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授课题目(学时或知识 Unit 4 Today’s Trend

点) Lecture 1 Vocabulary Link& Listening

授课时间 第 4 单元 第 1 次课 授课时数 2

After completing this part, students will be able

1) To learn some topic-related words.
2) To talk about family trends and fashion trends.
3) To listen for main idea and details, determine a speaker’s attitude, listen for
gist, details and make and check predictions.
教学 教学重点 Foci: topic-related words;
重难点 教学难点 Crux part: To listen for main idea and details;
In this lesson, multiple teaching methods will be used, including
1). BOPPPS 有效教学法、task-based teaching methods; 问答,讲授法
2). reflective study and collective learning.
教学过程 一、教学内容与时间分配
Main Contents and Time Distribution
1) Bridge-in & Objectives(10’ approximately)
2) Pre-assessments (5’ approximately)
3) Participatory learning (60’ approximately)
4) Post-assessments (5’ approximately)
5). Summary (10’ approximately)
二、教学详细过程 Details Teaching Procedures
1). Bridge-in & Objectives (10’ approximately)
1. Ask students what they know (or can guess) aboutfamilies in their country
50 years ago. Do they think most mothers worked outside the home 50 years
ago? What about now? Do they think there were more divorces 50 years ago
or now? Fifty years ago, did many adult children move back with their parents
after they left home? What about now?
2. Ask students at approximately what age people in theircountry usually get
married. If they are from the samecountry, do they agree on the age or
disagree? At what age do they think most people want to get married?
2).Pre-assessments (5’ approximately)
Students will finish a quiz to check their vocabulary knowledge of the topic.
The quiz will be presented on Xuexitong and the result will be used to direct
the subsequent teaching.
3).Participatory learning (60’ approximately)
1. Read about some of these decades' popular fashions. Then, with a partner,
use the words in blue to describe each photo on the time line. Introduce the
words in the information box. Then hold up the book and point to the
photographs. Ask students if they would wear any of these styles today (or
wore them in the past). Write the blue words for "The 80s" on the board and
read the text aloud. Ask students which description has no photo. Let students
add any other words they don't understand to the list fo“The 80s.” Then
explain the listed words. Do the same for "The 90s”and "The 00s" (say oh-
ohs). Pair students and tell them to describe the photos using as many of the
listed words as possible andother vocabulary they know. Students should make
original sentences, not just read the text. Model the exercise for them. (His suit
is conservative. Her dress has big shoulders.)
2. Explaining vocabulary: Students should explain any words they can to each
other. They can point to pictures, describe the words, give native-language
equivalents, or give words with the opposite meaning. Students with bilingual
dictionariescan look words up for the class. Finally, explain any remaining
words yourself.
Vocabulary notebooks: Require students to keep a list of new words in a
special pocket notebook, a separate section of their class notebook, or on their
handheld device. They should list high-interest words or words that they think
are especially useful. Every student's list will be unique. Periodically, ask a
student to share some of the words in his or her vocabulary notebook with the
class, or several students can share in small groups.
3. Listening:with a partner, describe the people's clothes in the photos below.
With the class, brainstorm words that may be needed to describe the photos
(but don't designate them for a specific photo). Write the words on the board
for reference before beginning pair work. Listen to a make over TV show.
Number the people(1, 2, or 3) that the speakers talk about. One picture is extra.
Tell students they will hear the recording only once to answer the questions.
After checking answers, play it again to confirm the answers. For the second
listening, hold up your book and point to the photographs as each feature is
mentioned in the recording.
Look at your answers (1, 2, and 3) in B. Then do thefollowing: (See student
book page 42 for completeinstructions.) Read the two questions. Put students
in pairs to answer the questions. They should use the names Brad (1),Tamara
(2), and Mimi (3), and answer incomplete sentences. Call on students to give
their answers. Write some of their sentences on the board; repeat the others to
acknowledge them. Read the chart. Don't explain vocabulary in advance;
students will be able to figure out many words as they listen to the recording.
They will hear the opinions of Lisa and Marco from the TV show in order to
fill in the chart. Tell them they will hear the recording three times. The first
time they should just listen.The second and third times they can complete the
chart. Ask three volunteers to write the chart on the board, one for each person
(Brad,Tamara,Mimi). Review the answers on the board and have the class
correct any mistakes. Then play the audio again. Point to each answer on the
board as it is heard in the recording.
4).Post-assessments (5’ approximately)
Quiz on Xuxitong to check students’ understanding of the topic of this
Writing task on Xuexitong. Instructive videos are provided.
Topic: Write a few sentences about today’s trend.
5). Summary(10’ approximately)
Ask students to draw a mind map to summarize what we’ve learned in this
1. Review and re-read the correspondent parts in the text book.
2. Supplementary videos and articles on the topic of language learning on
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授课题目(学时或知识 Unit 4 Today’s Trend
点) Lecture 2 Language Link & Pronunciation

授课时间 第 4 单元 第 2 次课 授课时数 2

After completing this part, students will be able

教学目标 1) To learn quantity expression.
与要求 2) To give advice with could, should, ought to and had better;
3) To know how to pronounce the unstressed of in rapid speed.

