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Supervision during resistance training positively

influences muscular adaptations in resistance-
trained individuals

Max Coleman, Ryan Burke, Cristina Benavente, Alec Piñero, Francesca

Augustin, Jaime Maldonado, James P. Fisher, Douglas Oberlin, Andrew D.
Vigotsky & Brad J. Schoenfeld

To cite this article: Max Coleman, Ryan Burke, Cristina Benavente, Alec Piñero, Francesca
Augustin, Jaime Maldonado, James P. Fisher, Douglas Oberlin, Andrew D. Vigotsky & Brad
J. Schoenfeld (03 Oct 2023): Supervision during resistance training positively influences
muscular adaptations in resistance-trained individuals, Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI:

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Published online: 03 Oct 2023.

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Supervision during resistance training positively influences muscular adaptations in

resistance-trained individuals
Max Colemana, Ryan Burkea, Cristina Benaventea,b, Alec Piñeroa, Francesca Augustina, Jaime Maldonadoa,
James P. Fisherc, Douglas Oberlina, Andrew D. Vigotskyd and Brad J. Schoenfelda
Applied Muscle Development Laboratory, Department of Exercise Science and Recreation, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY, USA; bDepartment of
Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain; cDepartment of Sport and Health, Solent University,
Southampton, UK; dDepartments of Biomedical Engineering and Statistics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA


This study compared the effects of supervised versus unsupervised resistance training (RT) on measures Received 22 February 2023
of muscle strength and hypertrophy in resistance-trained individuals. Thirty-six young men and women Accepted 12 September 2023
were randomly assigned to one of two experimental, parallel groups to complete an 8-week RT KEYWORDS
programme: One group received direct supervision for their RT sessions (SUP); the other group per­ intensity of effort,
formed the same RT programme in an unsupervised manner (UNSUP). Programme variables were kept adherence, resistance
constant between groups. We obtained pre- and post-study assessments of body composition via multi- exercise; hypertrophy;
frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA), muscle thickness of the upper and lower limbs via strength
ultrasound, 1 repetition maximum (RM) in the back squat and bench press, isometric knee extension
strength, and countermovement jump (CMJ) height. Results showed the SUP group generally achieved
larger increases in muscle thickness for the triceps brachii, all sites of the rectus femoris, and the proximal
region of the vastus lateralis. MF-BIA indicated increases in lean mass favoured SUP. Squat 1RM was
greater for SUP; bench press 1RM and isometric knee extension were similar between conditions. CMJ
increases modestly favoured UNSUP. In conclusion, our findings suggest that supervised RT promotes
greater muscular adaptations and enhances exercise adherence in young, resistance-trained individuals.

1. Introduction
Resistance training (RT) studies commonly investigate how dif­ psychological support provided by supervision may intensify
ferent prescription variables that comprise training programmes trainees’ efforts (Fisher et al., 2022). Second, exercise technique
(e.g., sets, load, frequency, etc.) influence muscular development has been proposed to influence stress on the target muscle(s),
(Kraemer & Ratamess, 2004). When performed under researchers’ which could be exploited to augment muscular development
supervision, the RT protocols used in these studies essentially (Plüss et al., 2018). Under supervision, a trainee’s exercise tech­
resemble those carried out by personal trainers with their respec­ nique can be monitored and coached on a repetition-by-
tive clients—i.e., the trainer oversees and encourages the trainee repetition basis to ensure the correct form is used. If these
during every set of every session. However, most people do not proposed mediators are important determinants of RT efficacy,
train this way in the real world. If research findings are to be used then supervised RT should elicit more favourable adaptations
as a guidepost for training recommendations (Wackerhage & than unsupervised RT.
Schoenfeld, 2021) this disconnect between research and ecolo­ Despite a seemingly sound rationale, a recent meta-analysis
gically valid settings must be considered, raising the question: reported that supervised RT conferred only small benefits on
Do supervised training studies provide realistic insight for those performance and physical function compared to training with­
who do not train under supervision? If not, would trainees be out supervision, with minimal impact on measures of body
better off with supervised training? composition (Fisher et al., 2022). It should be noted that only
There are several reasons why supervised training may elicit 2 of the 12 included studies in the meta-analysis investigated
more favourable muscular adaptations than unsupervised the topic in resistance-trained individuals (i.e., at least 1 year of
training. First, of all the commonly manipulated RT variables, consistent RT experience), limiting the ability to draw infer­
intensity of effort (as determined by proximity to muscular ences in this population. Moreover, all studies that assessed
failure) is considered critical to producing robust muscular changes in body composition employed indirect methods of
and strength development (Schoenfeld et al., 2021). General measurement (e.g., dual-energy absorptiometry, bioelectrical
recommendations indicate that resistance-trained individuals impedance analysis, air displacement plethysmography, and
achieve the best results when sets are carried out within ~ 2 skinfolds). While these modalities provide gross estimates of
repetitions of failure (Schoenfeld & Grgic, 2019). To this end, the muscle adaptations, they are specific to lean mass changes and

