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1. What type of spine injury that causes the spine to increasingly curve from front to back? (WEEK
2. What type of spine injury that causes the spine to curve either left or right? (WEEK 2)
3. What is essential to dancers as it makes them appear more elegant and confident, it also
improves overall balance and body control? (WEEK 2)
4. What type of spine injury that causes the spine to curve inward that typically affects lower back?
(WEEK 2)
5. These are localized cracks in bones due to repeated stress on one area of bone caused by
dancing on unsuitable floors and poor alignment (WEEK 2)
6. What does FITT stands for? (WEEK 1)
7. In the FITT principles, what principle describes how often would you do the exercise? (WEEK 1)
8. In the FITT principles, what principle describes how hard would you do the exercise? (WEEK 1)
9. In the FITT principles, what principle describes how long would you do the exercise? (WEEK 1)
10. In the FITT principles, what principle describes what kind of exercise should you do? (WEEK 1)
11. What do you call a style of dance that expresses a past or present culture in a recreational way
and it is created by a group of people that depicts the way of life in a particular nation or region?
(WEEK 3)
12. Who is the country’s pioneer researcher on traditional Philippine folk dances and music and
known as the mother of Philippine Folk Dancing? (WEEK 3)
13. What Philippine folk dance represents a war ceremony? (WEEK 3)
14. What Philippine folk dance describes the daily lives of the tribe and it presents a typical
Itneg/Tinggian couple who turns in to take care of their children while doing their daily work in
the fields? (WEEK 3)
15. This dance is performed with Kalinga women showing their agility in balancing the bangas on
top of their heads while toddling through rice paddies and mountain paths; a daily routine to
fetch water from the mountain springs. What do you call this type of Philippine folk dance?
(WEEK 3)
16. A Philippine dance of colonial-era origin from the Maria Clara suite of Philippine folk dances,
where the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it places the couple in a romance
scenario and it also means affectionate, lovable, or amiable. (WEEK 3)
17. This Philippine Folk dance emulates the movement of the tikling birds as they walk between
grass stems, run over tree branches, or dodge bamboo traps set by rice farmers. (WEEK 3)
18. This Philippine folk dance is a popular dance of grace and balance from Lubang Island, Mindoro
in the Visayas region. This particular folk dance requires skill in balancing three lighted oil lamps
or tinghoy, one on the head and at the palms of each hand. (WEEK 3)
19. It is a solo slave dance from Mindanao that is usually done before the performance of singkil.
(WEEK 3)
20. It is a Mindanao folk dance that originated from the Maranao people and is based on the story
in the Darangen, the pre-Islamic Maranao interpretation of the ancient Hindu Indian epic, the
Ramayana. (WEEK 3)
21. It is a ritual dance used to appease the gods, solicit good harvest, seek deliverance from
pestilence, mark birth, weddings, and death; prepare for war; celebrate victories; affirm
social unity; and, identity. (WEEK 3)
22. In the basic fundamentals of Folk dance. What is the position that both arms are raised in front
of chest with rounded elbows? (WEEK 4)
23. In the basic fundamentals of Folk dance. What is the position that the right arm is maintained
above the head and left arm is placed in first position? (WEEK 4)
24. In the basic fundamentals of Folk dance. What is the position that both arms are raised above
the head with rounded elbows? (WEEK 4)
25. In the basic fundamentals of Folk dance. What is the position that the heels should be together
in a 45 degrees angle? (WEEK 4)
26. It is a position where both arms are raised above the head with rounded elbows. (WEEK

27. What do you call a dance that values originality and characterized by flexibility of
movement, fluidity, and allowing dancers to explore the mind-body connection and, ideally,
invoking emotion in the audience? (WEEK 5)
28. He often referred as the father of contemporary dance because of his complete break
withformal dance techniques? (WEEK 6)
29. It is a dance style that evolved outside dance studios in any available open space such as
streets, dance parties, block parties, parks, school yards, raves, and night clubs. (WEEK 5)

30. When the right arm is maintained above the head and left arm is placed in first position?
(WEEK 4)

31. Right foot placed in front of the foot about one foot away from each other. (WEEK 4)

32. One of the contemporary dance choreographers where her innovative style laid much of
the groundwork for the contemporary dance movement? (WEEK 6)

33. Known as the “Mother of Modern Dance”? (WEEK 6)

34. American choreographer who created the concept of music visualization, which explored
movement equivalents to the musical components, such as rhythm and timbre? (WEEK 6)
35. The right arm is raised above the head and left arm is maintained in second position. (WEEK

36. Refers to conventional partnered dance styles performed by a couple, frequently in the
close dance position (or embrace). (WEEK 5)

37. A form of dance that does away with many of the strict conventions of classical ballet and
instead emphasizes the expression of inner sentiments. (WEEK 5)
38.It is a theatrical genre of dance with extremely regimented postures and speak emotions, a
story, an environment, or a topic through body language, music, and stage scenery. (WEEK 5)

39. They often use pantomime to clarify the movement and have the capability to convey
stories that bring an audience to another world. (WEEK 5)

40. It incorporated unique moves, elaborate foot work, large leaps, rapid turns, and imaginative
improvisation to bring an energetic and entertaining experience. (WEEK 5)

41. It is a Traditional Middle Eastern dancing that was formerly known by the westernized label
as "______________." (WEEK 5)

42. Contemporary is also the most popular and widely performed dance form today and has its
roots firmly planted in the modern dance movement. (WEEK 5)

43. A dance that is an extremely energetic as it gives the dancers opportunity to express
themselves and bring their own personality to the performance. (WEEK 5)

44. Is a way of dancing in which the dancer improvises his/her moves on the spot, he/she
dances, instead of having it planned beforehand. (WEEK 5)

45.A dance that incorporated unique moves, elaborate foot work, large leaps, rapid turns, and
imaginative improvisation to bring an energetic and entertaining experience. (WEEK 5)

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