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a ACT ONE AT HOME Andante con moto ean) 5 (rte cursin rises.) aby 7 yd Jiden oe 7 ‘ Scene One (In a small sunny clearing in the forest stands the rustic cottage of Peter the Broom-maker. In one comer, a bearth and chimney. Nearby are a table and chairs. Finished and balj-finished brooms aug rom the walls and ceiling. Hansel sits near the door making brooms, surrounded by @ clutter of twigs, sticks, twine, ete, Ooposite bim Gretel is seated busily knitting a stocking.) Su - ay, iit Su- 2y, now lis-ten with cat pee ade ob, the geese are run-ning bare-foot; theyve no shoes to wear! ‘There's lea-ther e- nough, but no pat-tern to use! ‘That's the ve - ry (continues) |2) / rea-son the geese have no shoes! Hansel (incermoting ber) Why not let them go bare-foor? "Egeoehyy Goo-sey,goo-sey gander, it's time to be a Tm hun-gry a8 can be, but we have no more bread! 0b, Fm emp-ty and hoblowiwhatmoreeant say? 7G Touche with § = : Chrtel(interrpting bi) B-0 ‘Thav'll make youfeel tickelish (continues) fea-ther ané ['l float a - vay mane eens ae eee Now Mosther is late and Twon-der whats ni aa Te, Bsa, Gretel. Have you for - got-ten the words Fa-ther ritard. a tempo wish were deadt tempo a Lifes aot worth Ly = in tard. [Ala tempe deaa?_ rilart “When we can - not a lempo grief, then the Lord will Oh.yes, but trese.-0,{ _-| -bahd- + bef = a the mood, For in-stead of speeches, I'd like some food! how I wish youd find a weat! An-y-thing, if it's good to ey poco ritard. « ggs and ba-con ahd all the | seH".- That what I'd teal -ly Ilke the oe yoco ritard, =» ee Why don’t you keep still? Say, Grestel, 1 wish ith allof your complainisIve had ina while? Han-sel, you arereakly dite! Gfum- me oe ree a ae You're an old silly, daf -fy down dilely! (lantegretto con moto.(. 8) crbbing one ofthe brooms, se chases bin.) my fill, And why_cantyousmile? u - Sl | ee uke ln oid ‘cto > €o= ar kK pi-ty face, you're a dis-grace! Ne-ver explaining, al-ways com-plaining! scow-ling andgrow-ling, Youre ltke_all th (On with you, gone with you, grou-chy old pest! Hansol_(grabbing the broom with Gretel.) Geum-ph St, you're a disgrace. Tf you are hun - gry, hungry, Tearrt help but uy not toWow it show itt When Tam When youate an gry, why do Iknow it? Grum=py.grou-chy, youll ad«milt fan-gry, you al-ways Mowit! I'm so grum-py, grou-chy, 1__willad-mit 1am right, youre not bright. eM 8] 1'm not bright, you are help a bit ‘Mum-bling and grum-bi don'tnelp'a bitt (Both sweep their “troubles” out the door and Hansel slams it shut.) Why dort you quit? All right! And ight, 1 quitt Bi Tempo primo. - 2 ow that youvestopd com-plain-ing, 1 think I will tell you a most de - light- ful Wind, 20 Gretel. (bringing a pitcher of milk from the cupboard) , (Hansel obeys) T know where there's a treat. First close your eyes. is. v. got a sur-pris. Now o-pen wide and see all the love-ly fresh FL ae = milk in = side. When Mo + ter comes, she'll make some-thing u, F., P Thope it's a pudding of milk and rice, Hansel /opening bis eyes) Milk afd rice! Te pe That's sto - mach’s the best i - dea you havehad! This emp - ty Ob. i. E jet you that creams real -ly thick, Let's 'pWwin (sampling the cream with bis finger) (lifting the piteber to bis lips) taste itt Oh, my! It's good! T don’t inetend to Ep a i Be caro 7 Pid animate, eet she sicher aney irom him and placing on the tobe) Why! Han-sel, stop it! Have you no shame? "Hands off” this Pid animato. (She goes back to her knitting) inestant, or youtakethe blame! late! Theresnomote time, so please don't wait! If Mo-ther comes and our workis-n't —— Tempo come prima Hansel (sulking) done, well, you know, that will end all our fant 1 dont cate, a. 28 T would much at a-ther be play-ing a— sways the same! = = Pe = LZ)Groted ‘springing uo excitedly) ‘i Sa 2 One ff TSE = ESS ae: == S| woth sing = ing? Dane - ing? That's i Let's both uy i now. —, Tits _ SS om pina Hassel (sulting Come on then, Hansell show you how! Let's sing a song, one that's ee a4 [TS] Allegretto con moto.