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A pleasant day to one and all. In a short while, we will begin our Parents’ Assembly.

A gentle
reminder, please reserve all your questions and clarifications so as not to interrupt our speakers.
At the later part of the program, we will have an Open Forum to address your questions and

To our school principals, teachers, parents, guests and people of all gender, GOOD MORNING.
Welcome to DCNHS Grade 12 Parents’ Assembly at DCNHS Gymnasium. I am Mrs. Maricel
Martinez, your lady of ceremony.

To begin with, may I invite everybody to please stand for the Invocation to be followed by the
Philippine National Anthem.

Please be seated. To formally welcome us in today’s event, may I call on our School Principal,
Dr. Alden A. Rabina for the Welcome Remarks. A big hand please.

Thank you, Dr. Rabina.

At this point, we have come to the meat of the program. To discuss the Agenda of today’s
Parents’ Assembly, please help me welcome our Grade 12 Provincial Head, Ms. Novalyn
Ramos. A big hand please.

Thank you Ma’am Nova.

We will now have the Open Forum at this time. Please raise your hand to be recognized if you
have questions/concerns.

To formally end our program, may I call on Dr. Claudio Sun for the Closing Remarks. A big
hand please.

And that concludes our program this morning. This has been your host, Mrs. Martinez saying
Goodbye and Have a Great Day ahead. Thank you and God Bless us all.

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