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A gothic horror writ by Marc Strocks

Art by Jacob Fleming
Written by Marc Strocks. Text: attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

“I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts... I saw the hideous

phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of
some powerful engine, show signs of life and stir with an
uneasy, half-vital motion. Frightful must it be...”
-Mary Shelley
introduction……………….. 3 haunts……...…….….................. 30
how to play…………………. 4 wayfare……...…….…................. 31
telling gothic tales……... 7 castle………….….…..........…....... 32
city………….…….…..................... 34
VIRTUES township......……...............….. 36
virtues………….…..........……... 9
brilliance.…….…..........…….. 10 NIGHT MOTHER
elegance..…….…................... 11 night mother...……………... 38
alacrity........……...............…. 12 building a campaign...… 40
ferocity…....…….…............... 13 personality sparks……….. 42

let’s begin play………….. 15 horrors…………......…………… 43
trappings & details..…. 17 gothic themes…………....... 44
feeding & enthralling….. 45
PROFESSIONS vampyres……………………..… 46
professions….….........…… 20 vampyre queen/king….…. 47
academic.…….….........……. 21 other vampyres……........... 48
agrarian.…….….........……… 22 bones crack…....................... 49
aristocrat.…….….........……. 23 phantoms.……...............…… 50
occultist….……...........……. 24 daemons.……...............………. 51
physician...…………………... 25 drudges………………………..….. 52
scientist……..……….........… 26
soldier………..……….........… 27 END
vagabond.…..………............ 28 acknowledgements.....…… 53
vessel .………..……….........… 29 mortal sheet…...............…... 54

"Accounts from many ages and lands tell of terrible demons

called vampires. Under the bright light of the full moon, they
rise from their graves to suck the blood of children and young
adults and thus prolong their shadowy existence. A wound in
the throat, in appearance similar to the bite of a cat or a rat, is
the mark of damnation…"
-Die Seltsame Geschichte Der Vampyre

Welcome to Mark of Dracula, a gothic roleplaying game.

This is your handbook for the unknown. It is your
journey into nightmares. The secrets in this tome may
be all that keeps you alive as you stare into eyes of
endless horrors.

This game is for 3 to 6 players, with one serving as Night

Mother — the game’s facilitator. The rest are cast as
Mortals yearning for love and sheltering each other
from evil. It can involve Dracula himself, or any other
gothic creatures. Play in installments, moving through
your characters’ lives — or as a one-shot adventure.

Required for play: A playing card deck ( jokers removed),

mortal sheets, scrap paper and utensils.


Night Mother Describes the world to the players,
voicing side characters and horrors.
When risky situations arise, they tell
players which Virtue applies to the
situation. Then players draw cards to
randomly determine the outcome.

Players Create their Mortals and live out their

lives. Say what you wanna do and try
to survive as best you can.

Virtues Are chosen by players during mortal

creation. They represent how skilled
or lucky Mortals are at what they
attempt. Find them on pages 10-13:
Brilliance, Elegance, Alacrity, Ferocity.

Drawing Virtues is the central mechanic of the game.

Anytime you try something risky or precarious, the
Night Mother picks a Virtue for you (the player) to use.
Each Virtue has a score of 1 or more. So. . .

Draw the number of playing cards from the deck equal

to your Virtue Score and place ‘em face-down. Then
dramatically flip the cards one at a time. Those cards will
reveal your outcome for this action. Here’s how:

A 2 3 K
❤ ◆ ♠ ♣
❤ ◆ ♠ ♣
A 2 3 K

Each Numbered card is a loss.

Each Face card is 1 success!
Each Ace counts as 2 successes!
Two of a kind grants you +1 free draw!

Bonuses and special abilities can give you +1 to your next draw
too. That means draw +1 card. You get an extra chance.

While your Virtue Score decides how many cards you draw,
drawing two of a kind grants you an additional draw for free.
That’s it! That’s the game’s main mechanic for everything.

No successes. Failure. Your life grows darker,

depending on the stakes of the situation.

One success. Victory. You succeed for now.

Two or more. Empowered! Things go better than you

dared to hope. For each success past one,
pick a Bonus from the Virtue’s list — if
it applies to the situation. Defer to Night
Mother if you’re not sure.

Some Profession abilities let you redraw losses for some

actions. This means you can replace a numbered card with
a new card drawn once. If it says “redraw all” you redraw
all losses one time, effectively getting to ‘roll again.’
Now that you’ve got drawing virtues down, the rest of
the game is story. Follow the Mortals’ lives as they move
from one location to the next.

The game’s world is created collaboratively as players

make their Mortals, but it’s the Night Mother’s job to
introduce Horrors and make the world frightening. Start
on page 15 to begin this process. Or use these tools.

Setting Tables
You can create a random setting here. Draw 3 cards. Their rank
(A-K) and suit (Heart-Joker) will add a random date and climate.

Year Year Weather

Ace. January ‘02 Summer heat
2. January ‘18 Radiant sunbeam
3. March ‘22 Blossoms
4. April ‘36 Overcast warm
5. June ‘37 Leaves fall
6. June ‘56 Raging wind
7. July ‘65 Drying rainbows
8. August ‘77 Sprinkling rain
9. September ‘78 Thunderstorm
10. October ‘82 Sleetfall, sludge
Jack. October ‘91 Snow flurries
Queen. November ‘92 Frozen ground
King. December ‘97 Blizzardous

Heart Ist 1600 Summer (-3 rank)

Spade 6th 1700 Spring (-1 rank)
Diamond I6th 1800 Autumn (+1 rank)
Club 24th 1900 Winter (+3 rank)
Joker Feb. 29th 2022 40 days of storms

Remember: these rules can fit any continent or era. This text
assumes a 15th - 19th century world, but make your story fit
your table. Some ways to augment things further:
⇀ Add figures from your favorite gothic stories. In fact,
most are in the public domain. Have at it.
⇀ Slap gothic themes onto a modern setting. Just like:
Suspiria (1977), The Shining (1980), Coraline (2002),
or Resident Evil: Village (2021).
⇀ Add fantastic elements like magic or steampunk
technology to your everyday world. Like: Castlevania.

Horrific and sensitive elements are bound to enter your story.
We’re here to feel chills down their spines — but only for fun.
Never forget why we’re here.

During session zero: Discuss movie ratings with the table.

Discuss right now where the gore and cruelty should stop.

Write a list of subjects you think it would be more fun to

exclude from the game. Other things might take place in the
world, but we don’t have to play them out. If these come up
during play, fast-forward or fade out.

Make sure everyone knows: you can pause

things anytime during play to say “Let’s do
something else.” Or just type “X” if there’s a
chat. If you do, halt play for all. Erase the
current moment; refocus to something new.

All players can use these or other tools

anytime. And you’ll never need to explain or
defend yourselves. Not sure how you or others
feel? Check in with ‘em or just take a break.


