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The fundamental course “Principles of Management” introduces students to the core ideas, and
practices of Management. The concept of Management, its principles, scope, cycle, levels as well as
functions such as planning, organizing, staffing and selection, leadership, motivation, communication,
and controlling are outstandingly covered in this course. It offers a tenacious foundation for managing
any types of organizational operations, making wise business choices, as well as pursuing jobs in the
following sector as well as entrepreneurship.

 Actuarial analyst
 Arbitrator
 Business adviser
 Business analyst
 Business development manager
 Chartered management accountant
 Corporate investment banker
 Data analyst
 Data scientist
 Forensic accountant
 Insurance underwriter
 Management consultant
 Project manager
 Risk manager
 Stockbroker
 Supply chain manager

In general, "Principles of Management” is crucial for establishing a strong foundation in Management

expertise and understanding. Principles of Mangement are crucial for implementation of the
organizational objectives.

Objective of the Report

The primary objective of this report is to extensively assess and communicate the learning objectives
of the “Principles of Management” course offered by the Department of Business Administration,
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. This report aims to provide a detailed overview
of the course’s intended learning outcomes, its alignment with broader educational objectives, and the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the course in achieving these goals. Ultimately, the report aims to
serve as a valuable resource for educators, students, curriculum developers and stakeholders involved
in the field of Management education, facilitating involved decision-making and enhancements in the
learning experience.

Course Overview
“Principles of Management” is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles and
concepts of Management. It serves as a foundation for more advanced Management courses and
provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for understanding managerial functions of
planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. The course details the fundamental principles
of management functions along with highlighting the contemporary developments in the management
process. The course typically covers topics such as:

Introduction to Management
 Developing Mission, Vision, and Values
 planning
 Organizing
 Staffing and Selection
 Leadership
 Motivation
 Communication
 Controlling

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to

Understand fundamentals of Managment related to business;
Enhance knowledge about managing organizations.
Apply the knowledge to solve business problems.

Course Contents

Introduction: Concept of management, Evolution of management, Importance of management,

Functions of management, Scope of management, Cycle of management, Levels of management, is
management a profession Case in Point: Doing Good as a Core Business Strategy, Who Are. Managers

Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy, Planning, Organizing. Leading, and Controlling,
Economic, Social, and Environmental Performance. Performance of Individuals and Groups.

Developing Mission, Vision, and Values: Developing Mission, Vision, and Values, Case in Point:
Xerox Motivates Employees for Success, The Roles of Mission, Vision, and Values, Mission and Vision
in the P-O-L-C Framework, Creativity and Passion, Stakeholders, Crafting Mission and Vision
Statements, Developing Your Personal Mission and Vision.

Planning: Concept of planning, Features of planning, Advantages and disadvantages of planning,

Influencing factors in planning. Goals of planning, Steps of planning. Types of planning, Importance
of planning. Features of an ideal plan, Concept of decision making. Necessity of decision making,
Process of decision making. Assisting factors of decision making. Considerable factors in decision
making. Problems of decision making and its implementation.

Organizing: Concept of organization, Nature/Features of organization, Importance of organizing and

organization, Principles of organizing, Concept of Organizational structure, Types of organizational
structure and its advantages and disadvantages, Considerable factors for organization structure.

Staffing and Selection: Concept of staffing and human resources, Relation of staffing and human
resources management, Importance/objectives of staffing. Staffing process, Recruitment, Sources of
recruitment, Ways of recruitment, Advantages of recruitment from internal sources, Disadvantages of
recruitment from internal sources, Demerit of selection from external sources, Staff selection, Method
of selection, Difference between recruitment and selection, Appointment of employees, Ways of
appointment. Staff training, Importance of training. Methods of training.

Leadership: Define leadership. Importance of leadership. Types of leadership, Difference between

democratic and autocratic leadership, Qualities of a good leader. Functions of leader, Problems in the
development of leadership, Way of removal the problems of leadership development, Concept of
direction. Importance of direction, Features of a good direction, Principles of direction, Qualities of an
ideal direction Various methods or techniques of direction, Concept of consultative direction.
Importance of consultative direction, Advantages & disadvantages of consultative direction, Suitable
fields/conditions of application of consultative direction.

Motivation: Define Motivation. Characteristics/features of motivation, Cycles of motivation,

Importance of motivation, Various ways of motivation, Theories of motivation, Hindrances of

Communication: Concept of communication, Process of communication, Importance of

communication in business, Types of communication in business. Functions of communication,
Hindrances of effective communication. Use of modern technologies in communication. Advantages
and disadvantages of using ICT in business communication.

Controlling: Concept of controlling. Features of controlling. Importance of controlling, Principles of
controlling, Limitations/disadvantages of controlling, Steps of controlling. Techniques of controlling.
Various controlling mechanisms in business.

Learnings from course

Comprehension of Management Concepts: We developed a deep understanding of the basic

Management principles and concepts that underpin our managerial skills.

Understanding the organizational objectives: We are now able to deeply feel organizational
objectives, mission and vision.

Proficiency in the implementation of Management Function: We are now able to accurately

implement the necessary managerial function for obtaining the organizational objectives.

Critical Thinking and Analysis: The course aims to enhance our critical thinking skills enabling them
to make informative decisions


in conclusion, the "Principles of Management" course is designed to provide us with a comprehensive

understanding of Management fundamentals. The learning objectives outlined in this report served as a
roadmap to guide both educators and students through the course curriculum. By the end of this course,
we should possess the knowledge and skills necessary to apply Management principles effectively and
make informed operational decisions.

We believe that achieving these learning objectives will prepare us for success in our academic and
professional endeavors, equipping them with a strong foundation in Management principles that can be
applied across various industries and roles. The learnings from the course will help us to do better in
the future advanced Management courses.


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