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Prodi : MTP 1A
NIT : 2140121

I have my inspiring person. He is William Murdoch. He was the inventor of train but there are
not many people who know him as a train inventor. What makes him to be my favourite is about his
spirit to study many kinds of fields and he never gave up to create a new thing. His spirit is a little
similar as mine. William Murdoch was born in Lugar near Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland, he was
the third of seven children. William’s father was John Murdoch. He was educated until the age of ten
at Old Cumnock Kirk School before entering Auchinleck school. Murdoch excelled in mathematics.
Murdoch also studied the principles of mechanics, practical experimentation and work in metal and
wood by assisting in his father's work.

An important invention by William Murdoch that is little known is the first working model of
the English steam train, or road locomotive, in 1784. But it needed a more effective design. The French
engineer Nicolas Joseph Cugnot improve it as his sophisticated invention by demonstrating the
usefulness of the device with building (from 1769) two full-sized steam vehicles, and one designed to
carry 4-5 tons. However, the train actually belongs to his. That is about William Murdoch.

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