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동아 권혁승 1-3과 Final 시험대비[by 수연샘]

1. Posture Power

Sit up straight! ________________________![구부정하게 앉는 것을 그만둬라!] You must [hear/have heard]

comments like [this/these] a million times from you teachers and parents. You have probable __________
___________ similar advice in the media _____________ - On Tv, in magazines, or on the Internet.[아마도
TV, 잡지, 또는 인터넷과 같은 매체에서도 마찬가지로 비슷한 충고를 접했을 것이다.] People are
[taken/taking] this advice [serious/seriously], [spend/spending] money on things like yoga classes and
special chairs. Even schools are [investing/invested] money in standing desks - all [encourage/to
encourage] good posture. ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________[도대체 왜 사람들은 좋은 자세를 그렇게
많이 강조할까?(on earth, put, so, emphasis, posture)]

The _________________ of good posture[좋은 자세의 중요성]

____________________________________________________ someone when he or she [is/are] feeling

[sad/sadly] and [depressed/depressing]. [어떤 사람이 슬프고 우울하다고 느낄 때 그 사람을 자세히 주목
해 보라]. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________[이 사람은 목과 어깨를 앞으로 구부리고 머리를 숙인 채 구부정하게 있을
가능성이 높다(chance, with, curve, slouch, shoulder, look down)]. What does this tell [us/to us]? Well,
it shows [what/that/which] your emotional state can reflect [it/itself] In your posture. __________________
_____________________________________[반대의 경우는 어떠한가?] Does your posture [attract/affect] your
emotional state? Before we try to answer [that/those] question, let's [take/taking] a quick look at Ms.
Roberts' drama class.

Ms. Roberts asked her students [standing/to stand] ___________________[짝지어] [staring/stared] into
each other's eyes. She also asked them [closing/to close] their jaws tightly together and [made/make]
tight fists with their hands. After a [few/little] minutes, she asked them _______________________________
[기분이 어땠는지]. Nearly all of them [was/were] angry. Ms. Roberts then asked the students
[relaxing/to relax] the muscles in their jaws and hands, ______________________[어깨를 펴고], and smile.
[그녀의 반 학생들이 훨씬 더 행복을 느끼기 시작하는 데는 오래 걸리지 않았다(take, start, feel, happy)].

"People think [what/that] acting is pretending [being/to be] something," said Ms. Roberts, "but all
good actors know a secret. If you [change/changed] your posture and the expression on your face,
you begin to change [the way/the way how/how] you feel. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________[행복하거나 슬픈 척을 하려고 노력할 필요가 없어요.(try,
pretend, happy, sad)]. ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________[그러한 감정을 경험하고 있는 사람의 자세를 흉내 냄으로써], you actually start to feel
them. They become [real/false].

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동아 권혁승 1-3과 Final 시험대비[by 수연샘]

Ms. Roberts is teaching her students [more/less] than just drama. She is teaching them _____________
__________________________________________________________________________________________[자세를 바꿈
으로써 감정을 다루고 통제하는 법을 가르치고 있다]. There is a [strong/weak] relationship between your
mind and your body. Your emotions influence [the way/the way how/how] your body [reacts/causes],
and your posture also affects your mind. That's [because/why] people say "happiness leads to smiling,
but smiling also leads to happiness." Next time you're feeling a bit [depressing/depressed], sit up
straight, [smile/smiling], and see [what/that] [happen/happens].

The benefits of good posture

1. Good posture helps you [reduce/to reduce/reducing] back and neck pain. Slouching, ______________
_________________[연결사(4단어)], can ____________[부담을 주다] your muscles and [put/to put] stress
on your spine. It has [reported/been reported] that people who _______________________[~로부터 고통을
겪다] back pain [experience/experiencing] [positive/negative] changes when they improve their posture.

2. [Maintain/Maintaining] good posture also [do/does] [wonders/wanders] for your ________________[외

모]. Have you ever [get/gotten] an [supportive/hostile] impression of someone, even before he or she
[has/have] said or [done/been done] anything? He or she probably just had bad posture. It is the
______________[정반대] for people with good posture. _________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________[그들은 키
가 더 커 보일 뿐만 아니라, 더 매력적이고 훨씬 더 똑똑해 보인다(not only A but also 구문 활용)].

