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CommiT and ConqUer

Reflective Learnin g Sheet # 02

Circles of My Multicultural Self
Name: Elsa Jane Villacorta Prog/Yr/Sec: BEED 1B KANT
Date: ___________________ Score: ________

This activity highlights the multiple dimensions of our identities. It addresses the importance of
individual self-defining their identities and challenging stereotypes.

An Independent woman A Proud Mother


A Student of CTU
A proud Filipino and
College of education
my is religion is Catholic

 Place your name in the center box of the structure above.

 Write in each of the satellite circles an identifier or descriptor that you feel is important in
defining you. This can include anything – Filipino/Cebuano, female, mother, athlete, educator,
Catholic, professional - or any descriptor with which you identify.

1) Share a story about a time you were especially proud to identify yourself with one of the
descriptors you used above.
I will share my story about the time when I became a mother at a young age. It is very
hard because I’ve encountered some very hurtful things: judgment, shame, struggles,
and disappointments. And also, it is hard to raise a child as a first-time mom. I was also
worried about the expenses and financial support of my son, but luckily, the family of
my partner is willing to support him. Since my son came into my life, he's been my
inspiration to keep going. He's been the reason to keep moving forward in life. That's
why I continued to study at CTU, and I'm so happy that I passed the entrance exam and
became a part of the College of Education. even though I've been through a lot in life. I
will take this opportunity to pursue my studies so that I can give my son a better life in
the future and also help my family. I know that I can because God will guide me through
my journey.
And I am so proud to have become a mother like me who is loving and caring.

2) Share a story about a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your identifiers or


Ed 124 – Foundation of Special & Inclusive Education. This is NOT for sale. This is for instruction purposes only. Figures, tables, pictures and
illustrations used are not mine. CREDITS TO THE OWNERS/CREATORS. No copyright infringement intended. /Fitzgerald C. Kintanar/
This was the time when I was pregnant at a very young age, and my mother was
disappointed in me. She said harsh words to me and told me that I had nowhere to go in
life. But I will prove to her that she's wrong; I will prove to her that even though I have a
son, I will be successful not now but soon.
3) Name a stereotype associated with one of the groups with which you identify that is not consistent
with who you are.
Looks and Personality
4) Fill in the following sentence: I AM (a/an) strong enough BUT I AM NOT (a/an) weak.
Resource: Diversity Resource Guide (University of Houston n.d.)


Ed 124 – Foundation of Special & Inclusive Education. This is NOT for sale. This is for instruction purposes only. Figures, tables, pictures and
illustrations used are not mine. CREDITS TO THE OWNERS/CREATORS. No copyright infringement intended. /Fitzgerald C. Kintanar/

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