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The fifth and final consideration in Jose Rizal's choice of Antonio de Morga's "Sucesos

de las Islas Filipinas" (Events in the Philippine Islands) was that Morga was an
eyewitness, and therefore a primary source, on the Philippines and its people at the
point of first contact with Spain. This is significant for several reasons:
Historical Authenticity: Morga's firsthand experience as an eyewitness to the events in
the Philippines during the early Spanish colonial period added a level of historical
authenticity to his work. His direct observations and experiences provided valuable
insights into the initial encounters between the Spanish and the indigenous peoples of
the Philippines.
Immediate Post-Contact Perspective: Morga's work was written in the late 16th century,
a relatively short time after the Spanish arrival in the Philippines. This made it a
contemporary account of the early interactions between the Spanish colonizers and the
native populations. It offered a snapshot of the state of the Philippines and its people
during a critical period of contact and colonization.
Cultural and Historical Documentation: As an eyewitness, Morga was able to document
the customs, traditions, governance, and way of life of the indigenous people before
substantial changes occurred due to Spanish influence. His work served as a primary
source for understanding the pre-colonial culture and society in the Philippines.
Counteracting Colonial Biases: Morga's firsthand observations allowed him to present a
more accurate and nuanced picture of the Philippines and its people. This was in
contrast to some later accounts, often written by individuals who had limited direct
experience with the Philippines, which sometimes relied on stereotypes and biases.
Rizal used Morga's work to challenge these later, more biased accounts.
Relevance for Reformist and Nationalist Agenda: Rizal, as a reformist and nationalist,
saw the value in using Morga's work to counteract colonial narratives and to promote a
more accurate and sympathetic view of the indigenous people. Morga's status as an
eyewitness lent credibility to Rizal's efforts to challenge colonial oppression and
advocate for the rights and dignity of the Filipino people.
In summary, Morga's status as an eyewitness and primary source was a key
consideration for Rizal because it provided a unique and authentic perspective on the
early history of the Philippines under Spanish colonial rule. Rizal recognized the
importance of Morga's work in countering biases, promoting historical accuracy, and
furthering his intellectual and political agenda in advocating for the rights and identity
of the Filipino people.

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