3. Good posture is also good [at/for] your _____________________[자신감]. Amy Cuddy, a social
psychologist, [recommend/recommends] [what/that] she calls the "Wonder Woman" pose. In this pose,
__________________________[양발을 벌리고, 양손을 엉덩이에 올리고, 턱을 들어 올린 채로 선다(stand,
apart, hip, chin, life)]. She has [found/been found] [what/that] this pose helps [increase/to
increase/increasing] feelings of power and [decrease/to decrease/decreasing] feelings of ___________
[불안]. She suggests [doing/to do] this pose for two minutes before a presentation or interview to help
[increase/increasing] your __________________[자신감] and your ability [handle/to handle] stress. Good
posture doesn't just display your _________________[자신감] - it can actually produce [it/itself]!

4. ______________________________________________[마지막이지만 역시 중요한 것은], good posture can

help [improve/to improve/improving] your ________________[집중력] and memory. _______________________
__________________________________________________________________________[자세를 똑바르게 유지하는 것
은 당신의 기도를 여는 데 도움이 된다.(keep, posture, upright, open, airways)], [allow/allowing] more
oxygen [flow/to flow] through your lungs. Your blood is then able to [carry/carrying] enough oxygen to
your whole body. This helps your ______________________[ ], organs, and other ____________[조직들]
________________[기능하다] more [effective/effectively]. So _____________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________[좋은 자세는
자연스럽게 적절히 숨 쉴 수 있게 해주고, 이는 정신 기능도 향상시킬 수 있다(enable, breathe, improve)].

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___________ your posture[당신의 자세에 유의하라]

Now [stop/stopping] and [check/checking] your posture! How are you sitting? _______________________
________________________________________________________________[구부정하게 있는가 아니면 똑바로 앉아
있는가?] ____________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________[우리는 좋은 자세의 몇 가지 이점들을 살펴보았다(posture, see, benefit,
several)]. _____________________________________________________[이 이점들을 이용하기 위해], you
should make good posture a part of your everyday life. _______________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________[이렇게 하기 위한 한 가지 방법은 머리 꼭
대기에서 나오는 줄이 천장 쪽으로 당신을 부드럽게 당기고 있다고 상상하는 것이다(way, imagine, string,
come, top, pull, ceiling)]. Try practicing this for a [few/little] minutes each [day/days].

Good posture doesn't happen overnight; it is a _____________[점진적인] process. But the good news
[is/are] that ______________________________________________________________________[시작하기에 결코 늦
지 않았다]. with [temporary/consistent] effort, you can improve your posture. You might just improve
your overall [quality/quantity] of life, too!

2. Hygge in Denmark

I'm [current/currently] on a flight to Denmark. ____________________________________________________[나

는 거기에 가 본적이 없다(never, be, there)], and when my friend Camila invited me [visit/to visit] her, I
didn't ________________[망설이다]. I first met Camila when she [came/has come] to my school as an
___________________________[교환학생] three years ago and she [stayed/has stayed] with my family for
two weeks. Ever since, __________________________________________________________________________[그
녀와 나는 편지들을 주고받아 오고 있다(be, exchange, letter)]. I can't say I know a lot about Denmark,
but I heard that _____________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________[덴마크가 세계에서 가장 행
복한 나라로 여러 번 이름을 올렸다는 것을 들었고, 그 이유가 궁금했다(name, has, happy, world,
wonder)]. I hope this trip will answer my question!