You won’t last long without learning from your
mistakes. Use Brilliance for wisdom, keen senses,
and strategizing new courses of action. When you
use Brilliance, it might be an Action below or
something similar. You can also change your
approach anytime if you think another Virtue can
fit better. Discuss with the Night Mother anytime.

Actions ● Study your surroundings

● Brainstorm a new strategy
● Gain insight on a creature
● Fight against mental attack
● Spouting lore and history
● Decipher ancient languages or
occult texts for information
● Search for tracks or remnants
of past events

Bonuses □ Get +1 draw to your first move

to act on information gleaned
□ You find/do what you need in
half the time or silently
□ On top of what you requested,
find a new weakness or benefit
□ You genuinely impress someone
with your knowledge

Elegance is key to convincing and understanding
individuals. When used against other Mortals: on a
Failure, they get +1 on their next draw if they refuse
to grant you anything; otherwise, they get +1 if they
do it. When you use Elegance, it might be an Action
below or something similar. You can also change
your approach anytime if you think another Virtue
can fit better. Discuss it with the Night Mother.

● Request someone help you in a

Actions way you specify
● Convince them to give you
_____________ or information
● Analyze a person’s body
language or empathize
● See if they’re lying
● Present yourself with propriety
or allure

□ Discover a way to harm or help

them with your words
□ Give someone in the convers-
ation a +1 to their next draw
□ Learn what they’re trying to
gain from this
□ A side character is impressed by
you and will try to help

Courage, patience, and willpower can overcome all
odds. Use Alacrity to act with swiftness, bravery,
focus… or when no other Virtues seem to apply. You
can also change your approach anytime if you think
another Virtue can fit better. Discuss with the
Night Mother anytime.

Actions ● Perform a daunting task

● Dodge an attack or duck for
● Traverse or survive difficult
● Lift or perform skilled labor
● Pass by without a trace

Bonuses □ Give another Mortal +1 draw if

they try same or similar action
□ Maneuver yourself; get +1 draw
to your next attack or action
□ Do it in half the time it usually takes
□ Show off and make it look easy
□ Shatter an object (if you
physically could)
□ Leave an obstacle or distraction
in your path

Prowess and animal instinct are within us all. Use
Ferocity to inflict or prevent harm on someone with
ruthlessness and skill. When you use Ferocity, it
might be an Action below or something similar. You
can also change your approach anytime if you think
another Virtue can fit better. Discuss it with the
Night Mother anytime.

● Get in close-quarters with an

enemy quickly
● Strike with a melee weapon to
inflict 2 damage
● Block an enemy attack
● Jump in to prevent harm to
someone else
● Intimidate someone or grow
their fear

□ Deal +1 damage during your

Bonuses attack
□ Suffer less harm than you
would have sustained
□ Take all dangerous attention, or
leave them in awe
□ Hold them back or in a grapple
□ Steer them in a specific


Welcome, everyone! The first step to Mark of Dracula is
creating our world together.

○ Plan a ‘session zero’ together. We’ll spend this time

building our Mortals and setting together. When
you gather, peruse the Roleplaying Tools section.
Utilize what feels right.

○ Night Mother, go over card draw mechanics with

everyone real quick. Make sure players know what
each Virtue symbolizes.

○ Then lay out copies of all Professions and Haunts

on the table where everyone can see them. Or send
them the pdf.

○ Print enough Mortal Sheets for everyone. Find

them on the back cover or

All players: place a Mortal Sheet in front of you. Let’s

make your Mortal. To start, pick a Profession and Haunt.

1. Your Mortal’s Profession is their societal role.

2. Your Haunt is an environment you (the player) are
adding to the setting. It might connect too.
3. Is it your Mortal’s home, workplace, or somewhere
yet to be discovered? Connect your Haunt and
Mortal in any way you choose.
4. Follow the instructions on your Profession’s page.
It’ll guide to through Virtues, Motives, and
Abilities. Conundrums are optional story concepts.
5. Trappings are on page 17. Get some of those for free.
6. Then follow the instructions for your Haunt.

When everyone’s finished, introduce your characters to
each other! Reveal the locations you’ve built.

Place them all together in one setting. This is your world.

○ Remember: your setting will be unique to your

group. There’s no rules for what fits best. This isn’t
a historical time period or real world place -- unless
that’s whatever your group feels drawn to.

○ You can ask and answer questions with the Night

Mother to nail down the details of your world.

You’re ready to dive into your Mortals’ daily lives!

Anytime you want to try something risky or precarious,

just tell the Night Mother. Then you can draw cards at
your peril or fortune.

Until then, let’s create a story using the characters and

locations we’ve all created together.

Welcome to Mark of Dracula.

For your items, draw two cards. Write down 3-4 entries to keep.
The Night Mother might ask why you have what you have.
If they do, say what you want. Or just say “Who knows?”

Black Ace. A sister’s lavender locket. Blood red wine decanter.

Black 2. Wood mallet of a dead man. “Deadly” nightshade.
Black 3. Cavalry jacket. Musket pistol with engraved symbols.
Black 4. The black dress you memorized. A thick obsidian key.
Black 5. Suitcase of broken flasks. Garlic-peach stew family recipe.
Black 6. Silver harvesting scythe. Angry domesticated goat.
Black 7. Eucalyptus leaves (rodent-repulsing). Friction matchbox.
Black 8. Two ancient coins. A pale of water (rocks at the bottom).
Black 9. Emerald earrings. A bundle of sticks roped together.
Black 10. Twenty-two candles. Ownership papers yet to be signed.
Black Jack. Hand of the angel statue. Membership at a luxe club.
Black Queen. Oil burner set. Miraculus hair-grow tonic. A watch.
Black King. Cog of the clocktower. Borrowed diamond ring.

Red Ace. Winner’s gold medallion. Undaunted black cat. A quilt.

Red 2. Mother’s monthly letters. Key to the crypts. Ballet shoes.
Red 3. Rusted hatchet. A slightly spooked horse. A wagon wheel.
Red 4. A birdcage ripped open. The deed to a mansion estate.
Red 5. Father’s lost wedding band. Stamp with the city hall seal.
Red 6. Your brother’s invitation. Painting of feminine eyes.
Red 7. An obsolete suit of armor. Welcome letter to the academy.
Red 8. Logbook of the sailing ship Hephaestus. An empty coffin.
Red 9. Monogram cufflinks. Hog’s feed. Notice of expulsion.
Red 10. Several books in latin. Two cigars. A never-used pickaxe.
Red Jack. Parchment and charcoals. A map of the factory floor.
Red Queen. A candelabra. Grandfather’s crucifix. A white rose.
Red King. A crate of clothes. A pianoforte. Lockpicked manacles.
Optional Conundrums.
You can also draw 4 for a grave situation befalling your
Mortal’s life. Night Mother will build upon it for Horrors.