CONTACT Brad J. Schoenfeld Applied Muscle Development Laboratory, Department of Exercise Science and Recreation, CUNY
Lehman College, Bronx, NY, USA
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online
© 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

lack the precision to detect more subtle hypertrophic altera­ for this study were preregistered prior to recruitment (https://
tions over time compared to site-specific measures (Tavoian
et al., 2019). Thus, considerable gaps exist in the current litera­
ture regarding the effects of supervision on muscular
2.2. Resistance training procedures
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of The RT protocol targeted the major muscle groups of the upper
supervised versus unsupervised RT on measures of site-specific and lower body using the following exercises: front lat pull­
muscle hypertrophy, strength, and explosive movement in down, machine shoulder press, machine chest press, cable
resistance-trained individuals performing the same prescribed triceps pushdown, supinated dumbbell biceps curl, plate-
exercise programme over an 8-week study period. We hypothe­ loaded leg press, machine leg extension, and machine lying
sised that SUPP would result in greater muscular hypertrophy, leg curl. Participants performed (in SUP) or were instructed to
improved body composition, and enhanced neuromuscular perform (in UNSUP) 3 sets of 8–12 RM for each exercise with 2
adaptations compared with UNSUP. minutes rest between sets. In SUP, participants were verbally
encouraged to carry out all sets to volitional failure (i.e., the
point where an individual felt that he/she could no longer
2. Materials and methods complete an additional repetition); those in UNSUP were
instructed to carry out all sets to volitional failure. We included
2.1. Participants
primarily machine-based exercises so that unsupervised parti­
We recruited 45 male and female volunteers from a university cipants could safely train without the need for a spotter, thus
population. This sample size was justified by a priori precision helping to facilitate the ability of participants to train until
analysis for the minimum detectable change at the 68% level volitional failure. The cadence of repetitions was prescribed to
(MDC68%; i.e., 1SD, which is conservative in that it requires be performed in a controlled fashion, with a concentric action
a larger sample to produce
pffiffi a narrow interval) for mid-thigh of approximately 1 second and an eccentric action of approxi­
thickness (i.e., SEM � 2 ¼ 2:93mm), such that the compatibil­ mately 2 seconds. Loads were prescribed to be progressively
ity interval (CI) of the between-group effect would be adjusted to maintain the target repetition range. The training
approximately ± MDC68%. Based on data from previous was carried out on three non-consecutive days per week for 8
research (Schoenfeld et al., 2019) along with their sampling weeks. All training was performed in the same facility, using
distributions, Monte Carlo simulation was used to generate similar equipment, to minimise additional sources of variance.
90% CI widths for 5000 random samples of each sample size. Participants in UNSUP were required to sign their names on an
To ensure a conservative estimate, as literature values may not entry sheet prior to each training session to confirm their
be extrapolatable, the sum of each simulated sample size’s 90% attendance. Participants in SUP were provided verbal encour­
CI’s mean and standard deviation was used, and the smallest agement and, when applicable, feedback on performance-
sample that exceeded MDC68% was chosen; that is, 18 partici­ related matters during training.
pants per group (1:1 allocation ratio). Additional participants Prior to training, participants underwent a 10RM testing
were recruited to account for the possibility of dropouts. session to determine individual initial training loads for each
To qualify for inclusion in the study, the participants were exercise. The RM testing was consistent with recognised guide­
required to be: (a) between the ages of 18–40 years; (b) free lines as established by the National Strength and Conditioning
from existing cardiorespiratory or musculoskeletal disorders; (c) Association (Baechle & Earle, 2008). During this testing session,
self-reported as free from consumption of anabolic steroids or participants were instructed how to perform each exercise in
any other illegal agents known to increase muscle size currently the manner specified in the protocol. Thereafter, the SUP group
for the previous year; and, (d) considered as resistance-trained, was directly supervised during each training session by mem­
defined as consistently lifting weights at least 3 times per week bers of the research staff. Alternatively, the UNSUP group was
(on most weeks) for at least 1 year. Participants were asked to provided with a template of the prescribed RT programme and
refrain from creatine supplementation throughout the course performed sessions on their own after receiving initial instruc­
of the study period, as it has been shown to influence increases tions on how to carry out the training protocol. To determine
in lean mass (Farshidfar et al., 2017). adherence, participants in UNSUP signed into a log sheet prior
Participants were assigned to 1 of 2 parallel, experimental to each session in the college gym. The research staff charted
resistance training groups; a one-on-one, directly supervised the repetitions and load for each set in the SUP group; the
group (SUP: n = 22) or an unsupervised group (UNSUP: n = 23). UNSUP group charted their own routines (exercises, sets, and
Group allocation involved block randomisation stratified by sex load) and uploaded the information to a Google Docs file on
with two participants per block using R software (RRRR 2019). a weekly basis for review by the lead researcher. Participants
To minimise the potential for bias, we incorporated two were required to complete > 85% of training sessions to remain
levels of blinding into the design and analysis of this study. in the study.
First, the investigator who obtained the measurements of the
primary outcome (MT) was blinded to group allocation; second,
2.3. Dietary adherence
the statistician performed blinded analyses on all outcomes.
Approval for the study was obtained from the college’s To avoid potential dietary confounding of results, participants
Institutional Review Board. Informed consent was obtained were advised to maintain their customary nutritional regimen
from all participants prior to beginning the study. The methods and to avoid taking any supplements purported to build