4) 教学重点 Foci: quantity expression;

5) 教学难点 Crux part:To give advice with could, should, ought to and had
In this lesson, multiple teaching methods will be used, including
1). BOPPPS 有效教学法、task-based teaching methods; 问答,讲授法
2). reflective study and collective learning.
教学过程 一、教学内容与时间分配
Main Contents and Time Distribution
1).Bridge-in & Objectives(10’ approximately)
2).Pre-assessments (5’approximately)
3).Participatory learning (60’ approximately)
4).Post-assessments (5’ approximately)
5).Summary (10’ approximately)
二、教学详细过程 Details Teaching Procedures
1). Bridge-in & Objectives (10’ approximately)
Warm Up
Tell students to think of a family that they know (not their own, in case they
might not want to share personal information). Ask for a show of hands for
each of these questions. Do they live in a big city? Do they live in a house or
an apartment? Do they have a car? Does the wife work outside the home? Are
there children in the family? On the board, write the number of hands on each
question over the number of students in the class(for example, Big city:).
Leave the information on the board. Comment on the information using the
quantity expressions in the information box.
2).Pre-assessments (5’ approximately)
Students will finish a quiz to check their vocabulary knowledge of the topic.
The quiz will be presented on Xuexitong and the result will be used to direct

the subsequent teaching.
3).Participatory learning (60’ approximately)
1. Read the information about six families from around the world. Then write
all. most, a lot, some, a couple, or none in the blanks below. Complete the
sentences below with the correct word(s). Tell your partner about all (of), most
(of), a lot (of), some or,a couple(of), or none (of).
2. Listen. Notice the pronunciation of the word of. Write these phrases on the
board: most of my, a lot of people, part of becoming. Tell students to notice of
as they listen. After playing the recording, pronounce the phrases on the board
as in the recording: mosta my,a lotta people, parta becoming. Point out that of
is followed by aconsonant (m, p,and b). Refer students to the rulein the
information box.Play the audio again so thatstudents can verify what they
3. Listen and complete the sentences. Then practice saying them aloud. Read
the incomplete sentences aloud. Play theaudio, and ask a volunteer to write the
answers on the board. Read each completed sentence with students repeating.
Tell students to turn toa partner to practice saying the sentences.
Language Tip: Right or wrong?
Students may have opinions about this kind of rapid-speech pronunciation.
Some may enjoy sounding more like native speakers of American English,
while others may consider it sloppy or uneducated. (In fact, many linguists do
not usually think of pronunciation as corrector incorrect. They are interested in
how people really talk, and they understand that languages change constantly.)
In rapid speech, pronouncing of as /ov/ before a consonant sounds too careful
and formal to most native speakers of American English. In slower speech
(like that of most learners), it is more appropriate.
4).Post-assessments (5’ approximately)
Now take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.
Assign students to pairs. First, one student should ask each question, while his
or her partner answers. Then, partners should change roles. Review responses
with the class by calling on students and asking one of the questions.
5). Summary(10’ approximately)
Summarize difficult sentences and some functional patterns for students to use
in their daily speaking.

学生课后 1. Review all the sentences and functional patterns.
研修任务 2. Supplementary videos and articles on Xuexitong.
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教学反思 注力相对集中。

授课题目(学时或知识 Unit 4 Today’s Trend

点) Lecture 3 Speaking Strategy & Reading

授课时间 第 4 单元 第 3 次课 授课时数 2

After completing this part, students will be able

教学目标 1) To talk about disagreeing;
与要求 2) To use photos to make predictions, understand text organization and draw

教学 教学重点 Foci: To talk about disagreeing.

