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Materials / Ingredients Measures Unit Cost Total Cost

EGGS (Duck/Chicken) 12 PCS





Total Cost:

SALTED EGG (Even numbers)


1. Boil 12 cups of water and 3 cups of salt. Cool

2. Carefully place 12 chicken or duck eggs in wide-mouthed glass jar
3. Pour the salt solution in the jar. Weigh down eggs with a plate or cup to keep them from floating or
use a sealed plastic bag filled with the salt solution.
4. Cover mouth of jar with perforated paper or cheesecloth. Keep in a cool, dry place.
5. Try one egg after 12 days by cooking below boiling point for 15 minutes. Soak again if eggs are not
salty enough. Test for saltiness by cooking one egg after a few days until desired level of saltiness is
attained. Duck eggs may need to be soaked longer.
6. Cook salt eggs below boiling point for 15 minutes

Make a narrative report of the salted egg process. Follow the instructions below in making your
narrative report.
Title and Introduction:
1. Begin by creating an engaging title for your narrative report, such as "Cracking the Code: A
Guide to Crafting Perfect Salted Eggs.”
2. Write a brief introduction that outlines the purpose of the report and what readers can expect
to learn from it.
Materials and Ingredients: List all the materials and ingredients required for making salted eggs.
Step-by-Step Procedure: Describe each step of the salted egg-making process in detail. Use
clear and concise language.
 Include photographs or diagrams to illustrate each step. Ensure that the pictures are clear
and well-lit.
 Use subheadings for each step to make the report easy to navigate.
3. Observations and Experiments: Share any observations or experiments you conducted during
the process. Explain what you learned from these activities.
 Use photographs to document the progress and changes at different stages of making salted
4. Results and Conclusion: Summarize the key results of your salted egg-making project.
 Provide a conclusion that highlights the success and challenges faced during the process.
 Mention any unexpected outcomes and what you would do differently next time.

For the uniformity of everybody,

Use any of the sans serif fonts, with font size equivalent or similar to Calibri 12; single-spaced
between lines. Put your narrative in a long folder.

Submit the narrative together with your output on November 7-11 during our face-to-face class.

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