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Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are a process of identifying and evaluating the risks associated with a particular
activity or situation. They are used to help ensure that the risks are minimized and that appropriate
controls are in place to mitigate them.

In film, risk assessments are used to identify and evaluate the risks associated with the production of a
film. This includes risks such as:

● Accidents and injuries

● Property damage
● Legal issues
● Financial losses
● Reputational damage

Risk assessments are used to help ensure that the production of a film is safe and that all potential risks
are managed effectively.

Ama’s Story - Risk Assessment Breakdown

Green: Low Risk

● Risks that are identified but have low impact and low probability.
● Mitigation and monitoring efforts are usually not intensive.

Yellow (or Amber): Medium Risk

● Risks that have moderate impact and probability.
● These risks require attention and active monitoring but might not need immediate action.

Red: High Risk

● Risks that have high impact and/or high probability.
● Immediate action and a detailed mitigation plan are required.

Orange: Elevated Risk

● Risks that are escalating but haven't reached critical levels yet.
● This category indicates a warning that the risk is increasing and might become high risk soon if
not addressed.

Blue: Informational
● Used for risks that have been identified but do not fall into the immediate, high, or medium-risk
● These might be risks being monitored for future developments.

Grey: Resolved or Closed

● Used for risks that were previously identified but have been successfully mitigated or are no
longer applicable.

Hazard Possible Injury Hazard Avoidance

Roller Skating with Books Falling, tripping Crash Matts, nets

Shelf Drop Bruises or broken toes Communication

Cat Allergies, slashes Animal Wrangler

Door Swinging Bruises, cracked bones Stand away from the door, soft

Balls being thrown Bruises, injury to face Communication, use a soft ball

Balls flying around Bruises, injury to face Communication, use a soft ball

Paint Slipping and falling, skin Communication and being

irritation careful with paint

Goo Explosion Possible eye infection, slipping Communication, non-slip floor

Unsecure Bookshelf Possible falling of bookshelf Screw to the wall, keep it sturdy

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