“Only recently, their… (1. a relation)

Ace. former love 5. elder sibling 10. employer

6. parent/guardian J. family physician
2. life-long love
7. work apprentice Q. childhood friend
3. betrothed
8. trusted client K. business partner /
4. estranged twin business rival
9. faraway aunt

(2. a connection)

Ace. … Became awfully taken with and was engaged to wed…

2. … Invested in the eccentric business ventures of…

3. … Went missing. They were last seen in the presence of…
4. … Inherited an ancient estate formerly owned by…
5. … Did not arrive as planned. Their letters make mention of…
6. … Was eerily visited late in the night by…
7. … Hasn’t been the same since stepping into the crypt of…
8. … Ran far away from here. They later returned with…
9. … Has entered new employment with…
10. … Has sailed off to strange shores to meet with…
J. … Was found unconscious on the edge of town by…
Q. … Was invited to stay at the remote castle estate of…
K. … Arrived in the night requesting safe harbor. They haven’t
explained, but this must have something to do with…

(3. a figure)
Ace. … The jewelry maker for a cult-like religious sect.
2. … A beautiful stranger from the high-class side of town.
3. … A business broker with an unscrupulous past.
4. … A commissioner from the mayor’s office.
5. … The recruiter for a secret society of wealthy elites.
6. … A street kid from a clandestine gang of criminals.
7. … The east side’s roughest deputy constable.
8. … Head librarian of the town Apothecary society.
9. … A doctor in charge of outlandish illnesses.
10. … The outcast of town, who knows impossible things.
J-K. …Their (draw another: 1. a relation).

(4. an oddity)
Ace. … And a horror is awakened within the mausoleum.”
2. … They are lost deep in the shadowy castle.”
3. … Afterward, their fortune was stolen away from them.”
4. … While a string of frightening illnesses arises in town.”
5. … And a shattered man arrives, telling his haunting tale.”
6. … And soon, everyone was gone. Not a soul in sight.”
7. … And yet it feels like someone is watching. Always.”
8. … And a ghostly vessel arrives. No crew. Only vermin.”
9. … The cemetery is desecrated. Every grave unearthed.”
10. … And the herds arrive each night, howling and crying.”
J. … The town’s livestock are being attacked nightly now.”
Q. … The people don’t go out at night. They’re too afraid.”
K. … One name is uttered that quiets the room in fear.”


Knowledge is your weapon. It’s your virtue and your vice.

Haunt. Pick one now. While in your Haunt or a place

reminiscent, get +1 draw to study ancient texts.

Brilliance 3 Alacrity 2
Elegance 2 Ferocity 1

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

Abilities ❒ Student. Ask someone you respect for their

(Pick two) advice on your situation. If you heed their
words: Redraw two losses in your next action.
❒ Scholar. Choose a field of study: __________
You devote your life to its beautiful secrets.
Always get +1 draws to recite related lore.
❒ War Strategy. Always get +1 bonus when you
analyze an enemy in battle — if you succeed.
❒ Priestly. When you say a prayer/oratory for
another, draw Brilliance. The next time they
are attacked, they take -1 damage for each
Success you drew. Limit: thrice per session.
❒ Pupils / Peers. Many young students rely on
you. Always draw +1 to protect others.
❒ Travelling Light. Take a carriage of horses,
texts, tools, and supplies to make camp.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Chapel,

University, Schoolhouse, or Library to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

Hard work. It fuels the world. It keeps you alive.

Haunt. Pick one now.

Brilliance 2 Alacrity 3
Elegance 1 Ferocity 2

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

❒ Frontier Justice. You keep a sturdy hunting

rifle hidden nearby or carry it with you.
(Pick three) ❒ Keep Your Head Down. If you pretend to
focus on work, get +1 to draws to blend in.
❒ Livestock. Pick up to three: donkeys, cattle,
goats, pigs, sheep, dogs, horses, fish. You can
try to harvest resources from them anytime.
❒ Talk Plain. Honest, working people will join
you at your call. They’ll feel welcoming and
comfortable around you.
❒ Quick-Thinker. You can jump in to save
another or arrive suddenly for free once per
session. You have sense for these things.
❒ Hardy & Robust. Always draw +1 for brute
strength or physical labor.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Bakery,

Farmland, Greenhouse, or Warehouse to a Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

Noble and reputable. You fought for a place on top.

Haunt. Pick one now. While in your Haunt, get +1 draws

to act with decorum or mingle with a crowd.

Brilliance 1 Alacrity 2
Elegance 3 Ferocity 2

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

Abilities ❒ Vitally Important Persons. Always draw +1

(Pick two) to convince someone to grant you access
where you shouldn’t be.
❒ Business & Pleasure. You always have ways
to transport long distances, but it might
come at a great cost of wealth or favors.
❒ Tyrant’s Tongue. When you make a Ferocity
draw to block attacks, prevent harm to another
or intimidate someone, draw Elegance instead.
❒ Weapons Schooling. Gain an ornate sword.
Redraw any one loss during actions to use it.
❒ Seasoned Traveller. Choose a business field.
Always draw +1 to work hard at your trade or
survive extreme environs in your travels.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Merchant

Plaza, Private Estate, or Town Hall to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

You’ve ventured out and deep. You’ve seen far too much.
Haunt. Pick one now. While in your Haunt or a place
reminiscent, +1 draws when you delve deeper or explore.
Brilliance 2 Alacrity 2
Elegance 1 Ferocity 3

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

❒ The Wild Hunt. Anytime you spend time to

Abilities research a creature type, you can choose that
(Pick three) as your new Hunt. Always draw +1 to track or
spout lore about your current Hunt.
❒ Arcane Knowledge. Anytime you search via
arcane tomes or occult sources, redraw one
loss in actions to gain new information.
❒ Combat Magic. You can make any Ferocity
actions from afar and at two targets at once.
You also resist being frightened from foes.
❒ Specialized Training: Take an Ability from
another Profession. It was necessary to learn.
❒ Luck Spell: Once per session, when an ally
draws all losses, interject before actions
resolve. They redraw everything this action.
❒ Horrifying Visage: +1 on all draws to
intimidate or frighten others.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add an Herbal

Garden, Apothecary or Old Hideout to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

You heal others. And strike down what ails them.

Haunt. Pick one now.

Brilliance 2 Alacrity 3
Elegance 2 Ferocity 1

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

❒ Medical Experience. Add the following to

Abilities your Actions for Alacrity or Brilliance now:
(Pick three) ● Investigate medical afflictions
● Heal an ally for (amount of Successes)
● Slow the spread of supernatural illness

❒ Specialized Tools. Choose 2 key items you

carry with you: wreath of garlic blossoms,
blood transfusion kit, skeleton lockpick,
recording phonograph, silver crucifix, pouch
of salts, ball-peen, or an ancient lantern.
❒ Medical History. You’ve saved many lives
and can cash in favors anytime. If you try to
contact a past ally for help, draw Alacrity.
On Failure, they hold past resentments.
❒ Bedside Manner. Always draw +1 to calm
raging emotions or ease someone’s pain. But
the effect may be temporary.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a University,

Asylum, Clinic, or Hospital to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

Pursuit of the unknown apalls others. You, it emboldens.

