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Chapter One: An
Unlife of Service

Wherein we learn, gentle reader, the dire price of ingratitude and

betrayal orchestrated by a base villain, thus turning gentle and loyal

e service into deeds most foul
True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious English countryside and wild place like Whittlock,
dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either and fewer still have the ferocity to meet and quell the
hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is
numerous dangers awaiting the unwary and undead
sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of
mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is who venture beyond the sprawling industrial
content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what complexes or urban unlife. He has negotiated treaties
he has not. and tribute from other cities across England, and is

sometimes the ‘red right hand of Mithras’ when
This title is designed as a chronicle starter for dispensing justice to those kindred who thought self-
Victorian Age Vampire. It includes a basic premise for imposed exile from London would be sufficient to

the story, background information to the location, assuage the Prince’s wrath. Such Cainites were not
and the featured household, the current state of play, only deluded and short-sighted, but terminally under-
and some NPC statistics for immediate use. The story estimated Mithras’ need for punitive examples.
is broadly outlined and will require additional work
However, the last few decades have been
to be ‘table-ready’, but the key elements are both
extraordinary harsh to Whittlock’s physique as the
present and easily modified to suit local
Elder succumbed to Frenzy and his form without
more accurately mirrored the beast within. Rather

Alfred Whittlock’s distinguished service to
Britain pre-dates the Camarilla’s formation, and until
than face the continued looks of revulsion at Court
cast by undead barely fit to share his company; he
sought a style of retirement. Mithras realised the
terror value that calling the Gangrel from retirement
recent decades he was one of the few remarkably would engender (should such a situation arise) and
active Elders. Whittlock is still viewed as a agreed that this golden age no longer required the
tremendous asset by Mithras, and many of the other active service of such a servant. Mithras was also
titular Elders for his resourcefulness, skill at arms, aware that the Gangrel Justicar had intimated a place
and diplomacy (although many snidely affix the for Alfred as an Archon, and was keen to part ways
statement ‘for a Gangrel’ to the later skill). Qualified gracefully – another investment in future needs.

commentary of his social skills aside, Alfred has been

known as ‘The Gentleman Gangrel’, or simply ‘The Lands in the village of Sandon, Essex were
Gentleman’ for his level-headed, usually polite, and ceded to the Gangrel who faded – with his ghouls –
sensible counsel. Rumour abounds of his tutelage by from Court ten years ago. Many kindred have
Lord Camden, and the close confidence her holds forgotten him, or at best have discounted him
with a number of the Ventrue of London. This has (despite his Elder status) as a relic. Most believe that

led to accusations of ‘ideas above his station’, and an he has succumbed to torpor and remark it ‘for the
enduring and undeserved description of ‘his master’s best’ in the vein of British politeness and penchant
favourite hound’. Despite this, Whittlock’s word is yet for understatement that obfuscates difficult
untarnished, and his record unmarred by failure – a conversations.
claim most of the peerage are unable to match with
A change in fortune
any credibility.
Everyone is a little bitter. We're born bitter. The personality itself
The Gangrel ha served for centuries as a is really just a very complex defense mechanism. A reaction to the
first time someone said, "No you can't.”
warden of the boundaries of London, a messenger Marc Maron, Attempting Normal
(and sometimes spy) to other cities, and bodyguard to
travellers of distinction. Few Cainites know the
Torpor is indeed Alfred’s current state, though close behind and fortified the house whilst
not of choice, nor from the weight of ages. His estate Meriwether (as head of staff) supervised ‘his
was broad enough that neighbours were of little lordships’ movement to the cellar.
concern, and the old forest still held forth against the
industrial age here. His ghouls were productively In a shocking apparent betrayal, Meriwether
employed, protecting the Masquerade and acting as ordered the Elder placed upon the cellar table, and

his proxies when they mingled with the other villagers then – with an ease only afforded by the near-mortal
at The Crown (the local pub). He took an interest in wounds already sustained – staked the Elder. The two
matters of governance as would be seemly for a ghouls who had assisted in carrying the emaciated
landed gentleman, although his deliberately fostered frame of the Gangrel stood in stunned silence until

reputation for solitude and misanthropy have served Meriwether explained that this was the only way to
as a bulwark against social calls and engagement. The essentially ‘freeze’ their master and stave off Final
people of the village, including the gentry, are content Death until they could call for help. As the only
to engage in a ‘live and let’ philosophy for mutual immediate source of vitae – he explained – the entire
benefit. staff were at risk of his lordships’ thirst. They knew
that if Alfred slew all of the servants in his frenzy, the
Two months ago, Alfred returned to the Gangrel would be remorseful, but this was cold
manor in a state of near-frenzy, and bordering Final consolation to corpses. Furthermore, Meriwether

