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Ict notes

A computer system is a set of equipment that works together to help you do useful work

Input → processor → output → storage

The processor

At the Centre of a computer, system is a processor. The processor does all the work in a
computer system a processor is small enough to fit on your fingertip modern processor are so
tiny they called microprocessors

Part of the CPU

The control unit (cu) manages the work done by cpu when an instruction arrives at the cpu it
goes to the cu the cu works out what instruction means the cu makes sure that the other parts
cpu do the work necessary to carry out the instructions .

The arithmetic and logic unit (alu) does all the calculations in the CPU. The cu sends the
instructions to the alu and it carries out the instructions this is similar to using a spreadsheet to
do your calculations.

The clocks sends out regular electric pulses just like the tick of a clock. A clock at home tick
every second. The clock in a computer CPU ticks around 3billions times every second every time
the cpu clock ticks the control units sends an instruction to the alu


Connected called buses join the three parts of a CPU together. Buses are high speed connected
that carry data around inside the CPU

How the CPU works

Think about the last time you played a game or watched a video on a computer the screen

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