Haunt. Pick one now.

Brilliance 3 Alacrity 2
Elegance 1 Ferocity 2

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

⊡ Experimentation. Take a case of intricate

Abilities instruments. If you take time to prepare it,
(Take all) redraw one loss in your next action to glean
related supernatural information.
⊡ Metaphysician. When you employ eccentric
methods or nonsensical rituals, heal some-
one supernaturally afflicted for 2. You can do
this twice per session but on different people.
⊡ Extensive Records. You’ve studied many
subjects. If you assist an ally in search or
study, they get +1 draw to all their actions.
⊡ Alchemy: You can use chemical means to
trap, ward off, or harm a monstrous creature
(for 1 damage). When you attempt it, draw
Brilliance. Use the Alacrity Bonuses list.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Library,

Laboratory, or Observatory to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

Others tell tales of battle. You’ve seen it. You’ve lived it.

Haunt. Pick one now. You possess swords, knives, and

multiple uniforms. Take them with you anytime.

Brilliance 1 Alacrity 2
Elegance 2 Ferocity 3

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

❒ Improviser. Draw Ferocity anytime to find a

Abilities free weapon around you.
(Pick two)
❒ Resilience. Always take -1 harm from attacks
and heal +1 every time you’re healed.
❒ War Commands. When you shout strategy
or orders to another during battle, they get
+1 draws to their next action if they listen.
❒ Swashbuckler. When you use swaggering
stunts in your attack, deal +1 damage during
this action.
❒ Martial Techniques. Add the following to
your Bonuses lists for Ferocity and Alacrity:
● Disarm an enemy of their weapon
● Make an enemy lose their balance

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Fort/Camp,

Constabulary, Port or Family Estate to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

Accused? Exiled? Alone? No matter. You’ll always survive.
Haunt. Pick one now. Your home is far gone now.

Brilliance 2 Alacrity 3
Elegance 1 Ferocity 2
Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any two now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Ferocity.

❒ Street Urchin. Always get +1 to draws to

Abilities navigate the most dangerous parts of any
(Pick three) given Haunt or location.
❒ Far-Travelled. When you enter a location
you’ve never been, get a successful study
surroundings action for free (w/o drawing).
❒ Adaptable. Take an Ability from another
Profession. You picked it up a while back.
❒ Street Smarts. Draw Alacrity to learn about:
rumors/legends, secret entryways, or pick
locks. But use Brilliance Bonuses list.
❒ Backstab. Always get +1 Bonus when you
attack from a hiding spot. Even on a Failure.
❒ I Saw Everything. Once per session, reveal:
you were secretly here all along. You saw it
all, though you may later wish you hadn’t.
Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Inn, Train
Station, Port, Deep Forest, or Attic to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.

The darkness always chooses you.
Haunt. Pick one now. While in your Haunt or a place
reminiscent, get +1 draws to blend in or hide.

Brilliance 2 Alacrity 3
Elegance 3 Ferocity 1

Virtues. Write your stats. Add +1 to any one now (max 4).
Harm. Your Max Harm is always double your Alacrity.

❒ Manifestations. Initiate an interaction with

Abilities the supernatural (beasts, shadows, etc.) that
(Pick two) you’re the only one present for; and the
Night Mother will take over. It may turn out
to be real or not. You’re frightened, but gain
vital new information about your situation.
❒ Self-Sacrifice. Twice per session, you can
make yourself the enemy’s main target or
re-direct an ally’s terrible draw at yourself.
❒ Empathy. Your soul is pure. If you tell an
honest, related story about yourself: Redraw
one loss during your next Elegance action.
❒ Resilience. Your life is unlike others’. Always
take -1 harm from attacks and heal +1 every
time you’re healed.

Reveal your Haunt to all players now. Add a Forest Park,

Barn, Stable, or Catacombs to any Haunt now.
Pick a name, look, and pronouns. Introduce yourself now.


The journey is your home. With ships and trains and
carriages, the age of global travel is well upon us. You’ve
travelled far and wide to arrive here. Now, for business or
for pleasure?

Think of the Home you left behind deep in your past.

Was it by choice? Or were you exiled to this life?

Add your Mode of Travel to our world, like:

Seaport, trans-continental express, sled dogs,
elephants, dirigible, ox driving, or something else.

Reveal your Haunt to the table. Another player might:

○ Reveal the same Haunt. Discuss with them why you’re
both arriving to our setting. Did you meet in travel or
share a destination?
○ Reveal a place or Haunt that intrigues you. Decide: is this
related to your journey and exploits?

Link all the Haunts together with roads, walls, waters, or

woods. This is the setting of our story.

Motives. When the darkness arrives to consume what we love,

we must act. Pick 1 or 2 pieces of unfinished business:
■ Business Minded: Grow your career influence to defend
your status, family, and legacy.
■ Passionate: Love someone deeply and powerfully.
■ Secretive: Leave society behind to forge your own path.
■ Wicked Curiosities: Indulge desires. Live more. See more.
■ Vicious: Wipe this filth off the very face of the earth.
■ Exile: Escape the life you had. It must never find you.
■ Con: Break as many laws as possible or take others blame.

Anytime you: (1) follow a Motive into a new conflict or

(2) severe a Motive entirely and pick a new one, gain one Luck.

The ancestral gothic. Too far from any town for help to
arrive, this ancient home holds a bleak, beautiful interior.
Every part is dusty and ornate. Every part echoes the
violent eras of history. A labyrinth of unused rooms and

Add a Castle estate to our world.

Name it Dire House, Everly Hall, Hartfield House,
Castle Wollstonecraft, a surname, or name it nothing.

Pick a Connection to it like: Family home, workplace,

recently exiled here, visiting, a place I’ll never enter

Draw 3 cards. Inspire these with the table at right.

These are castle rooms and the events going on.

Reveal your Haunt to the table. Another player might:

○ Reveal the same Haunt. You can combine them or not.
○ Add a location to your Haunt. If they do, talk about a
name for the place. What do people do there?

Link all the Haunts together with roads, walls, waters, or

woods. This is the setting of our story.

Motives. When the darkness arrives to consume what we love,

we must act. Pick 1 or 2 pieces of unfinished business:
■ Community: Never let your home or family come to ruin.
■ Passionate: Love someone deeply and powerfully.
■ Ravenous: Delve deeper into the dark and grow your power.
■ Mark of the Beast: You were irreparably changed by the
dark. Now your soul is forfeit unless you see this through.
■ Wicked Curiosities: Indulge desires. Live more. See more.
■ Transgressor: Fight the petty systems that hold us down.

