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Sage Chang
Marcos Cepin
KIN35A Beginning Weight Training
29 June 2022
Final Reflection

Before I had taken the class, I chose not to keep track of the amount of reps performed, what

amount of weight I chose to lift, and what exercises I did. I was familiar with the idea of

programs and the different muscle groups of the body, but I was unsure of what specific

exercises to incorporate into the programs, and the textbook content, such as movement patterns

(hinge, push/pull, lunge, etc.) I also did not observe where certain strengths or weaknesses lie

when exercising — is my form alright, how do I minimize physical risk, and how much weight I

should be lifting.

With the training logs, I developed a habit of recording my workouts for reference. I noticed this

because on the last day of class, it felt like a sin not recording the reps, sets, amount of weight,

and the exercise. I noticed that I could refer to the training logs to keep track of what muscle

groups I previously worked on, and keep it in mind for what I could work on next time. For

example, if I have a day for upper body strength, I can refer to the logs to determine to work on

core on my next workout. I can also determine whether or not I grow stronger over time with the

amount of weight that I choose to lift and record in logs.

The training logs are also a great tool for reflection and providing feedback to my future self.

After my workouts, feedback on what I could improve on are utilized in my next workouts. I

mentioned that I need work on my form, and I referred to it the next time I worked on the

exercise. Same case goes for breathing while exercising; I noticed that I have a habit of holding

my breath during concentric and eccentric movements, and I remember learning that exhaling

during one of the movements provides an extra “oomph.”


03 june 2022

warmup, start of class

1 min plank

> improve form, butt was up too high

45s T-hold both legs

russian twists (5lb)


side plank, both sides, 30s

weight walk

1.35s plank

1m t-hold each side

side planks, 45s each side

testing w margarita, jason, christina

sit ups, assisted: 15

For safety, form, spotter, clips, closed toe shoes. Individual differences, please respect others.

Dynamic stretches have movement, typically best before workouts as a warm up. Static stretches

are stationary and best after warm ups. Hinge movements are exercises related to the hips. Core

isn't a movement but rather a muscle group for the abdominal/core. Planks include a straight

back, elbows below the shoulders.

JUNE 06 2022

warmup ✅

romanian dead lift 7x2

farmer's carry, 10lbs, 2m 30s

- felt tension in chest + back about a minute and thirty seconds in.

plank 2min

- easier when not focusing on stopwatch, focused on breathing

side plank 30s

- harder than plank?

5 count sit ups

- had more of an "oomph" exhaling at the sticking point

- easier sit up when extending legs a bit further out?


russian twists, 10lbs, 10 count

deadbugs, 10 ct

- needs to work on coordination, maybe one step at a time would help.

side planks

- on right arm: 1min 20sec

- started feeling tension in hamstrings 1min in

- on left arm: 55sec

- same hamstring feeling ???

i noticed that obliques may not be as developed as the regular (?) abs used in planks. i could

spend more time doing russian deadlifts, or side planks. breathing helped improve performance

as well as hydration (last time, i forgot my water bottle). applauding myself for the 2 minute

plank, could always aim higher for next time. form on situps is tough!!

08 JUNE 2022

*switched terminology from "count" to "reps" LOL

* sit ups, 10 reps

* plank, 2 min. 30 sec.


* single leg RDL, 10 lbs., ~10 each side

* regular RDL, 10 lbs., 20 reps

* farmer's carry, 10lbs., lap around (conga line!)

* bridge, 12 reps

* noticed that holding it is a great exercise as well

* side plank, 1min 30s (R), 1min (L)

* josh explained that not keeping the straight form creates tension in areas that aren't primarily

focused on — i felt tension on my sides + behind knees

* worried abt not holding it for the same amount of time on each side, developing obliques


* kettlebell swing, 12kg, 25 reps

* sit ups, 10 reps

worked more on core today — still needs work on obliques, and more specifically, form on side

planks. did a longer plank today, though! not sure what else to write here

JUNE 10 2022

* dynamic warm up ✅

* lunge w twist, lunge w/ hand raise

* knee hugs, knee twists(?)


