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The Von-Neumann Architecture or Von-Neumann model is also known

as “Princeton Architecture”. This architecture was published by the
Mathematician John Von Neumann in 1945.

It is a design model for modern computers which has a Central Processing

Unit(CPU) and the concept of Memory which is used for storing both data
and instructions. This architecture implemented the stored program
concept in which the data and instructions are stored in the same
memory. This architecture consists of a Control Unit, CPU, Arithmetic and
logic unit(ALU), Register, I/O(Input Output Devices), and Memory unit.

1. CPU(Central processing unit)
• CU(Control Unit)
• ALU(Arithmetic and logic unit)
• Registers
• PC
• IR
• AC
2. I/O Device
1. CPU

A CPU is a part of the computer system, where the CPU is responsible for
executing all the bulk of data and programs in a specific manner. A CPU is
the brain of the computer and it consists of an arithmetic and logic
unit(ALU), Control Unit(CU), and various registers. The CPU is also known
as the central processor or microprocessor of the computer.

a) CU

A CU is the control unit that is the part of a CPU. The CU is the circuitry
that does the direct operations in the main memory of the computer
system and it directs the input and output flow. The control unit
determines the sequence in which computer programs and instructions
are executed. It is worked by receiving input information and that it
converts it into control signals.

b) ALU

ALU is an arithmetic and logic unit which perform all the mathematical
operation on binary numbers and it is an important component of
CPU(Central Processing Unit), Which carry the actual execution of

The ALU is allowed to do some operations like addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and division, etc. The data is transferred to ALU from
the storage unit when it is required. After processing, the output is
returned to the storage unit for further processing on getting stored.


It is also an important part of a CPU. The registers are temporary storage

where it is built in a CPU and it also provides a better storage speed. In
registers when all the data are processed after that data are stored in the

There are some internal registers are:

i) IR(instruction registers)– The instruction registers or current

instruction registers(CIR) means that the hardware element that holds
and receives the instruction is extracted from the memory of registers.
ii) PC(Program counter)– The program counter register are those
registers where the computer processor contains the address of the next
instruction to be executed. This register is also known as an instruction

iii) AC(Accumulator)– The accumulator register is a type of registers

included in a CPU. It holds the intermediate storage of arithmetic and
logic data in a computer’s CPU. Intermediate results of an operation are
progressively written to the accumulator(AC)

iv) MAR(Memory Address Registers)– The memory address register is

a CPU register That contains the main memory of data and instructions or
It contains a portion of the address which is used for the calculation of a
complete address, And it also holds the memory location of data that
needs to be accessed.

V) MDR(Memory Data Register)– The memory data register is also

known as memory buffer register(MBR), This is the register of the
central processing unit that stores the data being transferred to and from
the immediate access storage

VI) BUSES- In computer architecture, the bus means it is a

communication system that is used to connects the computer components
from one part to other parts of the system. A computer bus is
either parallel or serial.

Parallel buses transmit data across multiple wires.

Serial buses transmit data one bit at a time.

#Buses consists in three parts are:

• Address Bus-An address bus is a computer-based

architecture that is used to transfer the data between the
storage and the processor.
• Data bus- A data bus is also known as a processor bus and
it allows for the transferring of data from one part of the
computer to another on a motherboard or between two
• Contol bus- A control bus is a part of the system bus, Its
carries the signal from the CPU which helps to communicate
with the devices that are contained within the computer.
2. I/O Devices
An I/O or input/output device is a Hardware device that is used to
communicate with a computer, where the Input device is used to provide
data to a computer for entering data and program in a computer system.

On the other hand, Output devices are those devices where it receives
information from the computer and carries out the data that has been
processed by the computer to the user. An Output device display
information on the screen(monitor) or the printer.

Examples of input devices are: keyboard, mic, mouse, joystick, etc.

and much more.

Examples of Ouput devices are monitor, printer, headphone etc. and

much more.


A memory unit is the part of the computer system where it is used to

store all the data and information in a storage system permanently. This
memory stores the binary digit(0&1) information in groups of bits. In
the computer system, it is the place where the computers hold data and
programs which are in use.

Memory units consist of two types are:

1. Primary Memory- Primary memory includes RAM(Random Access

Memory) which is volatile in nature and ROM(Read Only Memory) which
is Non-volatile in nature.

2.Secondary Memory- Secondary memory is a physical device for the

permanent storage of programs and data(Hard disk, Compact disc, Flash
drive, etc.).

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