Anytime you: put yourself in harm’s way to follow a Motive or

severe a Motive and choose a new one, gain one Luck.
Castle Rooms.
Black Ace. Kitchen: cramped; sweet smells; food stores; ovens
Black 2. Grounds: sculpted hedge; waterless fountain; secret entry
Black 3. Catacombs: vermin; strange liquids; wine cellar; storage
Black 4. Barn: wood and cobblestone; bales of hay; sheep; silos
Black 5. Greenhouse: hanging potted plants; vines; fertilizer sacs
Black 6. Laboratory: lab of metal coils; chemicals; chalk; journals
Black 7. Library: lovely sitting room; open flame; family portraits
Black 8. Farmlands: orchards; fields and valleys; beasts of burden
Black 9. Carriages: tattered fabric; extra wagon wheels; stables
Black 10. Dining room: king’s table by candlelight; wine decanters
Black Jack. Bedrooms: velvet sheets; dusty books; covered mirror
Black Queen. Graveyard: crosses and tombstones; family crypt
Black King. Bathing room: wooden tub; ornate room divider

Castle Goings-On.
Red Ace. Rats multiply in the basement levels; will bite if angered
Red 2. One of the family paintings has changed — you swear it
Red 3. The crucifixes are all remove; later found in a pile outside
Red 4. An ally is found near-dead in the attic; they left weeks ago
Red 5. Travellers have disappeared on the road from here to town
Red 6. Flickering blue flames can be seen in the forest at midnight
Red 7. A lizard-like silhouette climbs the castle walls one night
Red 8. Fifty coffins of dirt arrive at the castle by an unknown party
Red 9. Storm-muddied roads; it is impossible to leave the estate
Red 10. The estate’s owners were meant to arrive three weeks ago
Red Jack. A demonic silhouette entered your room late last night
Red Queen. A flock of bird-like creatures flew past, all screeching
Red King. A visitor arrives; their family member’s death led here

Trading posts and port towns grow into a metropolis.
The streets grow claustrophobic. The eyes grow eternal.
Industry, culture, and the law are everywhere here. But it
only brings complacency. People are weakest when they
think they’re safe.

Add a vibrant City to our world.

Name it Allachia, Blackmire, Durwick, Grist,
Hawthorne, Rothburg, Valeshka or something else.

Pick a Connection to it, like: Home, place of work, prison,

a new start, destination, or all I know really

Draw 3 cards. Inspire these with the table at right.

These are city districts and events going on.

Reveal your Haunt to the table. Another player might:

○ Reveal the same Haunt. You can combine them or not.
○ Add a location to your Haunt. If they do, talk about a
name for the place. What do people do there?

Link all the Haunts together with roads, walls, waters, or

woods. This is the setting of our story.

Motives. When the darkness arrives to consume what we love,

we must act. Pick 1 or 2 pieces of unfinished business:
■ Business Minded: Grow your career influence to defend
your status, family, and legacy.
■ Passionate: Love someone deeply and powerfully.
■ Secretive: Leave society behind to forge your own path.
■ Wicked Curiosities: Indulge desires. Live more. See more.
■ Vicious: Wipe this filth off the very face of the earth.
■ Exile: Escape the life you had. It must never find you.

Anytime you: put yourself in harm’s way to follow a Motive or

severe a Motive and choose a new one, gain one Luck.
City Districts.
Black Ace. Pub: where the people gather for rumors and vices
Black 2. College: hallowed halls; students of arts and language
Black 3. Basilica: cathedral decay; parishioners; crowd of murmurs
Black 4. Market square: shops and booths; trinkets, hats, cuisine
Black 5. Hospital: long hall of rows of beds; medical theater
Black 6. Concert hall: stages; lightless basement; pulley system
Black 7. Hostel: tiny windowed bedrooms; thick metal room keys
Black 8. Barracks: soldier cots; mess hall; armory; grand gate
Black 9. Transit station: train platforms; arch ceilings; clocks
Black 10. Prison: cobblestone cells; barred windows; labor yard
Black Jack. Estates: homes overlooking the street; dark alleys
Black Queen. Warehouses: for work or storage; gigantic open space
Black King. Gambling hall: secret sitting room of crowded tables

City Goings-On.
Red Ace. Constant howls of wind; storms and fog are rampant
Red 2. Every street lantern douses at the strike of midnight
Red 3. Storm clouds blotting out the sun; it’s perpetual twilight
Red 4. The industry district’s workers are disappearing at night
Red 5. Bats infest attic levels of the upperclass estates district
Red 6. Vicious pack of wolves attacked market district merchants
Red 7. A beastly man was spotted wandering around the hedges
Red 8. Enraged creatures gather closer and closer to the city now
Red 9. The mayor’s child was kidnapped by an unknown woman
Red 10. An elderly lady describes a beast “in the shape of a man”
Red Jack. Deep catacombs are discovered under the old estates
Red Queen. The city’s river system has turned a deep blood red
Red King. A man thought dead stood up and left the hospital

All the village cottages. Those hamlets focus mostly on
agriculture and livestock. And they know they’re secluded.
Exposed. There’s always rumors. Of a beast slithering out
of the wood. Or howls coming from the estate up the hill…
The villagers have learned to fear the night.

Add a lovely Town to our world.

Name it Ashwick, Braksha, Islesbury, Lottsfield,
Marnavista, Resnik, Whitby or something else.

Pick a Connection to it, like: My home, visiting, just

down the hill, where the market is, or I’m leaving

Draw 3 cards. Inspire these with the table at right.

These are town districts and events going on.

Reveal your Haunt to the table. Another player might:

○ Reveal the same Haunt. You can combine them or not.
○ Add a location to your Haunt. If they do, talk about a
name for the place. What do people do there?

Link all the Haunts together with roads, walls, waters, or

woods. This is the setting of our story.

Motives. When the darkness arrives to consume what we love,

we must act. Pick 1 or 2 pieces of unfinished business:
■ Community: Never let your home or family come to ruin.
■ Passionate: Love someone deeply and powerfully.
■ Ravenous: Delve deeper into the dark and grow your power.
■ Mark of the Beast: You were irreparably changed by the
dark. Now your soul is forfeit unless you see this through.
■ Exile: Escape the life you had. It must never find you.
■ Transgressor: Fight the petty systems that hold us back.