Copenhagen, the Green City

________[내가 코펜하겐에 대해 처음으로 주목한 것은 모든 부류의 사람들이 자전거를 타고 있다는 것이었다
(notice, first, kind, ride, bike)]. People in _________________________[정장] were biking to work, moms
were carrying their children on ________________________________[자전거용 유모차], and students were
biking to school. When I mentioned [this/about this] to Camila, she said [what/that] Copenhagen is
world-famous for [its/their] biking culture. The city even has [its/their] own __________________________
[자전거 대사관]. I was [surprising/surprised] [to learn/learning] that about 60% of Copenhageners

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[ride/rides] their bikes to work or school every morning. ______________________[연결사(2단어)],

Copenhagen offers almost 400 kilometers of [designating/designated] bike lanes. _____________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________[그 도
시가 세계에서 가장 친환경적인 도시들 중 하나인 것은 놀랄 만한 일이 아니다(it, no, wonder, the city,
green, the world)].
Camila and I decided [biking/to bike] around the city like [another/other] Copenhageners. We
_______________________[지나갔다(2단어)] the harbor [which/where/at which] some kids were
______________________________[수영을 하다] and people were enjoying the sun. When we got to the
beach, I saw some things in the ocean [what/that] [looked/looked like] ________________[풍차]. Camila
explained [what/that] they were actually ________________________[풍력 발전기(2단어)], and [what/that]
we could go visit [it/them] if we [wanted/wanted to]. I _________________[정말로] loved the idea! We
took a __________________[가이드가 인솔하는] boat tour out to the turbines. We learned [what/that] they
are part of Middelgrunden Offshore WInd Farm, [which/that] [was/were] [installing/installed] in the year
2000. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________[그것은 코펜하겐의 약 3%의 전력을 공급하기에 충분한 에너지를 생산한다(it, produce,
power)]. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________[오늘날 그 풍력 발전 단지는 덴마크의 녹색 변화의 상징이 되었다(symbol, become,
green, farm, transform)].

My Childhood Hero, Andersen

When I was young, I was a _________________[열혈팬(2단어)] of Hans Christian Andersen, a fairy tale
writer famous for The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling and many other stories. So when I decided
[visiting/to visit] Denmark, [going/to go] to Andersen's hometown of Odense was one of my top
[priority/priorities]. In Odense, _______________________________________________________________________
___________[안데르센과 관련된 다양한 장소들 사이의 땅에 방문객들을 안내하기 위한 수 마일의 간색 발자
국들이 있다(mile, footprint, ground, visitor, site, relate, Andersen)]. We followed the footprints to the
Hans Christian Andersen Museum, [which/that] is the place [that/where] the author was born. The
large selection of Andersen's work [presenting/presented] in the museum's art room ___________________
__________________[내 눈을 사로잡았다(3단어)]. Until then, he [had/have] been just a famous fairy tale
writer to me, but at the museum I realized [what/that] he was also a great visual artist. To Andersen,
paper was not a _______________[매개체] for the [writing/written] word. _______________[오히려], it was
a tool for [expressing/expressed] [him/himself] creatively. Throughout his life, Andersen wrote on, drew
on, and [cut/cutting] shapes from paper.

Hygge Time

__________________________________[나는 운 좋게도 덴마크에 있는 시간 동안 Camila의 집에서 그녀의 가족
들과 함께 머무를 수 있었다(stay, lucky, family, home, enough, time, Denmark)]. One Saturday morning,

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[during/while] we were having breakfast, Camila and I talked about the places we [had/have] visited
so far. "[Sound/Sounds] like you both have had a busy schedule. Why don't you [take/taking] a day
off and [spend/spending] some hygge time?" Camila's mom suggested. ______________________________
히, 나는 그녀가 말하고 있는 것을 이해하지 못하는 유일한 사람이었다(only, understand, talk)]. __________
____________________________________________________________________________________[나는 그녀에게
‘hygge time'이 무엇을 의미하는지 물었다(ask, mean)]. She laughed and said [what/that] it is something
I need [figuring/to figure] out __________________________[내가 스스로(3단어)] and [what/that] it cannot
be [translating/translated] into a single word.
__________________________________________________________________________________________[나는 그것
이 매우 특별한 것을 하는 것을 의미한다고 생각했다(mean, special, think, do, something)]. However, it
was not [many/much] different from a [normal/exceptional] day-to-day routine. Camila's family and I
sat around the table [talking/talked] to each other, [to enjoy/enjoying] warm tea and sweet snacks.
Our conversations was pleasant and the subjects were not _____________________[논쟁적인]. There
[was/were] a [few/little] scented candles, [it/which] made the atmosphere even [calmer/more calmly].
[특이하게 보이는 것은 없었지만, 여전히 뭔가 특별했다(nothing, seem, usual, special)]. I didn't know
[what/that] to call it, but I felt very [relaxing/relaxed], happy and [fulfilling/fulfilled]. Later that day
when I talked about this, Camila told me [what/that] I was feeling hygge.
Hygge is one of the most important [aspect/aspects] of Danish culture. It is a _________________[철
학]. It is also a way of life [that/how] has helped Danes [understand/to understand/understanding] the
importance of taking time [unwinding/to unwind], and [slow/slowing] down the [pace/way] of life.
____________________[본질적으로(2단어)], hygge means [creating/to create] a warm atmosphere and
[enjoy/enjoying] the good things in life with good people. ____________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________[탁자에 둘러앉아서 삶의 크고 작은 것
들에 대해 이야기하는 것보다 더 좋은 hygge는 없다(비교급 활용할 것)]

