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Q1: When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress??

a. June 4, 1776
b. May 4, 1776
c. !July 4, 1776
d. July 2, 1776
Q2: Rolex is a company that specializes in what type of product??

a. Computers
b. Cars
c. !Watches
d. Sports equipment
Q3: Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style??

a. One Detroit Center

b. !Niagara Mohawk Building
c. Westendstrasse 1
d. Taipei 101
Q4: What is the name given to Indian food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven??

a. Tiki masala
b. Pani puri
c. Biryani
d. !Tandoori
Q5: What is a dead mall??

a. A mall that has been condemed

b. A mall after business hours
c. A mall with no stores
d. !A mall with high vacancy rates or low consumer foot traffic
Q6: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet??

a. !Omega
b. Kappa
c. Mu
d. Epsilon
Q7: Where does water from Poland Spring water bottles come from??

a. !Maine, United States

b. Bavaria, Poland
c. Masovia, Poland
d. Hesse, Germany
Q8: In a 1994 CBS interview, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates performed what unusual trick on camera??

a. Jumping backwards over a desk

b. Typing on a keyboard during a handstand
c. Standing on his head
d. !Jumping over an office chair
Q9: Earl Grey tea is black tea flavoured with what??

a. Vanilla
b. Honey
c. Lavender
d. !Bergamot oil
Q10: A statue of Charles Darwin sits in what London museum??

a. Science Museum
b. Tate
c. British Museum
d. !Natural History Museum
chitectural style??

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