muscle. Dietary adherence was assessed by self-reported food When the quality of the image was deemed to be satisfac­
records using (http://www.myfitnesspal. tory, the technician saved the image to a hard drive and
com), which were collected twice during the study: 1 week obtained MT dimensions by measuring the distance from
before the first training session (i.e., baseline) and during the the subcutaneous adipose tissue-muscle interface to either
final week of the training protocol. We tracked 5 days of food the aponeurosis or the muscle-bone interface. Measurements
intake during each period, including at least one weekend day. of four different muscle groups were taken on the right side
Participants were instructed on how to properly record all food of the body: (1) elbow flexors, (2) elbow extensors, (3) mid-
items and their respective portion sizes consumed for the thigh (a composite of the rectus femoris and vastus interme­
designated period of interest. Each item of food was individu­ dius), and (4) lateral thigh (a composite of the vastus lateralis
ally entered into the programme, and the programme provided and vastus intermedius). For the anterior and posterior upper
the participants’ total energy consumption, as well as the arm, measurements were obtained at 60% of the distance
amount of energy derived from proteins, fats, and carbohy­ between the lateral epicondyle and acromion process; mid-
drates for each time period analysed. and lateral thigh measurements were obtained at 30%, 50%,
and 70% between the lateral condyle of the femur and
greater trochanter. To ensure that swelling in the muscles
2.4. Measurements
from training did not obscure MT results, images were
The following measurements were conducted pre- and post- obtained at least 48 hours after each participant’s last RT
study in separate testing sessions. Participants reported to the session. This is consistent with research showing that acute
lab having refrained from any strenuous exercise for at least 48 increases in MT return to baseline within 48 hours following
hours prior to baseline testing and at least 48 hours prior to a RT session (Ogasawara et al., 2012) and that muscle damage
testing at the conclusion of the study. Anthropometric and is minimal after repeated exposure to the same exercise
muscle thickness assessments were performed first in the ses­ stimulus over time (Biazon et al., 2019; Damas et al., 2016).
sion, followed by measures of muscle strength. Each strength To further ensure the accuracy of measurements, 3 images
assessment was separated by at least a 10-minute rest period to were obtained for each site and then averaged to obtain
ensure complete recovery. a final value. The ICCs from our lab for MT measurements
Anthropometry: Participants were told to refrain from eating are excellent (>0.94) with a coefficient of variation (CV)
for 12 hours prior to anthropometric testing, eliminate alcohol of ≤ 3.3%.
consumption for 24 hours, and void their bladder immediately Countermovement Jump (CMJ): As previously described
before the test. Participants’ heights were measured using (Plotkin et al., 2022) the CMJ was used as a proxy measure of
a stadiometer connected to a calibrated Detecto Physician explosive lower body performance. Participants were
Scale (Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Company, Webb City, MO). instructed on the correct performance of the CMJ.
As previously described (Plotkin et al., 2022) assessment of Performance was carried out as follows: Participants began by
body mass, fat mass, total body muscle mass, and body water assuming a shoulder-width stance with the body upright and
content were carried out using an InBody 770 multi-frequency hands on hips. When ready for the movement, they descended
bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA) unit (Biospace Co. into a semi-squat position (90° knee angle) and then forcefully
Ltd., Seoul, Korea). As per the manufacturer’s instructions, the reversed direction, jumping as high as possible before landing
participants’ palms and soles were cleaned with an electrolyte with both feet on the ground.
tissue prior to each measurement. The participants then stood Assessment of jump performance was carried out using
on the MF-BIA unit, placing the soles of their feet on the a Just Jump mat (Probotics, Huntsville, AL), which was attached
electrodes. The instrument derived the participants’ body to a hand-held computer that recorded airtime and thereby
mass; age and sex were manually entered into the display by ascertained the jump height. The participant stood on the mat
the researcher. The participants then grasped the unit’s han­ and performed three maximal-effort CMJs with a 1-minute rest
dles, ensuring that each hand’s palm and fingers made direct period between each trial. The highest jump was recorded as
contact with the electrodes and extended and abducted their the final value.
arms approximately 20°. The unit analysed body composition Dynamic Muscle Strength: Upper and lower body strength
while the participants remained as motionless as possible. The was assessed in the bench press (1RMBENCH) and back squat
test-retest intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) from our lab (1RMSQUAT), respectively, performed on a Smith machine (Life
for various MF-BIA body composition measurements are excel­ Fitness, Westport, CT). All testing sessions were supervised by
lent (>0.99). two research assistants to achieve a consensus for success on
Muscle Thickness (MT): As previously described (Plotkin each attempt. Repetition maximum testing was consistent with
et al., 2022) ultrasound imaging was used to obtain measure­ recognised guidelines as established by the National Strength
ments of MT. A trained, blinded ultrasound technician per­ and Conditioning Association (Baechle & Earle, 2008). As pre­
formed all testing using a B-mode ultrasound imaging unit viously described (Schoenfeld et al., 2019) participants per­
(Model E1, SonoScape, Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, China). The tech­ formed a general warm-up prior to testing consisting of light
nician applied a water-soluble transmission gel (Aquasonic cardiovascular exercise lasting approximately 5–10 minutes.
100 Ultrasound Transmission gel, Parker Laboratories Inc., Next, a specific warm-up set of the given exercise of five
Fairfield, NJ) to each measurement site, and a 4–12 MHz linear repetitions was performed at ~ 50% 1RM followed by one to
array ultrasound probe was placed either parallel or perpen­ two sets of 2–3 repetitions at a load corresponding to ~ 60–
dicular to the tissue interface without depressing the skin. 80% 1RM. Participants then performed sets of one repetition of

