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Q1: When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress??

a. July 2, 1776
b. June 4, 1776
c. !July 4, 1776
d. May 4, 1776
Q2: What name represents the letter "M" in the NATO phonetic alphabet??

a. Mark
b. Matthew
c. !Mike
d. Max
Q3: After how many years would you celebrate your crystal anniversary??

a. 25
b. 20
c. 10
d. !15
Q4: What was the destination of the missing flight MH370??

a. !Beijing
b. Kuala Lumpur
c. Tokyo
d. Singapore
Q5: Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style??

a. One Detroit Center

b. !Niagara Mohawk Building
c. Taipei 101
d. Westendstrasse 1
Q6: What is the Swedish word for "window"??

a. !Fönster
b. Ruta
c. Skärm
d. Hål
Q7: Who is the founder of "The Lego Group"??

a. Jens Niels Christiansen

b. Kirstine Christiansen
c. Gerhardt Kirk Christiansen
d. !Ole Kirk Christiansen
Q8: When was Nintendo founded??

a. December 27th, 1894

b. March 4th, 1887
c. October 19th, 1891
d. !September 23rd, 1889
Q9: Amsterdam Centraal station is twinned with what station??

a. Brussels Midi
b. !London Liverpool Street
c. Paris Gare du Nord
d. Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
Q10: Which item of clothing is usually worn by a Scotsman at a wedding??

a. Dress
b. !Kilt
c. Skirt
d. Rhobes
chitectural style??

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