Death. His will alone – it seemed – was all that
knitted sinew and bone together as the extent and
depth of his injuries would have killed an entire
would send to London immediately and request help.
Those older and wiser – as the old ghoul described
the vampiric peerage – would surely know what to do.
coterie of lesser Cainities. Drenched in blood,
missing his right arm, his face barely recognisable The remainder of the staff listened to
under the patchwork of broad wounds, bones Meriwether’s explanation, first with horror, and then
glistening where skin no longer covered his frame, with a degree of understanding. None had a
and moving despite a shattered leg and obviously knowledge of undead physiology (one could hardly
scorched by flame, the Elder shouldered open the call the village doctor), and the severity of the wounds

door of the servant’s entrance and collapsed on the necessitated immediate and drastic action. They all
kitchen floor. His ghouled staff swiftly raised the agreed that his lordship would most likely be wrathful
alarm, distributed weapons in case the attackers were upon awakening, but would eventually understand,
and maybe even praise such decisive action. It was
agreed that until help from London arrived, the subject of draining his lordship’s vitae to sustain their
atmosphere at Whittlock Manor would be to simply ghouled existence. Whilst most of the staff find the
‘carry on’, albeit with a heightened sense of security activity distasteful, they understand the necessity.
given their current vulnerability and the unknown When the would-be diablerist finally arrived, the staff
nature of the Gangrel’s assailant or assailants. were ready, armed, and prepared to defend the
manor. Following Meriwether’s directions (indicating

Poirot would be proud (the butler did it) that the staff would be abed and the Ancillae should
To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I simply enter the premises and meet the butler in the
could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal. cellar), the young Gangrel was completely unprepared
Malcolm X

for the fusillade. Undead resilience provided some
Meriwether despatched one of the more defence, but the paranoid and desperate staff
resourceful stable hands to London with a letter of overwhelmed him, and Meriwether – displaying
introduction that would gain entry to a prominent perhaps too refined a practiced skill – staked the
Gentleman’s Club, and a further letter for an intruder and added him to the cellar.
associate who could assist. The stable hand, unable to
read any word save his own name, solemnly took the The present quandary
wax-sealed envelopes, his best clothes (with which to It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

make a good impression), and a small purse to secure
food and lodgings. The trip to London was nearly
forty miles. The impressionable young man would
not return. Instead, the kindred to whom he had
William Blake

Another ten days passed and the insular

household realised any chance of salvation has
similarly passed. Trust in the outside world
been directed followed the letter’s instructions, plummeted (even lower), and the household to
drained the startled youth of vitae, dumped the body Meriwether for guidance – a role he easily accepted.
in a midden heap, and travelled to Essex County. He explained that eventually help would arrive, but
Meriwether’s duplicity was long-standing. The ghoul, for the interim they needed to survive with the vitae
whilst basically loyal, had tired of waiting for the of the staked Cainites and keep the faith under which

Embrace. When contacted by an enterprising Gangrel they were all employed. With the loyalty of the staff
Ancillae to plot Alfred’s downfall and diablerie, the assured, Meriwether enacted the next phase of his
older ghoul surreptitiously maintained plan.
communication and began to plot. Providence wears
many masks, although Meriwether was surprised to None are quite sure how he managed the act,
find violence one of them. The letter ordered the but a few nights later Meriwether emerged from the

Ancillae to wait ten days before arriving at the house, cellar with an unnatural thirst held at bay by the
and reiterated that the deal brokered was for the blood of animals. Barely coherent, he still asserted
diablerie to occur first, and then Meriwether’s dominance over the household, securing their
Embrace. compliance and fear by killing the kennel master and
satiating his thirst in front of the terrified servants.
Ten days engenders great paranoia, especially He was now – in no uncertain terms – the master of
when masterfully fuelled by the head butler. this house until help arrived. His word would be
Whittlock Manor remains on high alert, complete obeyed as if it were his lordships, and the punishment
with regular patrols of the grounds by the kennel for disobedience would be brutal. None of the staff
master backed by the remaining stable hands. Food is believe that any help is forthcoming, and that they are
yet to run low, and Meriwether has broached the now simply trapped in a manor with a monster.

Sandon honey fungus and partially collapses during high
winds; the Council then removes the remainder of
This small parish village approximately forty

miles north-east of London. It has a small population
(less than 1,000 persons) and is primarily dedicated to
farming. The closest neighbouring town, Chelmsford,
the tree). In modern nights, a series of development
covenants are enforced to retain the rural aesthetic
and preserve the ‘village feel’ of the area (and the
population shows very limited growth). Readers are
has recently found fame as the hub of an emerging
encouraged to tour the village using their street-view
telegraph company, but this progress has yet to
software platform of choice to gain a better
impact Sandon. The main sources of congregation for
understanding of the surrounds.
locals are The Crown, and St Andrew’s Church (the
latter has stood on this location since the 11th
century, whilst the former is far newer and hails from
Chronicle development
Stories are important, the monster said. They can be more

the early 18th century). The Sandon School provides

important than anything. If they carry the truth.
educational opportunities to those able to afford such Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls

Overall, the rural village experience little It should be clear by this stage that Meriwether,
excitement, although residents may need to travel for all his delusions of scheming, will be undone
soon. The situation is simply untenable, made even

between parish villagers to access services, purchase

new equipment, sell and trade produce, and attend more so by his undead transformation. The initial
larger multi-parish celebrations (such as marriages, logical explanation to cloak his deception and
dances, and other events). Hedgerows are still the betrayal in loyal service are made flimsy by his more
primary indicator of boundaries, and the slow-moving recent and depraved actions. London will not stand
Sandon Brook meanders through the parish. for a ghoul (and a servant at that) to escape justice for
stealing immortality at the cost of an Elders’
In 1888 a Spanish Oak will be planted in the weakness. In fact, London will be just as interested in
village green to commemorate Queen Victoria’s what manner of creature or creatures could best
Golden Jubilee and will remain an attraction until its Alfred Whittlock, and whether they still lurk in Essex
removal in 2000 (the tree becomes infested with County. More than happy to initially take advantage

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