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Q1: Rolex is a company that specializes in what type of product??

a. Cars
b. Computers
c. !Watches
d. Sports equipment
Q2: What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"??

a. Geronimo
b. !Government
c. Ghost
d. Going
Q3: Which language is NOT Indo-European??

a. Greek
b. Latvian
c. Russian
d. !Hungarian
Q4: The term "scientist" was coined in which year??

a. 1942
b. 1796
c. 1933
d. !1833
Q5: What character was once considered to be the 27th letter of the alphabet??

a. Pilcrow
b. !Ampersand
c. Interrobang
d. Tilde
Q6: Which of the following carbonated soft drinks were introduced first??

a. !Dr. Pepper
b. Coca-Cola
c. Mountain Dew
d. Sprite
Q7: What was the original name of the search engine "Google"??

a. SearchPro
b. Netscape Navigator
c. CatMassage
d. !BackRub
Q8: Earl Grey tea is black tea flavoured with what??

a. !Bergamot oil
b. Vanilla
c. Honey
d. Lavender
Q9: Which of these words means "idle spectator"??

a. !Gongoozler
b. Jentacular
c. Meupareunia
d. Gossypiboma
Q10: What was the name given to Japanese military dictators who ruled the country through the 12th and 19th Century??

a. !Shogun
b. Samurai
c. Ninja
d. Shinobi
he 12th and 19th Century??

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