(¢: (Gretel dances a simple step.) a Sg _—Catsels come and dance with me, FLOb. 2 ir, a P sy as can Be, One foot here, one foot there, Round you goo su, (Hansel besitates) —~ dance with you. That is one thing Ican'tdo! You mustshowme how it's done, 4 07 Dee ae pia lace) 2 First yourfoot you tap, tap, tap, ¥, ‘Then your hand p.clap,clapt fae foot here, SMyigor theres sed you g clap, clap, ela One foothere, one fggMere‘round,n9 time to spate! Ke-ty good for your first wy — Jo ' oe es uw P TE ADE ae if Wt (ig) a Greta. —— ‘he foot there, ‘Round_no time to sparet ‘Now you have ‘a - no-ther chance, a ae : ‘And thistime with me you dance, Armin arm,we go to~ ge-ther, Just Like two birds e : wt. EN gp ae (Linking arms, they dance.) of a fea-ther: This real-ly oe ‘This real ly is my fa- vite kind of fun! I just love to dance! Ob, 7 28 just be-gun, This is tots of This is lots of ? (Spinningita® ig oO Tra,laff 13, 1a, 1a, 13 T just love to dance! boys like you, 1 take to chance Se exe poco riterd. Tempo Gretel. Ke you dance! Tra, 16 ‘a-buse, but_no ex-cwse, and 1 wi (Making bim dance) 1a, Wa, la, ough to kick your heels, does-n'treal-ly mat-ter how one feels! I'm ¥ . Ja, ta,la,la, tra,la, la, 1a wa, la la, alata, lata, lal Um 2 a | », ais, with - out a care, ke a mfleion-aire! ? [BBlcrbeir dancing becomes has a tear,I'L, a worn, [swear ll have to find a spate!Trala, 1a,Trelale,Tra,le, 12.7 a on _* ( te eR fF aR a at tl 1" fw not be - gun, Dear Hanesel! Tra, ja la, Tra,la,la, Tra,le, 1a, a,Ja,Trajla, 1a, 18, fe i strings a, Tea, lata, Tra,la, 1a, Trata,la, Tra,la, 1a, Tra la, laTrayla, 1a, Tra, lala, Tra la, le, ‘Trada, la, Tro,lajla, Tra, 1g, Tra,lada,Tra,la, 1a, Tra,lada, Tra, sieing : ra ae es = Pel. (They lose their balance,ana tumble laughing to the {loor) (oe) la,Tragla,la,Tra, la, la, Tea,la, 1a, Tra, La la,Trala, la, la, da, Tra, La, aa Allegro. ‘The Mother. easly (springing uf Gretel. bringing up) GoeirNotberstands there. Ts Mo-ther! Hansel, $82 a8, tetumed empty (springing ub) Allegro. I've caught you both mis-be = ha 7 rifen. ty Ea ‘Tempo primo. ‘That Han-sel, Mother (putting down her basket and closing the door) Must I Keep scolding for - ev - er? — aah Why are ae ead of that dane cing? 8 the way you re- ‘Arent you a shamed, a (seeing that Hansel has not finished bis broommaking) looking at Gretel's unfinished stocking) Why, Gre- tel! you've on- fone? All right! Youre not to be fed, but goswaighttobed, or elie es Pha — (Hansel snickers at Gretel's punishment) And now, just for thatt a 2 You sau-ey youn . by aa you'll ne-ver for - get {Fetching her stick she chases them around {All three watch unbappily as the milk lie tables knaching over ihe oitcherof mili, 221 Spreads out in pool on the floor go Now look, there goes the milk! Oh, (Hansel tastes the milk and giggles delightedly.) And that means no sup Find me some straw - bet-rles, right a-way! go ee ~ mem ber thsedor come f ¥ (She chases the children out the door, and stands watching as they disappear into the wood. (turning back into the room) oh, why. do they al-waysmakeme an Dear Lord, please help me now! My poor starving chil And I have no-thiag 3K ma an is emp - ty! (Our cel-lar is bare! ob. ere _but grief a Inlag te- mains