Anytime you: put yourself in harm’s way to follow a Motive or

severe a Motive and choose a new one, gain one Luck.
Places In Town.
Black Ace. Pub: where the people gather for rumors and vices
Black 2. Bakery: cramped; sweet smells; display counter; ovens
Black 3. Inn: quaint windowed rooms; breakfast spread; creaking
Black 4. Barn: wood and cobblestone; bales of hay; horses; silos
Black 5. Mansion Estate: famed family, tall windows, ballroom
Black 6. Workshop: lab of metal coils; chemicals; chalk; journals
Black 7. Library: lovely sitting room; open flame; family portraits
Black 8. Farmlands: orchards; fields and valleys; beasts of burden
Black 9. Plaza: enclosed stone gathering space; well; amphitheater
Black 10. Clinic: doctor’s desk, medical bed, anatomical sketches
Black Jack. Convent: giant wood doors; rows of pews; care rooms
Black Queen. Graveyard: crosses and tombstones; family crypt
Black King. Port: sailing ships; beaches; open wharf; warehouses

Town Goings-On.
Red Ace. Constant howls of wind. Storms and fog are rampant
Red 2. A debaucherous carnival continues through the week
Red 3. A caravan of nomads and traders have arrived in town
Red 4. Wealthy families arrive here to their summer homes
Red 5. Villagers have disappeared; others hide in their homes
Red 6. Talk of vicious animal attacks; the details make little sense
Red 7. An impossible creature sighted by the banks after midnight
Red 8. Roads are too muddied for travel; beast tracks everywhere
Red 9. Distant howls of a lost voice; you’ve all heard it by now
Red 10. The ancestral family hasn’t left their estate in decades
Red Jack. The mausoleum goes up in flames; this was no accident
Red Queen. A pool of blood fills the road; “what animal was this?”
Red King. Something stolen; a summons to the outskirts of town


Welcome, Night Mother.
Your job in Mark of Dracula is play the horrors, voice NPC’s
and describe the environments. Fill the Mortals’ lives with
exciting obstacles. Don’t worry about how you’ll get them
into the belly of the beast now. This will come on its own.

Ask the Mortals what they want to do. Use the Haunts and
your own inspirations to surround them with larger than life
buildings and cities. Give them side characters to get to know.
Then make their careers, families, and responsibilities lead
them to treacherous locations where the dangers will arise…


You’re the players’ window into the world. You can create
suspense by using questions. Throw a high-stakes question
into the Mortal’s mind… Will it eat me? What is coming?
What is he here to do? Is there a way out of here?

And you lengthen the time it takes for them to get their
answers. Build their anticipation. Then throw sudden
surprises. Eventually give them relief. Once they can breathe
for a while: it gives them enough time to think they’re safe…

Get to know the Virtues. They’re general areas of skill. When

Mortals want to do something, think: is it risky or unclear if
they could? If so, pick a Virtue and tell them to draw cards.


It’s your turn to take over. Build a cycle of failures that:

● Have low-stakes consequences or twist the situation
● Deal 1 damage to a Mortal or separate them
● Storytell the environment like stories at a campfire
● Foretell a terrible thing coming this way

During battles with Horrors, failure has deadly consequences. 39

Start with instructions on page 15. Ask your players questions
about the world. Make it together so they’re connected.
Then begin play: grow the tension slowly over time.

ACT ONE: Darkness creeps into their daily lives.

Now that the players have their Mortals and setting, you
know what they hold dear. Follow these threads. Pursue
what’s fun about their city, status, careers, etc… Make the
world seem real by helping them seek out what they want —
then reveal dark evils that put these desires in jeopardy!

The players won’t be relaxing. They know they’re playing a

horror game, so let horrifying moments appear and interrupt
their lives seemingly at random! Breadcrumbs are horror
encounters that gradually grow in intensity until they take
shape as the story’s central horror.

Think of your breadcrumbs like horror cutscenes that you can

inject into any place. Then activate them during the session
when you’re ready. Small or large, they can fit anywhere. You
can turn any setting of the characters’ lives into the perfect
horrifying moment. Just isolate them and reveal threats that
have truly been there all along.

ACT TWO: This begins to change their lives forever!

Eventually the breadcrumbs will become too large to ignore.

The Mortals will know they can’t run away from this.

Pick a central threat from these pages or make your own.

Reveal your story’s central horror when you’re ready. This can
be early on and confusing or later and shocking. Either way,
have the threat reveal itself to be the cause of all the terrible
goings-on in the story…! But only when you’re ready for the
climax. Let nothing make sense until then. Once the players
catch on, place them face-to-face with the central horror!

ACT THREE: Final battle against the central horror!
Create a climactic battle in which the central horror takes one
final grab at what they want. Why did they do all this? Let them
fight for it. The outcome of this battle decides the story’s end.
Use the Haunts, Horrors, or below tables to add random details.

Given Names Jobs Visuals

A. Adelaide Aleksander Breadmaker Black mesh gloves
2. Desdemona Ashir Cleric / nun Cracked spectacles
3. Devi Brutus Doctor Elaborate braids
4. Ethel Dashiell Fire brigade Glass/fake eye
5. Fatima Gabriel Hay harvester Lit wooden pipe
6. Harriet Henrik Horse driver Long flowing hair
7. Imani Icarus Illusionist Old bowler hat
8. Junko Konstantin Mail courier Puffy, thick sleeves
9. Katja Mohamed Pig shepherd Pure silver hair
10. Katrina Sebastián Portrait painter Raven feathers
J. Persephone Talbot Rich socialite Serpentine cane
Q. Siobhan Tsubasa Sailing captain Vibrant parasol
K. Xaira Viktor Soot gatherer Violet necklace

Shops Environments World

A. Apothecary Regency-esque Foyer
Dark castle / abbey
2. Bakery / pastries Guest bed chambers
3. Books / maps Cathedral grounds
Farming village
4. Butcher Hillside / beach picnics
5. Fish hawker Quaint shop / bakery Locomotive /
6. Grocery/produce Industrial factory floor carriages
7. Haberdashery Shaded alleyway
Ports / factories
8. Oil (lanterns) Lovely market booths
9. Ornate dresses Remote farmland / barn
Upperclass estates
10. Plants / herbs Cottage workshop office
J. Shoes / hats Dense forest / waterfall
City slums
Q. Wainwright/parts Dark tavern / inn rooms
K. Winery / brew Archaic stone doors Ship / vessels
Personality Sparks
Draw 2 cards anytime to inspire non-player characters or horrors.
If you draw a Club, combine inspiration from two other suits.

Hearts Spades Diamonds

Ace. Aged Imperious Pious
2. Ambitious Impish Pitiless
3. Caring Infatuated Pleasant
4. Criminal Insatiable Provocative
5. Cunning Intellectual Prudish
6. Curious Intrepid Resolute
7. Devilish Jovial Self-absorbed
8. Eccentric Kindred Superstitious
9. Genteel Luxurious Taciturn
10. Gossiping Merciless Unscrupulous
Jack. Headstrong Migrant Unseemly
Queen. Hypocritical Monastic Unwavering
King. Idealistic Mysterious Youthful

Hearts Spades Diamonds

Ace. Adolescent Drunkard Philosopher
2. Animal-tender Equestrian Politician
3. Artisan Friend Rival
4. Baker Heir Scholar
5. Braggart Hunter Socialite
6. Brew-maker Innocent Spectator
7. Brigand Jester Spouse
8. Businessperson Laborer Stranger
9. Butler Lover Subordinate
10. Debutante Malcontent Traveler
Jack. Devout Manufacturer Wealthy
Queen. Diplomat Merchant Widow/er
King. Disciple Parent Zealot


Horrors tie your story together by a thread of deep emotions.