increasing weight for 1RM determination. Three to 5 minutes all randomised participants are included in the analysis, even if
rest was given between each successive attempt. All 1RM they did not complete the intervention to which they were
determinations were made within five attempts. assigned. There were two issues we needed to analytically
Successful performance in the 1RMBENCH was determined as resolve: (1) one participant’s triceps brachii MT, one participant’s
follows: Participants assumed a supine position on the bench rectus femoris MT (70%), and one participant’s vastus lateralis MT
with a five-point body contact position (head, upper back, and (70%) were not viewable at baseline; (2) participants who
buttocks firmly on the bench with both feet flat on the floor) dropped out of the study did not have post-intervention values.
and grasped the bar at a comfortable distance and width. We imputed these missing values using Bayesian linear regres­
Participants received assistance removing the barbell from sion models and Multivariate Imputation using Chained
the rack (if desired), brought the weight down until it touched Equations in the mice package in R (van Buuren & Groothuis-
the chest without bouncing, and then executed a full lock-out Oudshoorn, 2011). The data were not missing completely at
without assistance. The test-retest ICC from our lab for the random (MCAR). Thus, we assumed the data were missing at
Smith machine bench press is 0.996 with a CV of 2.0%. random (MAR) for our imputation models. Pre-intervention mod­
In the 1RMSQUAT, participants were required to reach parallel els (#1 above) were constructed using the participant’s sex and
(i.e., upper thigh in line with the floor) for the attempt to be the pre-intervention muscle thickness of a statistically related
considered successful; confirmation of squat depth was obtained muscle (i.e., biceps brachii to inform triceps brachii; rectus
by a research assistant positioned laterally to the participant to femoris at 50% to inform 70%; vastus lateralis at 50% to inform
ensure the thigh was parallel to the floor. The ICC from our lab for 70%). Post-intervention models were constructed using pre-
the Smith machine squat is 0.953 with a CV of 2.8%. intervention scores, group, and sex. For the rectus femoris and
Isometric Knee Extension Strength: Isometric knee extension vastus lateralis, we also included post-intervention scores from
strength assessment was carried out using dynamometry testing adjacent measurement sites. We used the bootImpute (Bartlett,
(Biodex System 4; Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. Shirley, NY, USA). 2021) package to calculate 90% CIs using 2000 bootstrap repli­
After familiarisation with the dynamometer and protocol, parti­ cates and 10 imputations per bootstrap replicate.
cipants were seated in the chair and performed unilateral iso­ We drew inferences via an estimation approach (8). That is,
metric actions of the knee extensors on their dominant limbs. we did not wish to binarize the presence of an effect or no
During each trial, participants sat with their back flush effect; rather, we sought to draw inferences about the magni­
against the seat back pad and maintained a hip joint angle of tude and uncertainty of the effects, whether they be close to
85 degrees with the centre of the lateral femoral condyle zero or otherwise. To evaluate the robustness of our findings,
aligned with the axis of rotation of the dynamometer. The sensitivity analyses were performed on the primary outcome
dynamometer arm length was adjusted to allow the shin pad measures to detect the presence of outliers or individuals that
to be secured with straps proximal to the medial malleoli. may have inflated or attenuated the observed effects and their
Participants were strapped across the ipsilateral thigh, hips, uncertainty – participants who strongly influence the outcomes
and torso to help prevent extraneous movement during the would affect the point estimate (in either direction) and
performance and were instructed to hold onto handles for increase the standard error due to the increase in heterogene­
greater stability. Testing was carried out at 110° of knee flexion ity. To accomplish this, we performed leave-one-out analyses,
(0° equates to no knee flexion). in which each participant was removed from the analysis, and
Each maximum voluntary contraction trial lasted 5 seconds, the analysis was repeated as if that participant was not in the
followed by 30 seconds rest, for a total of four trials. Participants study. This process was repeated for all participants that com­
were verbally encouraged to produce maximal force through­ pleted the study, and the resulting effects and their standard
out each bout. The highest peak net extension moment from errors were examined qualitatively.
the four trials was used for analysis. Secondary analyses were performed on the nutrition data.
Nutrition data were analysed similarly to the muscle thickness
and strength data, using multiple regression with group dummy-
2.5. Statistical analysis
coded and pre-intervention nutrition scores as covariates of no
Our primary analyses assessed the effects of supervision rela­ interest. The results of these secondary analyses are presented
tive to no supervision using linear regression with pre- using mean adjusted effects and their standard errors.
intervention score and sex included as nuisance variables – We had intended to analyse differences in volume load
this is identical to an analysis of covariance (Vickers & Altman, between conditions, but the training logs provided by UNSUP
2001). All models were fit using ordinary least squares and were not of sufficient quality to carry out analyses on a group
residuals were qualitatively examined for structure and hetero­ level. All analyses were performed in R (version 4.2.2) (RRRR 2019).
scedasticity; normality was not checked since the CIs were
calculated nonparametrically via the bootstrap, in accordance
3. Results
with our pre-registration. We computed 90% CIs of the
adjusted effects using the bias-corrected and accelerated boot­ Of the 45 participants who initially agreed to participate in
strap with 5000 replicates. Importantly, these primary analyses the study, 9 dropped out prior to completing the required
were per protocol. number of training sessions (Figure 1). Thus, the final sam­
Since there were several dropouts (nine total across the two ple included 20 participants in SUP (men: n = 14; women: n
groups), we also performed intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses. ITT = 6) and 16 participants in UNSUP (men: n = 12; women: n =
ensures that participants are analysed as randomised, meaning 4). The overall sample could be classified as recreationally