v7 os Hl a * (seating berself wearily at the table SS (Resting ber head on her arms, she goes to sleep.) Dear Lord, re-lief! ae Commodo. d.. Father. (i the distance Ja, Mo-ther now at last I'm here,tzal, a, a, a, ral,la, la, la. And = 1a, Tun - ger is a wic-ked curse! a. rear - y; toll - ing for his dai-1y bread; red, Tral, le, 1a. 1a, rt. Te pay. tra la,la, > es og of tia, lay la, 1a, tra, la, la, la, Ia, ‘That's when hun-ger comes t So 37) (Taking a bottle from bis knapsack, be drinks.) can find good square meal. But ‘ald i i AE bY Trai, la, la, la, ta, Ja, Ja, Lay now, let's have somehome-made brew! Te A a Now look sharp, (taking certain items from the knapsack) ) Ja, la Ia. (holding up bis knapsac 8 1a, 1a, 1a, Come prima. al 45) Come prima. Father.’ i 50 Here's some lev ing! ere meete bles go tumbling a (He gaily empties bis knag vegetal i 58 Tempo come prima. Fathers(Grabbing the goth Tra, la, 1a, la, wa, la, la, 1 Tra, 1a, 1a, la, for us 10 ce -le -brate a Cae e's not wait. let's not wait, Ustea ton a ti, Time for us 10 ce-le - Time for ws to ce-le - a ra, ata, Hg rate. _c-nough with wait-ing| ers! (Starting yy rg, be sugghty foos.) But walt, 1 dowesee the chil-éren, Téottt know Han-sel,Gre-tel, They're_gom pe ae ———— > (indicating the empty cupboard) ‘one thing mot Father, Oh —yes! T™: 1s gone angrily) Co a f#enaight Have tse ti rt ae Ed ug, Ss & Mother, 37 ni-aance with thele prankcing!Pro-mise me youll give them each & spanking! x ¥1, [ound them singing and danc-ing; jump-ing a~ round wjghthelrsll aly prage ing Pe fe s eee ae — ? by T was $0 Up - setschased them out the with the mille 58 [52] Pit animato. Ga (laughing beartily) iu animato. oe Ha T= feel 10 aad, tes aot 50. the first_one we've | 53) (curtly) wn ‘They have gone tothe Ay! But wait! Where are those tworas-calsof mine? pacer Mr. Bee == [2 -sen-stein! 2 Tothe | Mg sen-steint ‘You must be in-sanet win, - 5 ae ur a= [54)Un poco ritenuto. ———— ee Father. in anguish Please, God, _provectihem fom ing Ut Poco ritenuto. ‘dimin. | poco riten. Py ‘gonfused by What Tatel Why, why have T come so aie? gi ie EBs tempo pos Come prima. = one come prima. a tempo F Kwthe €- vilbnes? Who are they? (significantly) where all the e-vil ones dwell! The 5 SSS. a tampolin answer, be picks ub a broo [55)Un poco ritenuto. (sinking down anxiously) The gob-bling witehes? gobbling witches? Un poco ritenuto. y Trp @ tempo om Tell me, {don't un-der~stand you! using the broom to illustrate his words) The broomstick, the broomstick, they By ee the hob-bling, gob-bling hey rides 0b, all get a-stride,and that’show t ‘across the ditches, day, in a serum ching, crun - ching, try ‘mares the chil-dren in with temp-tingiweew of gin- ger brea maa bg (58) Un poco pid animato. vil-eye, and thegame of spi derand fly! Then each (Opening the door to the stove, be throws in a log to illustrate.) ei poor litte tot the o-ven made hot, with fl - re bright e Toe 7 | p—— |" |e baked Into bread! a ‘ }oco ritenuto. pie @ tempo Mother. | What be-comes of the chil-dren? @ tempo —— jer shawl, she rushes out the door.) Tothe witch-es? Dear Lord! (Ob, help dst Our serves them for sup-Pé “Tothe witches! chikdren!Now come we must go! (calling after ber) 1 Mo-ther, Mo-ther! BOY te grabs the bottle and ‘rushes off alter ber, where the wing? Fil find you the wijchof the Hl - sen-ncint be JF (The curtain falls quickly.) Pesant Gilee4 IN THE FOREST m Scene Two (Deep in the forest at the rear of the stage is the “Tlenstein” surrounded by thick pine woods. At one side on a mossy bank under a huge tree sits Gretel making a wreath of flowers. Nearby is a nosegay, Hansel is busily picking strawberries. The last rays of the afternoon sun filters through the trees.) 