Add whatever scares and Drudges you like to make the Mortals’
lives more interesting — but in the end the villain of the story
must have a face.
○ Let the players explore worlds, relationships, environs,
and careers as long as they like.
○ Once you reveal the true Horror of the story there
should be a point of recognition (“Oh, so that’s what
this story is about.”) If not, really show their power.
○ And even better, all those seemingly innocuous things
you introduced to the Mortals’ lives give you:
■ Assets to put in jeopardy so the players care
(like a marriage, sibling, or favorite tea shop).
Give the players something things to protect.
■ Sources of fiction to draw scares, tools and
conflicts from later (like a business rival,
family secret, city guard, or castle catacombs)
○ You can plan all this in advance or have them in your
back pocket for later.

The following pages list the typical monster archetypes for

stories of the gothic genre.
Snatch up a specimen and combine, invent, or humanize to
your heart’s content. Spark a personality, but only give them
enough history to differentiate. If you add too much, they’re
less mysterious and therefore less frightening.

● Bring the Mortals together across all different areas
and social systems.
● Monsters are emotional echoes. Tie them to
someone’s past (and grief, guilt, anger, fear, or shame).
● Never give a clear answer what’s “real” and what’s not.
● If the roll fails, the situation still changes.
Telegraph the severity of what’s coming. The tension comes
from seeing horrible things coming before they do.
Don’t give problems a specific answer. Let players be original.
Give the Mortals useful tools. Give them characters and places
to go for information. Let them put together their own plan.
The weaknesses on the following pages aren’t gospel. They’re
weapons the Mortals can learn about and acquire. The players
probably know the tropes already.
The fun for you will come with turning these creature stats
into people. And locking the Mortals in their castle.
If you plan encounters, don’t marry them to locations. Then,
when the time is right, kick off your next interaction.

Always be on the players’ side. Tell them everything they would

sense. Describe places as if you’ve been there yourself.
After every roll, say what’s changed. On a failed roll, a change
still happens. Just not what they wanted or even expected.

My worst fear is the idea that monsters can turn you into
something terrible you never wanted to be.
If a Mortal is bitten by the beast, a toxin transfers:
➢ It’ll slowly poison or kill the human.
➢ If they drink blood of the beast who bit them,
transfiguration takes place.
➢ Draw two cards and add them together. A-K is 1-13.
➢ Transfiguration lasts for this amount of hours — and
it’s agony the whole time.
➢ If they can last the process and no antidote intervenes,
transfiguration completes. They’re no longer Mortal.
➢ But antidotes do exist. The players can find ways to
They used to be everything. Demons. Spirits. Undead. Those
corrupted by power. Make your vampyres all of these and
more. When a Mortal stares one down, they should know
they’re out of their bounds. Even if they hack against the
beast’s flesh, nothing will kill it. Make it seem impossible.

If you voice a vampyre, give them outlandish shifts (from

lively to bags under their eyes, from beastly to kind, etc.). They
are monsters, always ebbing and flowing. They are paradoxes
(both dead and alive, old and young, gone and always next to

If you make a vampyre, give them speed, strength, and a

bloody thirst. Pick two or more, and more is stronger.
■ They own publicly or secretly one of the story’s Haunts.
■ They climb walls like a lizard, even in human-like form.
■ They have enshadowed servants that arrive on occasion,
execute a task, and then are never seen until called again.
■ They have a human thrall close to one of the Mortals.
■ They’re massively charismatic and most often right.
■ They have dominion over bats, rats, or wolves.
■ They can take the form of a bat, rat, wolf, or Drudge.
■ They can see blood as glowing and easy to track.
■ They can sprout extra limbs or wings at will.
■ Give them a trait from another Horror.

List of Weaknesses.
For a vampyre, Mortals must exploit 3 weaknesses (or even 4 on
occasion) simultaneously to kill them. This is an arduous and
lengthy process. And if done incorrectly: the creature cannot die.
Even if incapacitated, it will always re-awaken.
■ Head severed from the body ( for at least 120 seconds)
■ Ingested or exposed to garlic (disorients)
■ Body lit on fire (it will spread quickly)
■ Staked in the heart (with sharpened wood or silver)
■ Skin exposed to direct sunlight (begins to heat and smoke)
46 ■ Religious object pressed to skin (if the holder believes)
Vampyre king or queen.
The greatest vampyres have used their centuries to build whole
empires. They’re always in a place of power and respect.
To make a vampyre king/queen, follow the steps at left and
name them Dracula, Carmella, Vladimir, Princess Calliope,
Brunhilda, Hieronymus, Zaharus, or something else.
■ Give them a Haunt to rule over as their domain.
■ Everyone there has heard of them and has heard stories.
■ Give them at least a handful of vampyric thralls who
love them, fear them, OR follow them.
■ As Mortals go from place to place, lay echoes of the
creature’s history and find beasts they’ve given birth to.
■ Give them a true desire like smiting heretics, being in
control, devouring, hoarding, wasteful extravagance, or
love. They’ll use near-infinite resources to pursue this.

Spies, soldiers, and advisors in high positions. If they’re doing
their job right, no one will know they’re hiding amongst us.
For the vampyre of many centuries, everything they do is part
of a deadly game of political influence and power.
To make a full-blood vampyre, follow the usual steps and name
them Esparanza, Galvan, Hakeem, Marius, or something else.
■ Give them a Haunt they frequent and complex plans.
■ It’s those plans (not their vampyrism) that have eaten
them alive. They’ve become a grisly obsession.
■ Give them a past life they can’t leave behind.

Vampyric Brood.
When someone’s soul is destroyed… they still try to live the life
they led. They’ll never accept it. And why should they?
To make a vampyre brood, follow the usual steps and name
them Helena, Rafael, something else, or name them nothing.
■ A human was recently shaped into a monster. Now they
unwittingly create more monsters wherever they go.
■ If the brood poses as human, they’ll be tragically
convincing. They’ll probably try to escape themselves.
■ If the brood shows what they are, it’s controllable. Their
true form is more like a gargoyle or nosferatus. The
monster’s appetite can’t be sated. They destroy
everything that matters.