resistance-trained (i.e., non-competitive lifters). Participants 3.1. Hypertrophy

in SUP completed 96% of sessions and participants in
Across MT and skeletal muscle mass outcomes, SUP generally
UNSUP completed 92% of sessions. Table 1 shows descrip­
outperformed UNSUP on average. Although most of the upper
tive data for each group both in the per-protocol analysis limits of the CIs encapsulated appreciable values favouring SUP,
and the intention-to-treat analysis. Leave-one-out analyses the CI’s lower limits are more outcome dependent. In some
did not substantially alter any of the estimated effects. cases, such as for triceps brachii and rectus femoris MT, even

Table 1. Participant demographics.

Supervised Unsupervised

Male Female Overall Male Female Overall

Per-protocol analysis
n 14 6 20 12 4 16
Height (m) 1.74 ± 0.07 1.63 ± 0.06 1.71 ± 0.08 1.75 ± 0.09 1.59 ± 0.06 1.71 ± 0.11
Body mass (kg) 83 ± 13 70 ± 17 79 ± 15 83 ± 13 61 ± 9 77 ± 15
Age (years) 22 ± 5 22 ± 6 22 ± 5 20 ± 2 24 ± 4 21 ± 3
Intention-to-treat analysis
n 16 6 22 17 6 23
Height (m) 1.73 ± 0.07 1.62 ± 0.06 1.71 ± 0.08 1.75 ± 0.08 1.60 ± 0.06 1.71 ± 0.10
Body mass (kg) 81 ± 14 70 ± 17 78 ± 15 86 ± 20 61 ± 7 80 ± 21
Age (years) 21 ± 5 22 ± 6 22 ± 5 21 ± 3 24 ± 4 22 ± 3

Figure 1. CONSORT diagram of the data collection process.


Figure 2. Baseline- and sex-adjusted muscle thickness change scores.

the lower limit is compatible with a strong effect favouring SUP; 3.2. Body composition
however, in other muscles, such as the biceps brachii and SUP increased skeletal muscle mass more than UNSUP, with an
vastus lateralis (50 and 70%), the lower limit weakly favours interval compatible with a modest effect favouring SUP (~1 kg)
UNSUP, yielding somewhat uncertain inferences. All outcomes ranging to just above equivalence (0.05 kg). In contrast, the
are depicted in Figure 2 and presented in Table 2. effects on body fat were equivocal (Figure 2, Table 2).