68] Molto tranquillo(d -¢s) Gretel an pessoa) Jone, there was @ lit tle man standing like sone, Tell me, if you rit > atempo think you can, who's that fun-ny litetleman;stand-ing like a sta-tue in the wood A, rit. ra tengo He wears a lit - de 74 down, Who's that lit-tg an oeaee % Poco animato come prima. +» Hansel (comin forward juvilantly with a full basket of berries) ‘Come T've picked the straw ber-ties, Now let's imato come prima. (e = 8%) Hansel (aming an ls - eles ar things like that! mR - poco riten But pleese eggfeat them poco rite > tp = [EE] Tempo: (reret sctecis the NN one and seuflles it approvisgly. She offers some all! aia alee) a. 7 strauberries tafhansel. They sit down bappily with the basket.) pip PP s pe-Prrerrercy (Echoing, sbe helps berself to asus re Coea eect, (imitating the sound Bian “Crtiing es Cuckoo, cuc-Koo. How are you? CCue-Koo, cuc-Koo.Where ate you? Cuckoo instrument (backstage as if in the distance) Hansel (stopping ber and —— SS =] tun, just like yout Now lets pre-tend we're cuc-koos,too; and act the same asthey all dot Gretel (taking several) Hinsel (taking another) a ae uc-Koo, one of two! TT « Bsa, ea ert © please co: Tt 31957 PLT Ti Gretel (continuing) & like yout jel, (He takes the basket) You are S aking several) 7 st a few! 31957 os (They quarrel over the baskeN\ Anse! graés :: and empties it quickly Poed\a\poco animato. Cue-Koo, cuc-koo! Poco a poco animate. —— 73 nto bis mouth.) Gretel fscolding bim) ere ee Good Heavens! You have Just_walt ‘till_mo ~ ther hears! es it quickly Sill She will scold you, 74 a Meno mossosh- does so) both your ears! Hanseliefensively) Well Meno mosso fave you a CaS a a on, there's plen-ty more, come, ler’s yt ‘Oh nol We'll be eee 82 Tn poco ritenuto, [BPI mosso. as But Han-sel, tel what are we to Well ney-er find more ber-rles he¥e! — Un poco ritenuto, a Oby > ba. Hil mosso, do? Our work isn't done, it's iget_- ting so late, scold afd thar'swhast hatet Haneel( startled) Hush Lbackstage but neazer than a vas Whatsthatsound inthe breeze’ C= tees! molto espressiwo Han + seT_ Gre - tell" (Hear that!) “Have you lot —— your way neaeceeeee SSS ———— = TT] (Taking Grete! by the band, Hansel starts off, stands | ae, . perplexed, tries another direction, stops again and tums nerucusly to ber) Hansel Gretel, es visible eavy sack shoulder) o Sandman Avia Moderato. 90 ‘Sandman (gently ossing sand over the children) When night comessoft-ly creep - ing,Shch! All chil drenshould be = ee PP (con sordino) |W Sweet dreams for peace-ful —_—S>~ sleep slum - ber. Shehf Then near each t- ny bed, stand to 1 BP Bic sand, So st = lent -1y that seat ter all eee * tossing the sand ez > oneknow “uh - wl ther it - tle ye - lds close; and t 2 a (9) Pit lento. Then ows SS 5 aoe " 7 Agee = et | oa = cane | guard_the chikdrenwhile wey dream and _ slum i & z } ss i SSeS i = Fare - well==——— for soon you're offs to_— slum-ber land, and ES i. ‘ ~— za = 3 ee = and BF bring with ma-gic sand, in Hansel (y nine) Gretel/sieerily) Time now for bed! Af-ter our eve-ningprayris sal (They sink to their knees and fold their bands in prayer) Ea 24,273 Powe to tr deen apt, Bo me * (92 )Listesso tempd. ” Gretel. mezsa_coce, Now I lay me down to sleep, Pray.dearLord,my soul t- keep. Watch a-bove me Hansel. mezza Now I lay me down to sleep Pray, deat Lord,my soul 15™ keep.