重难点 教学难点 Crux part: To make predictions.
In this lesson, multiple teaching methods will be used, including
1). BOPPPS 有效教学法、task-based teaching methods; 问答,讲授法
2). reflective study and collective learning.
教学过程 一、教学内容与时间分配
Main Contents and Time Distribution
1).Bridge-in & Objectives & Pre-assessments (15’ approximately)
2).Participatory learning (60’ approximately)
3).Post-assessments (5’ approximately)
4).Summary (10’ approximately)
二、教学详细过程 Details Teaching Procedures
1). Bridge-in & Objectives & Pre-assessments(15’ approximately)
Warm Up
Speaking: Ask students, in your country (or your family), do
parents and children sometimes disagree? What do theydisagree about? Do
they argue? Who usually wins?
2). Participatory learning (60’ approximately)
1. Speaking Strategy: Listen to the conversation.Then answer the questions
with a partner. With the comprehension questions on the board and books
closed, play the audio once. Students can check their answers with the person

sitting next to them, or you can check the answers with the class. Play the
audio again while students follow in their books. Then answer any questions
students have about vocabulary or the situation of the speakers. Play the audio
a third time, line-by-line, so that students can repeat it. When repetition of a
line is ragged, model it yourself so they can try again.
2. Practice the conversation with a partner.
Put students in pairs to practice the conversation. Remind them to look at their
partner when they speak, and to say as much as they can before looking down
to refresh their memories. Emphasize that it is just as important for the partner
to look at the speaker. There should be eye contact whenever someone is
3. Reading: Read the job advertisement. What do you think a trend spotter
does? Who would hire atrendspotter? Tell students that this is an
advertisement for a job. Read the two questions and write them on the board.
Do not pre-teach vocabulary; students should know most words or be able to
guess them as they read. Pair students to read the advertisement and figure out
vocabulary. They can also ask other students about vocabulary (in English). If
they can't guess trend spotter from the context, break up the word for them.
They knowtrend.They know -er means a person who does something. Tell
them that spot means see, notice, or identify. So, a trendspotter is a person who
identifies trends. Call on several students to give their answers to the two
4).Post-assessments (5’ approximately)
Using related vocabulary and phrases to finish the speaking tasks on
5). Summary(10’ approximately)
Summary important words and phrases using a mind map.
学生课后 1. Finish the exercises in the text book.
研修任务 2. Supplementary videos and articles on Xuexitong.
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授课题目(学时或知识 Unit 4 Today’s Trend
点) Lecture 4 Writing & Communication

授课时间 第 4 单元 第 4 次课 授课时数 2

After completing this part, students will

教学目标 1) Write a letter requesting advice.
与要求 2) Give an opinion about what a person should do.
3) Use a survey to determine your partner’s trendiness.

教学 4) 教学重点 Foci: write a letter requesting advice

重难点 5) 教学难点 Crux part: Give an opinion about what a person should do.
In this lesson, multiple teaching methods will be used, including
1). task-based teaching methods; 问答,讲授法
2). reflective study and collective learning.
教学过程 一、教学内容与时间分配
Main Contents and Time Distribution
1).Peer-review on the writing (20’ approximately)
2).Case study on the writing (30’ approximately)
3). Feedback on homework (10’ approximately)
4). Explanation of exercises (30’ approximately)
二、教学详细过程 Details Teaching Procedures
1). Bridge-in (20’ approximately)
Writing warm up: Write this saying on the board and discuss it with the
class: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Consider
what contributes to a person's first impression.What are some situations where
your first impression is very important?
2). Case study on the writing (30’ approximately)
1). Read the post from Sad Sam in Seattle. What is his problem?
Read the post aloud or ask a student to read it. Ask students what kind of
website this post might beon. (Possible answers: a newspaper's website, an
information site like Ask students to explain Sam's problem in
their own words, without looking at the book. Tell them to look at the picture.
Do they agree that Sam has a problem? Do theythink they can help him?
2). Now write a response to Sam. Give him some advice. Then share your
writing with a partner. Allow students to write their response at their own pace.
As students finish, pair them to discuss their work. Each student should read
his or her paper aloud while his or her partner reads along silently. Students
should make sure they understand everything before commenting. The first

comment should be something-anything-about the paper that the partner likes.
After that, comments should focus on how to improve the paper. Is anything
not clear? What would make it clearer? Would more details make it more
interesting? What kind of details? Where? Put these guidelines on the board
for reference while students are working. Finally, ask a few students to read
their papers. Then theirpartners can tell the class what they said about the
3). Feedback on homework (10’ approximately)
讲 授 法 : the teacher will give detailed feedback on the exercise done by
4). Explanation of exercises (30’ approximately)
Detailed explanation of the exercises of Unit 4 on the textbook, including
vocabulary, grammar and listening practice.

1. Revise the writing work accordingly.

2.Supplementary video on writing devices are put on Xuexitong. Related quiz
and exercises.
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