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MIR916-Winter 2023 [part 2 of mothercare]

Egg donation and Judaism

In egg donation, the Judaism laws are similar to artificial insemination and women and men both
are encouraged to donate. However, we need to know the risk before attempting the egg
donation. During some of egg donation procedure, the women must get hyper ovulated with
certain types of drugs that might be non-suitable for her age or health. Any type of risk from
ovum donation is forbidden in Jewish law even if it will help in the increase of birth rates.

In vitro-fertilization and Judaism

According to Rabbi: ( Elliot N. Dorff 2002). “”Also intrauterine fallopian transfer (GIFT)",zygote
intrauterine fallopian transfer (ZIFT)". When couples cannot conceive a fetus through normal
sexual intercourse even by stimulating the ovaries, or by artificial insemination as explained
above. A couple might prefers to use their own gametes but by in vitro fertilization. According to
the Jewish tradition it does not disapprove the use of artificial means to enable people to have a
healthy child, because the mechanical nature of these techniques is not an issue. Again such a
technique will enable couples to become mothers and fathers and therefore increase the
healthy birth rates number in Israel.

Surrogate motherhood and Judaism

gestational surrogacy, in which both the egg and the sperm are those of the couple, and the
surrogate mother’s womb is used to carry and deliver the baby. ovum-surrogacy the surrogate
mother supplies her own gametes (genetic materials), her claim to the baby is greater than that
of a gestational surrogate. Custody battles so far in American law, although few, have therefore
given some consideration to the claim of who is the real mother in gestational surrogacy.
Judaism laws are not helpful to differentiate who is the real mother but gives approval of
surrogacy at all types because it increase the birth rates of Jewish people in their community.

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