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The name "Morgellons Disease" is based on the description of a similar fiber

producing condition, found in children by Sir Thomas Browne in 1674. Microscopic
drawings, dating from 1682 by Dr. Michel Etmuller appear to be similar to the fibers
from present-day sufferers. Morgellons disease (MD) is a rare condition that involves
fibers appearing underneath the skin or emerging from slow-healing skin sores.
People who have Morgellons disease report the following signs and
symptoms: Skin rashes or sores that can cause intense itching. Crawling sensations on
and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting. A belief that
fibers, threads or black stringy material is in and on the skin. The intense itching and
sores associated with Morgellons disease can severely interfere with a person's quality
of life.
These symptoms can be painful and long lasting. But the condition is
controversial. While some doctors and scientists believe MD to be infection-based,
others think it may be purely psychological.


The Symptoms of MD are the following:
 Spontaneously Erupting Skin lesions
 Sensation of crawling, biting on and under the skin
 Appearance of blue, black or red fibers and granules beneath and/or extruding
from the skin
 Fatigue
 Short-term memory loss
 Attention Deficit, Bipolar or Obsessive-Compulsive disorders
 Impaired thought processing (brain fog)
 Depression and feelings of isolation
Untreated infections can potentially develop into sepsis. This medical emergency can
result in organ failure and death if it isn’t treated. Still, more research is needed to
determine the connection between these conditions.


 Adults and Children are equally affected by the disease. But usually white
middle-aged women.
 Individuals in families can experience symptoms of the disease while other
members are unaffected. it is not known, at this point, if the disease is
contagious or inherited.
 Multiple members of a family can have symptoms.

MD is still a rather mysterious and poorly characterized condition. Because of this,

there are limited studies on who exactly gets MD and if there are any risk factors
associated with it.


The lack of understanding about MD has led to controversy around the condition.
Both psychological and infectious causes have been proposed. The fibers themselves
are also controversial.

Some believe that the microscopic fibers in MD are produced by the body. But certain
research indicates otherwise.
The 2012 CDC study analyzed 23 fiber or material samples collected from 12 study
participants. It found that they were mostly made of superficial skin or from cellulose,
which is a component of cotton fibers found in clothing. Dyes were detected in some
samples as well.
A 2016 case study used an electron microscope to compare fibers collected from a
person with MD to fibers collected around their apartment, like human hair, pet hair, or
plastic fibers. In this case, the fibers in the MD lesions were actually found to be from
the environment and not the body.
Meanwhile, a 2018 case study reported that the fibers themselves were inorganic and
mixed in with keratin, a protein that’s important to the structure of skin. Inorganic
means that a material doesn’t come from a living thing.

MD has been poorly understood since it was first identified and named in the 1600s.
The childhood skin conditions called “the Morgellons” involved hairs or worms
projecting from the skin, sparking debate about their origin. Both in the past and
currently, some people with MD have believed that their skin was infested by parasites.
This led to the condition being labeled “delusional parasitosis” in 1946 and the
widespread belief that MD is a delusional disorder. You may also see it referred to as a
type of delusional infestation. Indeed, many people reporting MD have a history of
mental health conditions.
A 2012 study evaluated 147 individuals who presented at the Mayo Clinic for diagnosis
and treatment of a reported infestation. Of these, 20 percent reported having fibers on
or in their skin. A retrospective analysis found that 81 percent of people included in the
study had a history of psychological conditions.
A smaller 2017 study included 35 people with MD at the Royal London Hospital.
Researchers found that:
 Co-occurring psychological conditions were common, with 48.2 percent and 25.7
percent of participants having depression or anxiety, respectively.
 Current or past substance misuse was reported in 14 percent of participants.
 Forty percent of participants showed significant improvement when a treatment
plan that focused both on treating the skin lesions as well as addressing mental
health was used.
Overall, it appears that there’s a link between MD and mental health. But additional,
larger-scale studies are needed to further characterize the nature of this link.

Another idea is that MD occurs as an effect of an infection. Most often, tick-borne
infections like Lyme disease have been associated with MD.
But a 2021 review of MD research notes that most of the studies published on an
infectious cause of MD were published by the same group of authors and that they
sometimes reuse participants across their studies. Further, one researcher in this group
has been previously accused of scientific misconduct.
Outside of studies from this research group, evidence of an infectious cause of MD is
rather scarce. Indeed, the 2012 CDC study was unable to find evidence of an infectious
cause within their study population.
One 2021 case study reported MD associated with recent exposure to a tick bite. But
blood tests for Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, came back
negative. Other case studies of people with MD have also found no evidence of B.
burgdorferi infection.
Overall, controversy around the MD is ongoing. Additional research is necessary
to determine the cause of MD well as the most optimal ways to treat it.


Suitable, effective treatment options for MD are still unknown. The controversy and lack
of understanding around the disease can also make it difficult to get treatment.
If your doctor thinks MD is caused by an infection, they may give you antibiotics and
ointments to reduce itching. Since many people with MD have anxiety or depression as
well, your treatment may also include mental health medications or counseling.
On the other hand, if your doctor believes the condition is related to a mental health
issue, they’ll likely recommend psychiatric medications or therapy.
Research has suggested that a holistic approach that treats both the skin disease and
your mental health may have positive results.
For the best outcome, it’s important to establish a strong, long-term relationship with a
doctor who listens to your concerns.


The signs and symptoms linked to Morgellons disease can be distressing. People with
Morgellons disease deserve compassionate treatment, even though health care
providers may disagree about the nature of the condition. To manage the signs and
symptoms of the condition:
 Establish a relationship with a caring health care provider. Find a
provider who acknowledges your concerns, does a thorough examination, talks
through treatment options with you and works with a multidisciplinary care team.
 Be patient. Your health care provider will likely look for known conditions that
point to evidence-based treatments before considering a diagnosis of Morgellons
 Keep an open mind. Consider various causes for your signs and symptoms and
discuss your health care provider's recommendations for treatment — which may
include long-term mental health therapy.
 Seek treatment for other conditions. Get treatment for anxiety, depression
or any other condition that affects your thinking, mood or behavior.
 Talking with others who have MD may help you better explain the
disease to your family, friends, and doctor. You may also learn new ways
to manage your symptoms and to advocate for yourself to get the care you

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