— Watch a-bove me Listesso tempo. is ate Se eee eee ‘Lord, prey, through the night til break of day, An-gels here be Lin =e oa = 94 (oa) sempre p —= ev-er near to guide me, Bless, OLord,our Mo - ther, Fa-ther,Sis- ter, side me, ev-ernear tom guide me, Bless. Lord, our ne nie 3 ae : poco rit. Bro ther. _ Bless all those who heed thy call in this whole world,DearLord, bless us 2 Facther, Sister, Bro - ther. All who heed thy call, Dear Loggaableys us : ae irra foe Tempo. (They sink back on'the moss,arn in arm. Hansel covers Gretel with his jacket allt . Tenipo, » Con espressione. DREAM PANTOMINE Poco a poco pitt animato. the ab repress. Puss. 5, a, first pair at their bead, thegg@fed at thSMeget, the third to their right their left. The fifth ay < others to com Scene One 103 (The setting is as in the previous scene, Dawn is breaking. The angels and the stairs have dis- appeared, but the background remains shrouded in mist which slowly clears during the following scene, The Dewfairy enters and shakes “drops” of dew on the sleeding children from a bluebell.) 7. oo ee GIT Dew - Fai Tm wide a-wake each Es upt 1 spread the ro sy Light of dawn Un = til the shades of ee ee aS ‘P espressivo te te) aN 1 night are-gone; And=send the birds.a.~ wing .-—ing,Tofill__the.ait—_ with Paes ra Lon dy = Ing, So. come; wake up and-meet the day. With smiles and laughter Shakes dew jrom bluebell fades of while you may,be - fore-the hours. all. y.a~ ways for-soon the-—night= willbe istime 1o_heed Fg Tayi &, 83 | aa Ga, COB) ig ies vey af itennto oh 108 Un poco pit lento. Gretel ‘sitting up, mubbing ber eyes, she looks around: Hansel is still sleeping.) Dream - ing? We've slept here th the wood all night? % 2 z P eipresica —— —F Sounds of the = fo-rest fill the morwing air with ring = ing. Dirés-thrill my wa - kens 10 eapressivo — that’s just_be = gun, a friend-ly words: [ainda birds stay to vi. Se So,come, you lit-tle birds,— meet the day— 2 — Ob. 401 8 turning to Hansel) Con moto moderato, (d=12) accelerando Just look, at thatolé 1a - 2y Han-sel! (tickling bim to rouse bim) wake him! Tiste-Li-te-I, now rise and shine Sa ae T's akmost nine, come eo ine fly = ing. ig gfThe dawn willsoonbe dy ~ ing. zd aa = Tistecli-re-li, Tieteci-re-1i, thre-levesli, tere-li-re-i ¢ 2 fo tie ‘orese. - 6 ub suddenly) s = iceman wal Wil jou bu? epi ee | ei eee es ai Tos. | =? cme ——_ |" 110 - The dawn Is ‘Cocks a-doo-dle- eres U-re-Ii-fe-li, fia fee linte-li-re-li- ti, wi z, Cock-a-doo-dle- S ny - 2 :— Bi 8 nS the dawn is Cock-a-doo-dle- Seen and__I_ know why? Taleptfo well here un - der the sky? range, it may seem, Thad a mott fan-tas- tic “y y ee eats 122 Hansel (trying to recall) Ge - teh howstrange, I did, cee eS Gretel,/in tranderment) “dreamt that = gad = Peay tari = = Lp Care eer ea R oft- ly sing - ing like = gelsfrom [a TPR SESriee Siarergam sinner ar oS 123 z = ~ cetwere ring = ing. Clout = ver s é NSeevig t r = CE a ee eel eee] = ty and reds Tost ingsdit and | creme. - light, thenquickly drift {pointing to the spot) Tas there: rays of _light from be! a Pa @ oh * Teal = ly dream-ing, ail drewed_in blue = addon two by two yy FL, uf Clouds 9 ve = herpes: aie SSS = aa oe aa : 7) © oe oe * = i leh wings of shin-ing gol won der-fd— fo be~ eollt— ges | | SSS eres. oe ‘cf ae e ele | gt prereee e gas 2 Un poco ritardando. ae — = Oh yest 60 Bat why did they all disp p45 “ritard PA 4 dole spr = dinin. Scene Two Animato, (42 00) Gretel = pear? Stay there! Don't move! T dare net Took &- Sy 15, (excitedly) appears the ginger oven, 10 tbe right 126] Un poco pit tranquillo. (a ) oo are Ta (enchanted by what she sees) Gretel Tet Took a+ 2 : The smells are so tempting with all cov = er'd with Tur-kish de-light, And (ie made Turekish de - : % win-dows that spar - Kigwith frest-ing Of white, Ad dl-so the pep- er-mint Tight, and win- dows with frost-ing of white