of the
fundamental standards were poorly learned. More research needs to be done to identify what
type of difficulties college students face in the gaining knowledge of bodily and chemical
concepts. Learning difficulties are important for both instructing and learning. Both science
educators and cognitive researchers agree that efforts to apprehend and enhance science
education must be centered on fundamentally important understanding domains. Hence, it has
been concluded that it is rewarding to habits a lookup find out about chemistry undergraduates’
getting to know difficulties.

Furthermore, the chatterbot mentioned in the journal is implemented by using “Dialog Flow”.
We used this platform for the purpose of natural language understanding, it is implemented to act
as an assistance and synthesis for conversion of text. The system as well, thus making it more
user friendly. So, finally the thing is this that UChemistry chatbot will make the fundamental
topics more convenient to the users and especially for students. This system is able to solve

problems whereby, students usually finds difficulties in chemistry.

The chatterbot mentioned in the journal is implemented by using questions and answers systems,
it will respond to users by matching questions and question-answer pairs in knowledge bases,
retrieving relevant documents and Web pages from local document collections and global
Internet or extracting answers from relevant documents or Web pages. The result of reviewing
this particular journal is that the team gathers an adequate amount of information regarding the
background of chatterbot, thus helping the team to get a hold of what-can-be-done and what-
can’t-be-done for the system UChemistry in a more visual able manner.
5.0 Knowledge representation
Figure 5.1: Semantic Net of UChemistry Chatbot System

6.0 Implementation
Test Plan or Screenshots of Interface
Start Up:

Test Plan 1: Start Up

On start-up page, system will greet the user by introducing herself. After a brief introduction
about it, users will be asked for their name and AIRA will remember that from start to the end.
Test Plan 2: information of the user
Here, system will ask the user few information for the system’s record. Also, later it can send
the email to the user or send the text if the system needs to update anything to the user
Test Plan 3: Ask for help

There is an example that a user needed help for chemical reaction, which was C2H6+O2. Then,
the system immediately made it correct, because user asked the system for breaking down the
reaction. Though, the question was not asked properly, but still the system is able to get it

Test Plan 4

Here the user asking for tutorial link about specific field, and bot gave him the link for the
lecture and all information he needed
Test Plan 5

Here the user asks for more information his field, the bot recommended two books to read it and
get all information
Test plan 6

Here the user asks a simple question and in second the bot response with the answer
Test plan 7

Here the user asks about a simple chemistry questions and the bot quickly response and that will
help student to reduce time wasted
Test Plan 8

Here U-CHEMSTRY chatbot ask the user about his feedback


Rule Name: _startup

Input Text: _Hey

Output Text: Information is updated as of [_time] on [_date].

Hello, I am an online U-CHEMISTRY chatbot. I am here to assist you throughout the whole
journey. What's yours?

Rule Name: name

Input Text: my name is [name]

Output Text: Hi [name], nice to meet you! U-CHEMISTRY lab is the best expert system, how
can I help you?

Rule Name: else

Input Text: I need help for chemical reaction

Output Text: Just drop the equation

Input Text: C2H6 + O2

Output Text: Okay, noted., let me check and get back to you soon.

Output Text: Result-- CO2 + H2O

Input Text: thanks.

Output Text: You welcome, fell free to ask!

Rule Name:

Input Text: can you give link for the tutorial?

Output Text: Okay, noted., let me check and get back to you soon.

Rule Name:

Output Text: here is the link, click on it

Rule Name:

Input Text: thanks

Output Text: You welcome, fell free to ask!

Input Text: Can you help to find tutorial for Electrochemistry?

Output: Okay, noted., let me check and get back to you soon.

Output Text: here, please Tap the link

8.0 User acceptance testing

After the completion of the system, the team has prepared a questionnaire that contains four
questions to collect user’s feedback and responses towards UChemistry. The system was given to
20 people to use and asked them to answer the questionnaire based on their experience of the
9.0 Conclusion:
Although the team was under the circumstances of given constraints like the unavailability to
expand and produce additional features into U-CHEMISTRY likewise as limited time, the team
had tried their best to form uses of all obtainable resources to push U-CHEMISTRY into it
extends. In the coming future, the team will proceed to boost U-CHEMISTRY lab in terms of
allowing U-CHEMISTRY to interact with the users using speech recognition, inserting adequate
and relevant visual basic code to further, expand the functionalities of U-CHEMISTRY and
allowing U-CHEMISTRY to create decisions supported personality tests.

10.0 References
1. ResearchGate. (n.d.). (PDF) Chemistry in Our Daily Life: Preliminary Information.
International Journal of Home Science. [online] Available at:
%20part [Accessed 2 Sep. 2020].

2. (2019). Expert System in Artificial Intelligence: What is, Applications, Example.
[online] Available at:

3. BrainKart. (n.d.). Characteristics of an Expert System. [online] Available at:

4. SearchEnterpriseAI. (2019). What is expert system? - Definition from [online]

Available at:

5. ScienceDaily. (2019). Chemistry News. [online] Available at [Accessed 25 Sep. 2019].

12. The link of the chatbot

13. workload Matrix

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