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Understanding Communication: Language and

1 Watch the Video and Answer the Questions!
Video extract: 00:00 to 5:00
1 What does "no hard feelings" mean?

2 What does it mean to "fall out" with someone?

3 How do gestures differ between countries?

4 What is a faux pas?

5 Why is it important to be careful with gestures when meeting people from different

6 What does it mean to gesticulate?

7 Why did Erin Meyer think the student and the man on the street were fighting?

8 What does "expressive" mean?

9 In which country does shaking your head mean "yes"?

10 What does nodding mean in Southeastern European regions like Bulgaria?

Correct Answers
1 Correct Answers:
1 "No hard feelings" means you still want to be friends with someone after an
2 "Falling out" with someone means to argue or disagree with them.
3 Gestures can differ between countries, with some having different meanings or
4 A faux pas is when someone says or does something embarrassing in a social
5 It's important to be careful with gestures to avoid offending or making an awkward
situation when meeting people from different cultures.
6 Gesticulating means waving your arms around to express what you're feeling.
7 Erin Meyer thought the student and the man on the street were fighting because they
were shouting and gesticulating at each other.
8 "Expressive" means showing what you think or feel.
9 Shaking your head means "yes" in Bulgaria.
10 Nodding means "no" in Southeastern European regions like Bulgaria.

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