___________________[Camila가 hygge에 대해 설명하는 것을 듣는 것은 내게 내가 코펜하겐에서 봤던 사람들
을 떠올리게 했다.(hear, explain, remind, the people, have, see)]. People were riding their bikes,
[lying/laying] in the sunshine, and taking a dip in the harbor. I realized [what/that] all [that/those]
people were having hygge time, and ______________________________________[혼자 생각했다] - maybe
것이 덴마크 사람들을 세상에서 가장 행복한 사람들로 만드는 것이다(make, happy)].

3. Everyday Metaphor

How can you go? [Return/Return to] my relief,

Leave me not [drown/drowning] in a sea of grief.

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Alas! He [is/has] fled forever from my sight,

And my hopes _______________[사라졌다] into horror's night.
Ned Ward

_________________[비유] is commonly [using/used] throughout [all/every] types of ______________[문

학], but it is used most [common/commonly] in poetry. In the first two lines of the poem above, the
speaker is [asking/asked] her lover not [leaving/to leave] her "[drown/drowning] in a sea of grief."
This expression is an example of metaphor: a way of [describing/described] a person or object by
______________________[언급하다] something else [what/that] has [similar/different] characteristics. How
and where does one __________________________[발견하다(2단어)] a sea [that/where] is [filling/filled]
not with water, [and/but] with grief? ___________________[게다가], she is not ______________[문자 그대
로] drowning. _______________________________________________________________________________________
[이 행들은 화자가 비유적으로 슬픔에 정신을 뺏기는 중이라는 것을 전달하도록 의도된다(line, mean,
convey, speaker, figuratively, consume, grief)], which [make/makes] her [feel/to feel] _________________
______________________________________________________[마치 그녀가 물에 빠져 죽는 것처럼]. She feels
___________________[절망적인] and _________________[무기력한]. The metaphor gives the reader a
[better/worse] idea of the ______________[깊이] of the speaker's grief in this situation.

Mataphor in everyday language

You may think [what/that] metaphor is only used in [poetry/poetries] and [other/another] types of
literature, but this is ___________________________________[그렇지 않다]. In reality, many everyday English
expressions _________________________________[사용한다(3단어)] metaphor ___________________[또한(2단
어)]. Many words and phrases are used both literally and metaphorically. Even very ______________[일상
적인] words are sometimes used in ways [what/that] [don't/doesn't] __________[맞다] their usual

John : Sarah, how [do/did] you do on the math test last week?
Sarah : Oh, John, it was the worst! I'll probably have to [take/taking] a retest.
John : I'm in the same boat. I'm pretty sure I [passed/failed] it.
Sarah : I studied so hard for the test, but ______________________________________________________
[내 모든 노력이 헛수고가 되었어].
John : I know exactly how you feel. Why don't we [study/studying] together for the retest?
Sarah : That's a great idea. If we put our heads together, I'm sure we can do better.