If a brood is too young to face what they’ve become, then a
nosferatus may be too old. Their humanity has been stripped
away by the centuries.
To make a nosferatus, follow the usual steps and name them
Aegon, Dominica, Romulus, Lilith, Agamemnon, Balthazar,
Ophelia, something else or nothing at all.
■ They’ll never be seen during the day, even inside.
■ They feed to go on living. And live only to feed. They
have forgotten everything else.
■ All resources they have amassed are only for this.
When human intellect and the best of beastly brutality mix,
an apex predator is born. Anyone infected by a lycanthrope’s
curse will become a wolf each night. Or sometimes forever.

If you voice a lycanthrope, make them human or beast. There

is no in-between. Only violent shifts from one to the other. If
this happens, let it be the grand reveal of their true face.

If you make a lycanthrope, give them speed, strength, and a

drive of instincts. Pick some or none, but more isn’t stronger.
■ They choose one of the Mortals as their prey, stalking
them nightly. Their eyes are always watching, waiting.
■ They lash out in furious anger.
■ They can take the form of a bat, rat, wolf, or Drudge.
■ They brutally shed their skin, a new form underneath.
■ They stalk a part of town at the same time each night.
■ They’re enthralled by the true villain of the story.
■ They silence those who break the rules. They enforce the
patriarchal laws of this world. Because they love power.
■ Their most terrible side took them over when the beast
did. Now they are a cracked mirror of what they were.
■ They’re now powerful in every way they used to be weak.
So they feed the beast. It gives them all that they want.
■ The curse is breakable with very strict parameters, such
as destroying the real beast or atoning for past mistakes.

List of Weaknesses.
For a werewolf, each weakness exploited brings them closer to
death (usually 2 or 3 to destroy them). Light of the full-moon
strengthens them, lowering the likelihood of their death. But it
also makes them even more uncontrollable.
■ Pierced by silver blade or edge (wound takes a long time to
close, causing constant trail of blood)
■ Staked in the heart (with sharpened wood)
■ Shot by silver bullets (even if bullets are removed)
■ Ingested/exposure to wolfsbane (returns to human form)
■ Creature is unconscious (returns to human form) 49
Spirits are not evil. Even the human-shape ghosts are likely
living out lingering emotions from their now lost life.
List of Weaknesses. Non-malicious ghosts can be dissipated
or banished far quite easily. However, they often have secrets
or advantages to offer the Mortals. They might even hate
other Horrors more than the Mortals do. Salt or iron can repel
ghosts. But for greater effect, destroy haunted objects or
resolve an injustice they have emotional ties to.

Unlike residual, intelligent spirits have thoughts and goals.
They chose not to ascend to other existences or were forced to
because of a great injustice. They are tied to an emotion.
To make an intelligent, make one or more of these true:
■ They have a Haunt or personal object they inhabit (like
a cauldron, mirror, toy, knife, necklace or clothing)
■ They only body-less balls of light.
■ They only show up certain times of night or when a
message must be delivered.

A dead body can become a vessel for evil magics. If it does, it
becomes a pale white wraith and walks the earth to feed on
souls. Centuries of the crimes of liches were unjustly blamed
on witches. That’s ironic, as mystic beings are their favorite
thing to devour. Every witch knows this truth.
To make a lich, make one or more of the following true.
■ They met an unjust death, vowing to take on evil
powers to return and enact vengeance.
■ They have a modern descendent who looks identical.
■ They’re awakened by something the Mortals did.
■ They can slowly regain their body by devouring blood
or souls. This effectively returns them to cursed life.
■ A horrible curse lingers, hexing those they hate.
■ They can call frightening illusions into minds.
■ They can corrupt thoughts and souls of the weak.
Some beasts aren’t human and they never were. They can’t be
understood by our lens. Our world is really theirs. Those who
wait to devour you. Or worse, corrupt you into one of them.

They freeze in place during the day. With stone skin and
dragon wings, gargoyles love to blend in with masonry. These
devils have no human form and no need for humans.
To make gargoyle, make one or more of the following true.
■ They’re a messenger of hell. They come with a gift or a
mission to fulfill.
■ They devour imps and smaller evils.
■ They’re really souls trapped here by the deeds of others.
■ They have a Haunt where they wander or protect.
For a weakness, gargoyles can’t move under direct sunlight.
Their stone form can easily be shattered. But they probably
wouldn’t attack humans at all. The best exploit is to entice
with something better (like making a deal, eating a creature).

Servants of Hell.
Let’s make a deal. When a devil comes up from hell, it can
only remain temporarily. So they need humans to do their
bidding or become their vessels.
To make a demon, make one or more of the following true.
■ They’re mindless hellhounds here to destroy
something and then retreat back to their hell.
■ They make a horribly delicious offer to a Mortal.
■ They can only walk the earth at specific time of night.
■ They take a Drudge shape. Roll now.
For a weakness, demons love to meddle. The greatest
satisfaction Mortals can get will be from banishing them to
hell or outsmarting them before their plans come to fruition.
Exorcism and holy water work exceptionally well if the user
believes or tries to. And lines of salt or fire can trap them too.
Every monstrosity has drudgeries they don’t want to do, and
ways they can create or enthrall servants to do it for them.

Give major Horrors a few drudges. They act as both very real
dangers and portends for worse dangers to come. They help
build tension long before the central horror arrives. And lastly,
they prove how powerful the central horror is.

To voice a drudge, remember they only know as much as they

need to fulfil their tasks. They’re animalistic, not evil. Decide:
■ How does the Horror make or call forth its minions?
■ Does this Drudge have a task or is it only an illusion?
■ Could this Drudge become a whole Horror unto itself?

To make a drudge, corrupt an animal the Mortals know well or

draw 3 cards. Let the table inspire you, not restrict you. You
can add Drudges anytime or decide someone was one all along.

Drudge spark
Clue Form Danger
Ace. Behemoth Batwings Assimilating
2. Bone showing Cat Becoming you
3. Climbing Child Corrupting allies
4. Corpse-like Deer antlers Child-abducting
5. Demon horns Fishman Devouring
6. Fluttering Gator Disorienting
7. Glowing eye Goat Imprisoning
8. Man-shaped Hound Infecting
9. Many legged Monkey Mind-stealing
10. Phantom Moth Soul-drinking
Jack. Rat tail Plague of rats Taking over area
Queen. Shadowy Raven Trapping here
King. Tattered clothes Voice Valuable-stealing
Written and designed by Marc Strocks.
You can find more of my work at it: and

Interior portraits and cover art herein by Jacob Fleming.

Other interior pieces are in the public domain. They were

compiled into several handpicked collections by The Heritage
Selected works of Philip Henry Delamotte by The Metropolitan
Museum of Art at:

Safety Tools found earlier in the work are based on Lines and
Veils by Ron Edwards and the X-Card by John Stavropoulos.
Find more ttrpg tools:

Thank you to all 131 backers who brought this project to life!

Name Pronouns

Brilliance Elegance Alacrity Ferocity

Harm. Luck. Motives. Put it above all or sever it to get Luck.






Places and events.

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