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Q1: This field is sometimes known as “The Dismal Science.”?

a. !Economics
b. Physics
c. Politics
d. Philosophy
Q2: When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress??

a. July 2, 1776
b. June 4, 1776
c. May 4, 1776
d. !July 4, 1776
Q3: Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style??

a. Taipei 101
b. One Detroit Center
c. Westendstrasse 1
d. !Niagara Mohawk Building
Q4: In what year was McDonald's founded??

a. !1955
b. 1964
c. 1951
d. 1947
Q5: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"??

a. !Brasil
b. Brazil
c. Brasíl
d. Brasilia
Q6: Who invented Pastafarianism??

a. Zach Soldi
b. !Bobby Henderson
c. Eric Tignor
d. Bill Nye
Q7: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications of which form of cancer??

a. Liver
b. !Pancreatic
c. Bone
d. Stomach
Q8: Linus Pauling, one of the only winners of multiple Nobel Prizes, earned his Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and what??

a. Physiology/Medicine
b. Physics
c. !Peace
d. Economics
Q9: The Mexican Beer "Corona" is what type of beer??

a. Baltic Porter
b. Pilfsner
c. India Pale Ale
d. !Pale Lager
Q10: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. !Ad hominem
b. Argumentum ad populum
c. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
d. Tu quoque
chitectural style??
hemistry and what??

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