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Standford Graduate School of Business | Think Fast, Talk Smart_ Communication

Public speaking = spontaneous speaking
responding to cold call >>> Professor asked "what do you think?"
1. Keep anxiety under control
2. Ground rules
1 a) This is me being nervous.
b) reframing how you see this speaking situation.
Don't think "Everything has to be right/perfect." because there is no right way.
Don't see it as a performance. See it as a conversation.
c) Start with conversation. Use questions. Pull information.
Rather than bullet point, use converstaional question.
Rather than How to manage your anxiety, Use How do you manage your anxiety?
d) Use conversaional language.
Many nervous speakers distance themselves physically. body language. The lanugage
you use.
instead of using step 1, 2, 3, use pronouns. he/she/they/you
e) be present rather than future worries.
You might not get the funding, not get the support, not get the laughs you want.
Bring yourself into the present.
Ways to be presents >>> 100 push-ups, a walk around the building, listen to music,
counting backwards, tongue twister (I slit a sheet. A sheet I slit. On that slitted
sheet I sat.) In that moment, you are not worried about other things, you are so
focused on saying it right and trying to figure out what the naughty word is. That
you are in the present.

Effective communication
cold call
Communication Approaches
1. Look problems differently. Look them as oppotunities to learn each other, make
concessions, collaborate
2. Approach communication in an open way. See it as an opportunity to share our
ideas, our beliefs, our innovations.
When we take a perspective of openess, all of a sudden, somthing that we dread
becomes something that we embrace.
The first step to effective communication is to approach it in open way.
3. Audience: Most people think "Here is what I want to say" or "here is what I need
to say." I would suggest that is exactly wrong.
You need to think about, "what does my audience need to hear?"
Put yourself in the serive of your audience. It is about their needs.
In order to understand those needs, I have to do reconnaissance. I have to ask
myself who they are.
3 things I need to ask about our audience are,
a) what is their knowledge?
b) what is it that they know?
c) if they don't know enough, what can we do to scaffold that information so that
they have the tools they need.
In addition to knowledge, we need to be thinking about their expectations. What is
it they expect of me?
Sometime violating their expectations actually is the most effective thing I can do
for the communication we need.
My boys sometimes make me upset and I used to raise my voice to no avail. Nothing
happened. And that's tough for a communication guy. So what I started to do when
I'm really upset with my boys, I lower my voice. And they stop dead in their
tracks. Violating expectations sometimes can actually help you as a communicator.
What are their attitudes?
The way you approach your communication is influenced by what your audience thinks
about what you're talking on: Are they in favor of it? Are they against it? Or
they're hesitant? are they agnostic?

Structure to use to get our message across.

What, So what, Now what

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