* other stretches

* practiced deadlift, no weight (15 reps)

* deadlift, but w 5lbs each hand (10 reps)

* lunges, 5lbs. (5 reps)

* plank (1m 35s)

* side plank (25s each side)

* worked hard for better form today — kept free hand on my hip, put more tension on

obliques to carry myself

* kettlebell swings, 12kg. (7 reps)

* for more practice on deadlift form, i figured the forms are similar yet still different

* sit ups (14 reps)

* correct form makes it tougher — i find myself pushing my arms out for momentum. also

lifting the legs a bit. might want to have fewer reps but with correct form to get acquainted

* deadbugs (5 reps)

* got the coordination 👍🏼

* able to flatten out the lower back, today

* side planks, again (30secs)

* focused on form for a lower time — quality over quantity

still getting acquainted with better, safer form despite having a bit of prior knowledge on how to

perform the exercises. overslept today, so i didn't have the chance to eat, but i did chug some

water before i left the house and when i started my workout today.

JUNE 13 15 17, 2022


JUNE 22, 2022

warmup ✅

bicep curls, 10lb, 10 reps each arm

lateral raises, 5lb, 10 reps

overhead press, 5lb, 10 reps

standing rows, 5lbs, 15 reps

bench press, 9 reps

lat pulldown, 60lbs, 15 reps + 70lbs, 10 reps

pull ups, 5 reps (but not all at once)

many of these all focused on upper body strength and biceps. i felt lots of tension in said areas,

and something i'd like to improve on would be form, as always! most particularly on bench

press, as i've noticed balancing the bar is something i'm concerned with during benchpressing.

one thing i did well was that i could do a few pull ups, considering i wasn't able to before

24 june 2022

* barbell squat, 60lbs., 15 reps

* deadlift, 20lbs., 10 reps

* barbell squat, 60lbs., 10 reps

* deadlift, 30lbs., 7 reps

* single leg RDL, 10lbs., 10 reps each side

* deadlift, 30lbs., 7 reps

* had guidance from marcos in a group; needs to remember to keep barbell touching the legs,

and a slight arch in the back before lifting. work on hip movement!

* ^ continued in group rotation

will remember to sit down after squats/deadlifts, due to the back tension being continued after

finishing the exercise. did a lot of the same exercises in rotation today — muscle groups targeted

were glutes, hamstrings, and quads. did well on barbell squat, felt lots of tension in the quads and

glutes, as it should be! could work more on deadlift form with keeping barbell touching the legs.

27 june 2022 (reps*sets)

* ate and drank water ✅

* warmup ✅

* lats pulldown, 70lbs., 7*4

* assisted pullups, set to 8, 3*5


* tricep extension, 45lbs., 7*3

* farmer's carry, 25lbs., 50sec.

* deadbugs, 10*3

* benchpress, bar + 5lbs., 5*3

* baseline skills test: plank 2min

focused a lot on upper body and a bit of core strength. had a little jog to the west garage and back

because i forgot my phone, and it was a nice add-on to my warmup. wanted to experiment with

prolonging the reps and making the concentric and eccentric movements slow, and i noticed i

was able to feel the tension in the targeted areas more. i noticed this most on lats pulldown

(targeting lats) and benchpress (with pectorals and shoulders).

29 june 2022 (reps*sets)

* warm up ✅

* ate and drank water ✅

* bicep curls, 15lbs, 6*3

* assisted pullups, set to 8, 5*2

* side planks, 45sec

* plank, 1min 30s

* angled benchpress, 15lbs, 3*3


still felt sore today so i took it easier today. put in extra time stretching before and after the work

out. also continued attempting to break my bad habit of holding my breath by practicing deep

breathing through the movements. today's targeted areas were upper body, again, as well as core.

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