the pep - er-mint = Ogee chign-neys of red ne ‘Therp’s a _ hedge chim=peys of fed, There's 4 hedge ade Uke this et a light, And p= ermine © pep - er-mint mage of made of (approaching the house) 117 real gin - get ores. Gs) tle, now you te, now you 0b. Your _prip-cess who dwells your princess who dwells ene eee Pleste tell may - be some be some to spare, =e Please_teil y u, ; = | oo bun - gry anda fora shate; ave lon our way, per ~ haps Jost or way, per ~ haps £ & SS (29) may let us sta¥—— may let Us way, we'd ke eo eee —> listening carefully) Theres not a sound, c 119 We've lost We've lost No-thing Is stir-y Well! I'm go- ing Harp. (136) (Hansel stiffens at the sound, the cake falls [rom bis hands, fotel (tinidly) The wind Tr mur aeréeing, but not convinced) he Hansel Did you hear that? be the wind. be the wind, Obg ae Grotel (oicking up yMiece and tasting it) Hansel Give me 123, (Both shrug indifferen he voice from che house: te 25 0 6 fom the wall) be The top half of the door of the house opens, and the head of an old lady becomes visible. It s the gobbling witch. The children do not notice ber, and she opens the aoor all the way. She is simply dressed,with her hair drawn up in a bun,giving no outward hint of her true identity.) (140) rotan.?"2tetding fo sneak up on Hansel who js busily eating) Scat! You gob-bl-ing mous - ey.*Cause I'm the catfrom the hous - ey! wel P enpressivo Bsa, cE Hansel (turning away from ber) Don't be a tease, Tl do at 1 please! Ob. e (The witeb enters jrom the gingerbread POCO a poco stringendo. Gretel house and cautiously creehs un behind the children) Hansel Dear Mis-ter Wind, you're mostim-po-lite! not have a fight! Ha ha haha ha 128 oa legro non assai. hal Who are you The Witch (grabbing Hansel by the right arm) =n ae Allegro non assai. 5 are" Rant Hansel. The Witeh (saking Gretel also) Come, my pets! ‘You gob - blin a, ye 8 Agha ee SEMEL met Poco ritenuto. (drawing them to ber and examining them through ber spectacles) Youve come for a a = \T EE FF \ 129 (They nod in confusion.) SSS wos st si true? You love _- ly Who are you Pia animato. Hansel 142 (kicking ber in the shins), Tempo come prima, The Witoh. You gob - bling do that! Let me go! ‘Aouw! os cha P wine iin. what makes you act this way’ — meek and ve - ry mild, = ‘That's why all the chil_- drento me ate so sweet, n, A (smacking her lips, ood fe ‘close to them, breathing right in their faces) oes to them, breathing rig ee-a-ce-aceseca-ee- arm-ing— 10 (145) Pil animato. Hinsel eat! Yeough! Why dort: youlet vi. 132 Allegro non troppo, (aside, glancing at Hansel) Oajnowl am long-ing tosamplethis cas~ty bite! And you, I'l , Dp =S Paks —— | 3) — Un poco pit tranquillo. for spe - claldes ~sert to-night! a1. ? pase aa. ee ee Bal. (to Gretel) Come lit tle mou- sey, come, see my how - sey! To _ & $ F $ Come,ler’s not be sus - pi-cious, I'll give yousome-thing de- li - ciow! (eyeing Gretal) | 133 ics, (dolce) eyeing Gretel) Thave sugar peppermint,choc'late drops, Turkish de light.and lol - ly pops Se Some ice-cream cakewith strawb'try fe-ing, and pas-ties— they are ny ob. mosten-tie-ing and ral-sins and al ba- na-nas and peanuts are wait - ing: I'm sue, you will find they ate quite cap - ti- va- ting, Widenly pulling \ ~ ACBTTSD carawring Hansel to one side Come, Han sel, 1 Mave "a surprise, just wait vw 1 Hansel. Tdrath - er you'd speakloud and tr fh l and o soe side) ) 187 (very loudly) (153) clea! The Witch. What'sthis sur - prise 2 - wait - ing us here? my dear chil-éren, your ears and eyes "ie ipe go Hansel. will dis-ap-pear with thislove-ly sur-priset __No{Don'tyoubother with my ears sor eyes! , Sa (to Gretel) Romat-ter what she may say 438 Grabbing bands the children run toward the side.) Lev'srun a= way! (The stage darkens. A magic wand suddenly appears in the witch's band. The children remain frozen ts the spot as she holds the wand above them threateningiy. Her bole aspect seems fo Change and there is now no trace of her former friendliness.) ‘The Witch, -d. he a seis eeeee a (bymcticing them ith le end of ber wend) et ber"buslnt, Ho-cvs, po-cus, wiscesLeussee make it worse! Eenee,Meenee,Mynee Moh! — 139 155. children remain aspect seems to will not let you go! 0c0 a poco pitt animato. 0, [2 cus poeus do- mi - ‘Youmust watch the ma-gic | a ema ui. move ['ll Piia tranguillo, {1561 (motioning to Hansel who moves toward the cage as i] in a trance) stick, while your sight growsdull and thick! Comenow,!Be___ quick! J. J a. 2 “|e 140 | Ho-kus _porkus,bo-nus jo-cusima-lus o-cis,ho-kus po: kus! a espressito Fee ny pale ee (She sbuts the cage with Hansel inside. i mais 1o-cu, po-tuil (The stage lighter again. pp 157] Molto tranquillo. ‘The Witoh (with her former friendliness) Ruststayhere like t het While (158 ECC oe) Un poco pitt animato. Hansel (wnispering) Oh, GO hocarld witent don't talk 10 loud! he | PPro Waa yt gi wake, andwatch her well; Then tell_me how sheworksher spell, wo = Be care-ful, here she eee tells Yo © tw (E59)PIa animato. rie witce enters again with a large birthday cake. (cackling gally to beragl) Tee, v ag a —— |?“ 7. Jers again with day cake berselt) z ‘Tho Witeh, (to Hansel} Eat, Han-sel, youmust nyt You must eat— till you ie? ae : Oe Te. (tuming to Gretel and king the spell (de8.) Hos Poms EAE yy Wy eee = con sordino) pitt 144 (Gretel, who bas remained transfixed until now (6B) Allegro. /inds it impossible to conto! ber dancing fect.) Magicspellis bro-kea, Wakeup and move a-gain, aaa f v |? io Nowthe ta - ble t, First the knife,then the for, Page Now the cupandthe plate, hur-ty up, child— it is gettinglate! Molto piit lento. (looking at Hansel, who bretends to be asleep) expression 150 _(As she clops ber hands, « boom suddenly appears, she Wenders it [168] L'tetesgo tempo (l=) TH Hee suddenly er ay.) yea ® t beae log cldboortickyoumusie quiet the time inigh at wemun fy! Ip ov : Maes SES {galloping bere and there) (70) 1 weave 2 spell sonone cantell, 1m a. tf (Again she rides back and jorth. Gretel_peeks froma hhete and there and ev - ‘ry-where! window of the house.) ‘At stroke oftwelve and not bychance,I got jai the witch-etdancel PRE af y chan ge to iaip Po se aoc Ta TF Ae AE And then I stew 2 witch-es' brew of snakes and snails and spl ~der’s tails; and frogs_and rats Ob. {rides up to door of the house L_pecks froma big_black bats; and aw- fy good! = ages a> tums back to Hansel) eel = 3 Mew ident po weyifeame Til bo backt peace: peric.. | - e aS 7 : 2 ? 3 176 Listesse tr Fg = hk cieileeneienesaiieee eas 154 (Hansel thrusts a small stick through the bars of the cage. Witch. J. youte a skin-ny one, = ‘The Witch (catia) Leone ‘The Witch. _ neg Bring sof for Hans, be quick! Just a few, — dottmake hy Ro, = 4 —, (Gretel disanoears and then enters carrying a basket of raisins.) ee 181 Gretel jere ate the rais- ins! ae f= | gum |p While ibe Witch feeds Hansel. some raisins (Gets apies\the magic wand where the WitcH 182] = yas left it and picks it up. Gretel Ho-cus po-eus, _El- der bush, g-cus po-cus, El derbi | eR 0b. 2 on {turning quichly 10 Gretel wba bides the wend ney Thewiten behind ber) mag-icspellis _bro- What the youte say ng, sil-ly goose? Se ee : en oh, P Ass. 185) ¢ 185Toron rey, Ot : ‘ Hansel i E Sess : pets Noth-ing 1 was on-lyhepingtans, G8 On-1y lending