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12 Cranial Nerves

12 cranial nerves and its functions.

1. Olfactory nerve: Sense of smell.

2. Optic nerve: Ability to see.

3. Oculomotor nerve: Ability to move and blink our eyes.

4. Trochlear nerve: Ability to move our eyes up and down

or back and forth.

5. Trigeminal nerve: Sensations in the face and cheeks,

taste and jaw movements.

6. Abducens nerve: Ability to move our eyes.

7. Facial nerve: Facial expressions and sense of taste.

8. Auditory/vestibular nerve: Sense of hearing and balance.

9. Glossopharyngeal nerve: Ability to taste and swallow.

10. Vagus nerve: Digestion and heart rate. It is the largest of

the cranial nerves, conveying efferent fibers of the
parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous
system to organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities.

11. Accessory nerve (or spinal accessory nerve): Shoulder

and neck muscle movement.

12. Hypoglossal nerve: Ability to move our tongue.

1. Olfactory nerve:
2. Optic nerve:

3. Oculomotor nerve:

4. Trochlear nerve:

5. Trigeminal nerve:

6. Abducens nerve:

7. Facial nerve:

8. Auditory/vestibular nerve:

9. Glossopharyngeal nerve:

10. Vagus nerve:

11. Accessory nerve (or spinal accessory nerve):

12. Hypoglossal nerve:

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