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Erika Noreen I.

Dela Rosa BSED SCI 1D

Schemas are already part of our childhood, and even up to this day. Schemas are
considered as cognitive or mental frameworks which help us to interpret information
better. These schemas made me, as a child, appreciate and understand everything that
surrounds me. Besides from asking my parents and those who are elder than me, I learn
how to observe and somehow examine every single thing that I could see and the
happenings I often encounter. Since my childhood, I have always been the curious and
adventurous, and I could say that I’m still the same up until now. I am very observant
and that helped me become more knowledgeable and full of wisdom as I am today. When
I was young, I had a lot of schemas of the things around me. Some of them were already
partially and temporarily forgotten, but it will always stay and remain in my mind and
heart. What I am trying to say that I can no longer recall my original schemas of the
things that I saw before as a child, but when I get to see those objects, persons, and
places, I still have thoughts and schemas for them, meaning, my schemas as a child,
which were simple and naïve, as I am before, has already been translated into a more
detailed and matured one. But if I were to recall my schemas of some things and persons
as a child and compare it to the schemas that I have for them today, it will be about my
mom (person schema), happenings inside the classrooms (social and event schema), and
lastly about myself (self-schema).
My schema about my mother before was she is very pretty, she is strict,
hardworking, and sometimes funny, but now my schema for her is more than my schema
before, as I saw her efforts to give us the life we deserve while being a single parent, I
no longer saw her as just a hardworking, in fact, I saw her as a passionate and works
with a heart. I also observe that at work she is a people person, she knows how to handle
and deal with different kinds of people, she is really great. Next, for the happenings that
I have observed inside the classrooms that I was able to stay in every school year. At
first, as a student in my younger years, I observe that classes are fun, especially when
we get to sing some songs and play some games. Also, I see my classmates as my peers
who just goes to school to answer modules, raise their hands and talk to us and the
teacher, and also to eat their snacks and to just play around. But now, as I have matured
as a student in her senior years, I observe classes as a right and responsibility and not
just a privilege, that’s why we are going on time, we always work hard to give better
outputs and presentations all the time. Also, I look at my classmates now as my peers
who are responsible, knows how to prioritize and manage their time, young professionals
because they give their best in everything they do, and lastly I see them as my anchors
who help one another.
Lastly, my schema for myself before was I am that kid who sees herself as
someone who hates bitter gourd, loves apples and sweets, who loves to ride her bicycle
and play; and someone who is going to become a lawyer and teacher in the future. But
now, I observe in myself, after experiencing so many things and given the chance to
contemplate on so many things, that I am the person who is resilient and has a lot of
perseverance within her, that no matter how many times I fail and disappoint myself, I
will always rise up and try again. What I have realized and formed as a schema from
these compared schemas from the past and present, that these has also evolved the
same way as how I flourished and matured as a person. And these will help me more, as
I continue my journey towards my future that’s waiting for me.

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