Figure 3. Baseline- and sex-adjusted strength and performance measures change scores.
Table 2. Baseline, post-intervention, change scores, and adjusted effects.
Supervised Unsupervised
Per-protocol Intention-to-treat
Pre Post Δ Pre Post Δ Adjusted between-group effect (CI90%) Adjusted between-group effect (CI90%)
Biceps brachii MT (mm) 35.7 ± 7.6 38.1 ± 8 2.4 ± 1.7 35.1 ± 6.5 37.1 ± 5.7 1.9 ± 1.7 0.54 (−0.4, 1.54) 0.51 (−0.46, 1.47)
Triceps brachii MT (mm) 35.2 ± 10.6 39 ± 9.3 3.8 ± 2.6 33.7 ± 5.8 35.4 ± 6 1.7 ± 3.1 2.54 (1.04, 3.82) 2.53 (1.16, 3.91)
Rectus femoris MT (30%, mm) 50.5 ± 7.7 56 ± 7.6 5.5 ± 3.3 48.7 ± 6.2 51.6 ± 5.7 2.8 ± 3 2.99 (1.25, 4.59) 2.58 (0.83, 4.34)
Rectus femoris MT (50%, mm) 41.3 ± 7.8 47 ± 7.9 5.7 ± 4.1 38.1 ± 5.2 41.1 ± 4.8 3 ± 3.1 3.48 (1.79, 5.44) 3.36 (1.46, 5.25)
Rectus femoris MT (70%, mm) 29.8 ± 6.7 34.7 ± 6.8 4.9 ± 2.9 26.6 ± 3.8 28.6 ± 5.5 2±4 3.22 (1.30, 5.05) 3.05 (1.12, 4.98)
Vastus lateralis MT (30%, mm) 37.8 ± 9.5 39.6 ± 8.5 1.7 ± 3.7 38.5 ± 6.5 38.4 ± 6.1 −0.1 ± 2.9 1.78 (0.22, 3.52) 1.42 (−0.31, 3.14)
Vastus lateralis MT (50%, mm) 39 ± 9.1 40.6 ± 8.5 1.7 ± 2.7 37.1 ± 4.6 38.6 ± 4.3 1.5 ± 3.3 0.59 (−0.95, 2.15) 0.31 (−1.32, 1.95)
Vastus lateralis MT (70%, mm) 34.1 ± 8.5 36.1 ± 7.4 2.1 ± 2.8 30.6 ± 3.5 33.3 ± 3.1 2.7 ± 2.3 0.33 (−0.86, 1.45) 0.51 (−0.72, 1.75)
Skeletal muscle mass (kg) 33.1 ± 7.5 34 ± 7.2 0.9 ± 0.9 33.6 ± 7.7 33.9 ± 8.1 0.3 ± 0.7 0.54 (0.05, 0.98) 0.52 (0.05, 0.99)
Body fat (%) 25.8 ± 10.8 24.5 ± 10.3 −1.3 ± 1.9 23.2 ± 7.9 22.4 ± 7.9 −0.8 ± 2.4 −0.35 (−1.44, 0.87) −0.35 (−1.47, 0.77)
Countermovement jump (cm) 42.3 ± 11.5 44.2 ± 10.8 1.9 ± 3.5 40.9 ± 9.5 44.8 ± 11.6 3.9 ± 4.6 −1.95 (−4.84, 0.21) −2.00 (−4.49, 0.48)
Isometric knee extension (N⋅m) 220.3 ± 68.5 214.6 ± 53.1 −5.7 ± 52.2 222.1 ± 59.7 226.8 ± 66.2 4.7 ± 29.6 −9.54 (−32.86, 9.86) −8.60 (−29.84, 12.65)
Bench press 1RM (kg) 65.3 ± 30.8 70.1 ± 29.9 4.8 ± 4.1 60 ± 22.5 66.1 ± 22.1 6.1 ± 3.4 −0.85 (−3.13, 1.49) −0.95 (−3.23, 1.34)
Squat 1RM (kg) 82.1 ± 30 93.2 ± 31.4 11.1 ± 8.8 88 ± 29 94.8 ± 26.3 6.8 ± 6.8 4.00 (−0.02, 9.13) 4.08 (−0.47, 8.63)
Descriptive statistics are mean ± SD and are based on pairwise complete (non-imputed) data. Per-protocol adjusted effects contain pairwise complete data (observed), while intention-to-treat adjusted effects rely on multiple
imputation by chained equations. Adjusted effects are supervised relative to unsupervised.

