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Dear? thunder and lightning The five brothers?

We are the new generation of Malaysia Whats that?

Proudly without any prejudice The five powers of boboyboy?

With ________ No no no

Are here to present to you. Its hang tuah hang jebat hang lekir hang lekiu
hang kasturi
Malaysia, my pride
Emmm hah, they must be from kedah
No, they are from melaka
Hello, whats wrong?
Not only that
Wake up wake up we have to get ready
During the brothers era of tanah melayu
Ready for what
Our country was the main import for the spice
Ready for the future
Because Victory is our goal
Until one time, there was an attack from the
We are the pupils of sk kg maju jaya Siamese to seize melaka

We are back with new ideas and new spin?? But the attack was ________ by the people of
presenting a choral speaking~~~~ melaka

Entitled, Malaysia my pride Wow amazing not only the Siamese, other
giant nations were also interested in
I’m ___________ colonizing ourcountry
Fight the word to fight??? Including
We are the children of Malaysia The Portuguese haa
The nation’s hope Dutch eee
Assalamualaikum wbt Japanese uuuu
Excuse me, where is Malaysia? And British
This is Malaysia Wow these nations must have let/spread their
Wow Malaysia is great cultures

Actually, Malaysia has always been great Jinggi nona jinggi nona

Starting with the Melaka sultanate And tradtiions here

Did you know about Parameswara Pap pap gebum gebum

Parames who? The cultures that we have are so diversed

Parameswara Not only cultures

The third generation of sangrila utama????? There are __________ as well

Oh, don’t forget the lesson? Of the five If you know the feel of Malaysia
You are truly Malaysian We are maybe small in size

So its our duty to preserve this independence But in our hearts, we are gargantuan

Thus, making our country stand out Nevertheless

And ________ as other giant/joining nations As much as we want others to see us as a

great nation
Nowadays the world recognize us
No? we don’t forget our responsibility
Not as a target
And _______ to uphold the Malaysia name
But as a good competitor
And our soldiers who ___________
What? Really?

Are you sure?

You betcha

We already have our own automotive


Eeee tun tun jugejujujus

Vroom vrrom

Besides that our film industry is as good as


For real? Erm erm

Back in the days

We only have black and white _________

But now we have our own CGI generated and

animation movies

Wait, theres more

We are ____ and fast too

We have Khairul hafiz jantan the fastest man

in Southeast asia

And pandalela rinon the queen of diving


Wow outstanding

Malaysia boleh

The world recognized treasure??

We are strong

We are been seen not as small frail country

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