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Love has it limits

It is undeniable that Self-love is important for oneself, however there

are a downside on loving yourself “too much”. is there a line that you
cross to be overtly self-loving? Too much Self-love could damage yourself,
your relationships and hazardous to those around you. What are the
causes of too much self love? The most common mental health
conditions relating to overtly loving oneself are narcissism and vanity.
Therefore, keep reading to unveil the answers to your questions that
might be lingering in your mind.

To begin with,” Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows

from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.
Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness.
Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-
being to please others.” ( Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., 2020, self love and what it
%20please%20othersThere can be many definition and different perspectives of
what self-love is, In my opinion Self-love is an act of raising your happiness
levels and care towards oneself, it is about how we take care and treat ourselves
with nothing but love and kindness. Moreover, There can be numerous of ways
to perform self-love, first it could be just as simple as a tub of ice cream and
watching your favourite show, it could also be a journey to find your hobbies and
discover new experiences. Furthermore, it can be your inner voice saying
positive affirmations in your head, and also setting boundaries in a relationship.
Basically, it’s everything that you do that prioritise yourself first

. It is common to hear that you must love yourself first before loving others.
However, is there a line that you cross to be overtly self-loving? There is. When
you prioritise yourself without taking consideration of others, when you become
so selfish and feel like your superior than others, that is what we call a narcissist,
in termed as a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) . Narcissists only love
and cares about themselves which leave them unbothered about others. A person
who practices self-love efficiently will accept themselves with who they are,
meanwhile narcissists will constantly criticize themselves and think everything
that they are doing are better than everyone else. Even though deep inside they
know they might have flaws, they will always be in denial and think of
themselves as the best. Everyone has their own flaws and it should be accepted
by themselves as no one is perfect. Next, A narcissist typically has low self-esteem
and is always in the need of reassurance and adoration. Although they seem confident
on the outside, self-doubt and insecurity consume them from inside as they need and
expect constant validation from others. Praises, awards, accomplishments are what
keep their egos high.
Whereas those who have high self-esteem and practice self-love don’t need recognition or
congratulations for their accomplishments. They are content with who they are and don’t
need the extra recognition and praises to be happy with themselves.( sheetal Shaparia, 2021, Is
too much love, narcissism?)

If I check on myself in the mirror every time I see one, frustrated my hijab is not
put properly and my lipstick smudged, is that vanity? Or when I love taking
pictures of myself and constantly posting my achievements on social media, is that
vanity? If so, is it a problem? Well, according to the oxford dictionary, vanity is
referred to as the fact of being too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements.
Naturally, there such a thing as “healthy vanity” – if we consider it respect
and pride for our appearance. (D.A WOLF, 2014, Vanity vs. narcissism) Pride
is a positive compliment, Vanity is nothing near it, it is the opposite. No
one would like to be described having vanity rather than having pride in
oneself. This is because when one has vanity, they will have excessive
pride and an obsession with looking the best while not being accepting
one’s flaw. This can be very dangerous because it can lead to mental
health problems like depression and anxiety if it’s not overcome due to not
reaching a standard that you created for yourself.

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