3.3. Strength provide only gross estimates of changes in this outcome

and thus results should be interpreted somewhat cau­
On average, SUP outperformed UNSUP in the 1RMSQUAT, with
tiously (Haun et al., 2019). That said, the MF-BIA results
an interval compatible with an appreciable effect in favour of
obtained in our study generally coincide with the greater
SUP (~9 kg) ranging to equivalence (~0 kg). In contrast,
site-specific changes derived from ultrasound, lending cre­
1RMBENCH and isometric knee extension strength were equivo­
dence to their validity.
cal and uncertain, respectively (Figure 3, Table 2).
To our knowledge, only one previous study compared
changes in body composition in trained individuals under
3.4. Explosive performance supervised vs. unsupervised conditions, with estimates
obtained via skinfold measurements of fat-free mass
The CMJ favoured UNSUP on average, but the data were also (Mazzetti et al., 2000). Although the results of the previous
compatible with values favouring SUP, yielding uncertain infer­ study did not show statistically significant between-group
ences (Figure 3, Table 2). differences, absolute increases in fat-free mass favoured the
supervised group compared to those training without
3.5. Nutritional data supervision (1.38 vs. 0.25 kg, respectively). Thus, these find­
ings are generally consistent with those of the present
Based on self-reported food records, nutritional intake was study.
relatively similar between groups at baseline. However, during
the final week of the study, UNSUP reported reducing overall
energy intake via a reduction in carbohydrate and protein
intake whereas SUP reported minimal change in macronutrient 4.2. Strength
consumption (Supplemental Table S1). Both groups increased lower and upper body dynamic
strength across the study period. The SUP group achieved
greater increases in the 1RMSQUAT compared to UNSUP (4.0
4. Discussion
kg [−0.02, 9.2]), while relatively similar between-group
This study produced several notable findings that enhance our increases were observed in the 1RMBENCH. Previous research
understanding of the effects of supervision during RT in young, generally reports superior strength gains when resistance-
resistance-trained men and women. For one, supervision gen­ trained participants train under supervised conditions.
erally promoted greater improvements in muscular hypertro­ Coutts et al (Coutts et al., 2004) showed greater 3RM
phy- and strength-related measures, although these results bench press and squat improvements in a supervised vs.
were not universal across outcomes. In addition, attrition was unsupervised group after a 12-week RT programme in
markedly higher in the unsupervised compared to the super­ a cohort of young, resistance-trained rugby league players.
vised group, indicating that supervision had a positive influ­ Similarly, Mazzetti et al (Mazzetti et al., 2000) showed super­
ence on exercise adherence. In the succeeding paragraphs, we vision led to greater increases in 1RM bench press and
discuss the results in the context of previous literature on the squat strength compared to unsupervised training in
topic as well as their practical implications. a cohort of young, resistance-trained men. Discrepancies in
upper body strength changes between previous studies and
the present investigation might be attributed to the fact
4.1. Hypertrophy that we tested dynamic strength using a Smith machine,
To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate site- which limits degrees of freedom during movement. It is
specific measures of hypertrophy in supervised vs. unsuper­ therefore possible that any technique-related improvements
vised RT. Both groups increased muscle mass across the study in the bench press obtained during training did not materi­
period; however, measures of hypertrophy generally favoured ally transfer to testing on a Smith machine compared to
the group receiving supervision. Specifically, MT changes in the free weight testing as employed in previous studies.
triceps brachii and all regions of the mid-quadriceps were Alternatively, the squat is a more complex movement pat­
appreciably greater in SUP compared to UNSUP; increases in tern, where coordination remains high even with the
the proximal aspect of the lateral quadriceps favoured SUP as restricted bar path in the Smith machine, perhaps explain­
well. Conversely, increases in biceps brachii and mid- and distal ing why differences were observed in lower body strength
aspects of the lateral thigh were relatively similar between between conditions and not in the bench press. This
conditions. Taken as a whole, the results suggest supervision hypothesis warrants further investigation.
had a greater effect on muscle hypertrophy compared with Although isometric strength improvements favoured
unsupervised training. UNSUP by 10 N⋅m, the magnitude of this effect is relatively
Estimates of total body muscle mass via MF-BIA indi­ small with a wide CI (−10 to 33 N⋅m). In general, the overall
cated more favourable changes in SUP than in UNSUP. magnitudes of changes in isometric strength were consider­
Specifically, supervision enhanced muscle accretion by ably smaller than those assessed dynamically. This is con­
0.54 kg with a relatively tight CI90% (0.05 to 0.98 kg). It sistent with research indicating a task-specificity to dynamic
should be noted that although MF-BIA shows good agree­ resistance training, whereby strength increases to
ment with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry for measuring a substantially greater magnitude when testing dynamically
muscle development (Ling et al., 2011) these modalities than statically (Jones et al., 1989). However, changes in

