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Peformance Feedback

Telephone Search Task:

Your Correct Wrong
Search Paper Possible Accuracy
Selections Selectio
1 43 0 44 97.73%
2 24 1 28 82.14%
3 22 3 23 82.61%
4 26 2 27 88.89%
5 18 1 20 85.00%
6 29 0 29 100.00%

Average Accuracy for Search 89.39%

Audio Counting Task:

Total Your
Audio track Your Counts Possible Correct / score
Counts Incorrect

1 10 10 correct 1
2 8 8 correct 1
3 11 9 Incorrect 0
4 6 7 Incorrect 0
5 7 8 Incorrect 0
6 5 7 Incorrect 0

Average accuracy 33.33%

Multitasking Ability Score (MAS) 61.36%

SAI Grading Scale:

SAI Range (%) Grade Interpretation

Demonstrates superior ability to maintain selective attention despite
95 - 100 Excellent
Demonstrates a very good ability to maintain focus. Few distractions affect
90 - 94.99 Very Good
the task.
Demonstrates a good ability to maintain focus, with some minor lapses in
85 - 89.99 Good
Demonstrates satisfactory attention. Some distractions noticeably affect the
80 - 84.99 Satisfactory
Demonstrates average attention. Several distractions interfere with task
75 - 79.99 Fair
Demonstrates poor selective attention. Distractions significantly affect task
Below 75 Unsatisfactory

DTA Percentage
Grade Range Interpretation
Excellent 90% - 100% Outstanding ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
Very Good 80% - 89% Strong capability in juggling multiple tasks but with minor errors.
Good 70% - 79% Good multitasking skills but may struggle with more complex situations.
Satisfactory 60% - 69% Acceptable performance; can manage dual tasks with some mistakes.
Fair 50% - 59% Moderate ability; may face challenges in balancing tasks effectively.
Unsatisfactory Below 50% Struggles significantly with multitasking; requires improvement.

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