h aA ee r The Wited._ BAIL A a. din ty 10h. Ob, an — goes again to the oven. Meanwhile Gretel opens the cage door.) (The spell bas been broken b 457 Gretel's words.) Hansel ‘The Witch Gretel dear, an-gett near!, I. Teartwalt any_ long-eet Come Gi cing, {moving toward the oven) pokiest'm mak-ing, eae ) - pen me et, theresroom for more yet; take a look sng. vy 158 (Gretel hesitates) Hansel (slipping out of the cage W's nice and wise! Now take care + " Ob. Gretel (10 the Witch) she’s right there! Therebno use to th It ismuch too high; she's rit y a expression Se ‘The Witch ‘Stand up on tip- toe, bend-ing yourhead low. It'snice andwide, now get in-side! Paes, | aie mies asp SEE) cmap: Don't o- bey! © Stay aay! all_po we, _I'm such a goose! a Ef: . otogt Ss 2 Sd 7 =e = a Te Fee ae © rs ut of the cage) E 7S iS Wait just a min-utet Show a, (The Wite opens the door and leans inside, The children quickly shove her into the oven, Hansel slams the door.) = Just one little pus HAM! Make the door slam! Just ome lit-tle push, WHAMI Make the door slamt 5 P Aba pS ae Ata lh > 160 191 rershe all cooked an done wort that be fun tershe all cockedanddone wort that be fun! The Un poco meno mosso.(4 - +) Un poco meno mosso.(d - ¢) aan — ipesinte id broke the charm, witch-es charm, broke the charm, witch-es charm, Yousee the witehis dead — real Yousee the witchis dead — real —— Witch Valse. Gretel. (iubilantly) Hansel. - =y! AA we'tesafe from han weresafe from han m, a Were Sree,, I sly dead! Weve.nomoreto dread! It'sgreat 10 sly dead! Weve.nomere to dread! ‘I'sgteat to wtp nor he- si = tatel esl Tet be ‘Yes!— let's be > wa tempo forhe- st = te la OE fag PNT 3 _ bes #5 weC ee — ind gay,lets sing and dance all day, now the old witch is done, welihave allkinds of funt Weresttee, we > ‘Hur -reh,hur- rayt Bip bur - ray? ip bur = t+ nyt og = fap bur ray? Hip hur - ray? Hip bur~ eS; (193|, —_-——.—,.—, hur - rayl W's great to Wagreat 0 His rayt ae Look Gingerbrad children! # rele ae mst rave eon undiir the spell! 200] Molto tranqui Sopranos (Girls) Molto tranquillo. Str. (con aordina) PP. 2 Weare free! ou, aed ca Please mewhy your eyes areclosed,tmuthelp you! Oh, 166 tell mie what to aes sempre pp Forthe spell - ~~ : 40 attel, p07 = ch mult. cb: gre, yom eek Hg ide ide waned Ee ‘touching the face of tbSrerest chil, wbo opens Grote Sie and ented now release this ma- gis make themwell! Ma gicspell is bro-Ken! Whoosht ite crese, 176 (alanis (crying loudly (om eeieneoneennes beeneneetnttmreroread), All. $e al the sight) Meno mosso. (e104) a (Te children place the Wit in the mide of te stage.) All hug’) "Losls_Motw Rnd Father have foryrde didn (208) pate Now yousee the thewick-ed witch waseaught, ¢—0b.— 2, sf lost her head, ow she's dead; Now 2 n = ished plot bow _thewick-ed witch wascaughtt rying loudly te sight) she's dead: hand to lend: wick ed deeds must. have an endl z eneee ee rilen. = fl bearourgrief, thenthe Lord will sure - lysend re - lief Yes, 178 coming forward to the audience) 2 : when we can-not bear ourgrief, __then the Lord ss 4} 2i1 stoso. Piwallargando. [ZiL)Macstoso (All come forward to the audience.) molto crete. Gretel. Lord will —= grief, can-not bear ou grief, then the Lord will ——= When we can-not_ bear our gle, then the Lord will —$= # ‘ord wilt When we canenot bear our then the Lord will z ~ or When we then the Lord will Maestoso. rgando. fi wil i rE it iH (The cyrtain falls as the children dance Tousd Hansel Gretel und ibe'Faiher’™ 179 [BIZ] and ovber.) ae —_—_—$__ Molto vivace. (d=120) ‘Ss = ye = lief re - lieft Molto Vivace. (J=120) a

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