If you [know/knew] only the basic, literal meanings of the colored words and phrases from the dialog,
you will find this conversation [strange/strangely]. John and Sarah are not at sea [traveling/traveled]
together by boat; they are just in the same ___________________[불쾌한] situation. Efforts can't literally
go down the drain. __________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________[Sarah는 그녀의 노력이 헛되었고 되돌릴 수 없다고 느낀다(feel,
efforts, waste, back)]. - as if they have been [flushing/flushed] down the drain. Here, the phrase

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"went down the drain" is a metaphor. Does Sarah want [putting/to put] her head next to John's head?
Of course not. John is suggesting [what/that] he and Sarah [work/working] together for the retest.
_________________________________________________________________[Sarah는 재시험에서 더 잘하기 위해서
함께 공부하자는 생각에 동의한다(idea, order, agree, study, better)].

John and Sarah don't use the literal meanings of words like "boat," "drain," and "head," but
______________________________________[우리는 여전히 이러한 단어들이 그 비유적 쓰임과 맺고 있는 연결
고리를 이해할 수 있다(still, understand, connection)]. The expression "in the same boat"
_________________________[언급하다]. the risks [sharing/shared] by passengers in a small boat at sea.
수구로 내려간 것은 사라지고, 다시 되돌릴 수 없다(what, go down, disappear, back)]. Our brains are
inside our heads, so the head is [associating/associated] with thinking.

Metaphor and creation of new meanings

When new words [need/are needed] in order to describe things [what/that] did not __________[존재하
다] before, they are often [made/vanished] by means of metaphor. Computer technology, for example,
is [relatively/significantly] new, so we need words [describe/to describe] many new objects and actions
[relate/related] to it - most of these new words [have produced/have been produced] metaphorically.

___________________________________________________________________[컴퓨터는 내 삶에 중요한 부분
이 되었다(become, important)]. Today when I was browsing the Internet, I visited Rebecca's blog. It
instantly [grabbed/required] my attention, so I _________________[즐겨찾기 하다] it. _________________
____________________________________________________[오랜 시간 동안 그 블로그를 살펴본 후에(spend,
time, look)], I checked my mailbox. It contained an email from an ________________[모르는] sender.
When I opened the email, it downloaded a computer virus. It was a disaster!

If you _____________________[들여다보다(2단어)] a dictionary [what/that] is over 30 years old, you will

find most of the colored words in the passage. But you will not find the meanings [what/that] are used
here. [Although/Despite] a website is not a _____________[물리적인] place, we can visit [it/them] as we
would visit a friend or a place _____________________[관심 있는]. ________________[유사하게], a mailbox
can now mean the part of a computer's memory [which/where] emails are [storing/stored].
[그것을 편지들이 배달되는 물리적인 장소라고 생각하는 것은 우리가 그 기술을 이해하는 데 도움이 된
다.(think of, letter, deliver, help, understand, the technology)]. When we want [returning/to return] to a
web page, we put a ________________[책갈피] there, just as we would between the pages of a book.

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[마지막으로, 바이러스가 인간의 몸을 공격하는 것과 마찬가지로, 컴퓨터 바이러스는 컴퓨터에 저장된 정보를
파괴한다(last, attack, the information, destroy, store)]. Many of these new words related technology
[is/are] in fact old words [what/that] are now [been using/being used] in a new and more
[literal/metaphorical] way.

Metaphor and language learning

We use metaphor almost every time we write or speak, often [with/without] realizing it. _______________
________________________________________________________[비유가 언어에서 어떻게 사용되는지를 알게 되는
것은 언어 학습에 있어서 매우 중요하다(become, use, learn)]. __________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________[그것은 당신으로 하여금
영어가 어떻게 쓰이는지에 대한 이해를 높이는 데 도움이 될 수 있다(it, can, help, improve, understand)].
Next time you come across a metaphor, ______________________________________________________________
의 비유적인 의미가 문자 그대로의 의미와 어떻게 연결될 수 있는지 생각해 보라(think, connect, literal)]. If
you [develop/developed] the habit of thinking about language in this way, you will learn vocabulary
more effectively and [enhance/diminish] your understanding of language. ______________________________
________________________[비유가 얼마나 유용한지 알게 되었으므로, 당신은 두려움 없이 비유의 바다로 뛰어
들 수 있다(now, know, useful, dive, sea, fear)]!

☺ 고생하셨어요! 좋은 결과가 있기를 바랍니다!

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