isometric strength were particularly modest in this study. Third, since supervision appears to augment muscular devel­
Although speculative, this result may be explained at least opment, it may influence effect size estimates through several
in part by the fact that testing was carried out at 110° of potential mechanisms: (1) if interventional effects are strictly
knee flexion. Evidence indicates that assessment at a given additive, effect estimates conceivably should not be affected by
isometric joint angle influences the relationship with supervision; (2) if interventional effects scale at all with main (or
dynamic strength changes (Murphy et al., 1995) and it is “time”) effects, supervised training conceivably should produce
conceivable that a greater transfer of training may have greater interventional effect estimates; (3) if supervised training
occurred at lesser knee angles. creates a ceiling effect, it may diminish interventional effect
estimates, and similarly, if unsupervised training creates a floor
effect, it may diminish interventional effect estimates; (4) if
4.3. Explosive performance
supervised training can help homogenise a sample by decreas­
Changes in explosive lower body performance as determined ing sources of training variance, then supervised training con­
by the CMJ modestly favoured the UNSUP group, with the ceivably should have greater power and better precision. Our
lower limit of the CI90% suggesting a weak benefit for SUP study did not investigate points 1–3, which are second-order
and the upper limit indicating a moderate superiority for effects, but they are worth considering when designing future
UNSUP. Prior research shows similar increases in vertical jump studies. However, our data do not support point #4 (i.e., disper­
height between resistance-trained participants following sion models with a group term do not show evidence of
a regimented RT programme under supervised and unsuper­ appreciable systematic differences in the variance between
vised conditions (Coutts et al., 2004; Mazzetti et al., 2000). It groups), but this could partly be attributable to our efforts to
remains speculative as to whether ambiguities in changes in homogenise training across groups (same facility, equipment,
this outcome between previous studies and our investigation etc.). Finally, supervision’s superiority suggests that the raw,
are attributed to differences in study design, participant char­ within-group effect sizes in RT studies cannot be readily extra­
acteristics, random chance, or a combination of these factors. polated to unsupervised environments. From this standpoint,
A logical explanation for the finding remains elusive and its although supervision may increase internal validity, it may
practical significance unclear. come at the expense of ecological validity. In essence, super­
vision may be better for assessing efficacy than effectiveness in
regard to RT-induced muscular adaptations in recreationally
4.4. Adherence
resistance-trained individuals.
There were a substantially greater number of dropouts in
UNSUP (n = 7) compared to SUP (n = 2) across the 8-week train­
4.6. Limitations
ing period. The findings are consistent with those of Coutts et al
(Coutts et al., 2004) who reported that supervised participants This study had several limitations that should be acknowledged.
completed more training sessions than unsupervised partici­ First, the participants were a sample of young, recreationally
pants in a cohort of young resistance-trained rugby league resistance-trained men and women. Thus, results are not neces­
players. sarily generalisable to other populations including children and
When speaking with participants after the study, several in adolescents, older adults, novice trainees or elite athletes. It can
the supervised group mentioned that supervision held them be speculated that those new to training might have performed
accountable to a regimented training schedule; in effect, the more poorly in UNSUP due to a lack of knowledge about RT
accountability motivated them to show up for the training performance, although resultant between-group differences
session even when they might not have felt like attending. might have been mitigated as a result of the possibly greater
Participants in SUP also may have achieved greater motivation scope for adaptation in less well-trained individuals.
to train via the augmented feedback provided by the research Alternatively, highly trained individuals may have shown less
assistants during training (Weakley et al., 2019). Given that disparity between conditions due to their discipline and experi­
adherence is paramount to achieving the beneficial effects ence. These hypotheses require further exploration. Second,
associated with RT, supervision would have added value for although we did our best to instruct participants in the unsu­
a segment of the recreationally resistance-trained population pervised group on proper performance prior to the onset of
who may lack the motivation to train consistently. training, we cannot be sure to what extent they followed our
instructions. Moreover, despite assessing adherence via training
logs, we also cannot be certain that participants were truthful in
4.5. Implications for resistance training studies
their reporting. The detail of reporting in these logs varied
These findings have several important implications for the considerably, and several of the unsupervised participants did
design and interpretation of RT studies. First, supervision not submit their logs. It is therefore possible that at least some
increases internal validity by improving adherence to the train­ of the unsupervised participants may have altered variables
ing regimen. This is accomplished through between-session (e.g., volume, load, frequency, exercise selection, etc.) across
means (attendance) and within-session means (following the the study period, which may have mediated results. Third, we
programme itself; e.g., exercises, repetitions, effort, etc.). only assessed site-specific muscle growth of the upper arm and
Second, supervision decreases attrition, reducing the need to quadriceps musculature. Thus, it is not clear whether partici­
rely on imputation when performing ITT analysis. In turn, super­ pants may have experienced differential hypertrophy of other
vision may maximise the inferential benefits of randomisation. skeletal muscles. That said, assessment of changes in total body

muscle mass via MF-BIA indicated greater growth for the super­ Disclosure statement
vised group, suggesting that supervision had a favourable over­
BJS serves on the scientific advisory board for Tonal Corporation, a manufac­
all effect on hypertrophy. Finally, although we instructed turer of fitness equipment. All other authors report no conflicts of interest in
participants to follow their customary diet and attempted to regard to this manuscript.
monitor nutritional intake using food records, it remains ques­
tionable as to whether they followed instructions on a group
level, which may have resulted in confounding of primary out­ Funding
comes. Indeed, both groups displayed evidence of body recom­ This study was supported by a PSC-CUNY grant (#65333-00 53) and a FPU
position (gains in muscle mass accompanied by reductions in pre-doctoral grant (FPU18/00686).
body fat), suggesting that most of the participants were in
a modest energy deficit during the study period. Self-reported
energy intake did not appear to track with actual changes in Author contributions
body mass, calling into question the accuracy of the food logs as Conceptualisation: BJS, ADV; Formal analysis: ADV; Investigation: MC, RB,
has been previously reported (Freedman et al., 2014). Moreover, CB, AP, FA, JM; Methodology: BJS, ADV, MC, JPF; Writing, interpretation,
evidence indicates that an energy surplus is beneficial for max­ review and editing: MC, RB, CB, AP, FA, JM, JPF, DO, ADV, BJS. All authors
imising muscular adaptations (Aragon & Schoenfeld, 2020). have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Thus, results cannot necessarily be extrapolated to what might
be achieved when supervised vs unsupervised conditions are
Data availability statement
combined with a hypertrophy-oriented nutritional protocol.
The data are available at:

5. Conclusions
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