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Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara

Written Test Answers


1. In my Opinion I believe that the information provided above is still not sufficient. The
message above only shows that DKW needs legal assistance in its desire to set up a
business in Indonesia with a business partner. This can be categorized as an
acquisition or the establishment of a new limited liability company. there is still some
important fundamental information missing to help determine the type of legal advice
that KIA needs to provide to clients. And in my opinion, one of the most important
aspects that is not explained in the message above is the explanation regarding the
business sector that will be established.

Considering the investment and company opening regulations carried out by foreign
company (foreign investment) A short explanation about how the business sector
gets started would really help both sides.

2. Since more information is required, KIA should ask for more details about the
particular industry the company plans to enter. This is important because the rules for
PMA companies are changing quickly. By understanding the industry that want to be
open, the lawyer can figure out the business category it falls into, whether it's open,
open with specific conditions, or closed to foreign investment. In addition, If the client
has explained the business sector, the lawyer or KIA can provide more information
regarding the requirements or problems in building the business by DKW. So that
KIA can provide the information regarding:
- Requirements for establishing a business by a foreign company in Indonesia
based on the Indonesian Regulation.
- Explanation of PMA in Indonesia,
- A fee proposal and capabilities statement.

3. These are a few regulations that are relevant to establishing a business in Indonesia:
- Indonesian Civil Code
- Indonesian Commercial Code
- Foreign Investment Law as amended by the Government Regulation of Law
Number 2 of 2022 on Job Creation, which has been enacted into law with Law
Number 6 of 2023.
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
- Law Number 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company as amended by
Government Regulation in lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 regarding Job Creation
as ratified under Law Number 6 of 2023
- Government Regulation Number 8 Year 2011 regarding Company Authorized
Capital and Registration of Establishment, Change and Dissolution of Company
that Meets the Criteria for Micro and Small-Scale Businesses.

4. The phrase “you are in the position to undertake the project” imply that Satrio
Lawyers had the capacity to help the client in setting up a business in Indonesia. This
means that in addition to offering advice and information, if Satrio Lawyers accept the
proposal, they must actively aid the client in the process of establishing a business in
Indonesia. Moreover I believe that when evaluating KIA's capability to help the client,
KIA is also expected to perform a conflict check to confirm their availability.

5. Based on my opinion, I believe that KIA shall be bound by the confidentiality of their
potential client. Article 19 of Law Number 18 Year 2003 regarding Advocates
regulate that: “Advocates are required to keep confidential everything that is known
or obtained from their clients because of their professional relationship, unless
otherwise provided by law.”

And also we can see in Article 4 Letter H of Advocates Ethical Code regulate that:
“Advocates are required to hold confidential information regarding matters notified by
clients based on trust and are obliged to keep these confidential information after the
end of the relationship between the advocate and the client.

Essay Section

1. The concept of freedom to contract means that the parties participating have the
freedom to make choices and form contracts, define their terms and commitments,
and have the autonomy to choose the subject of the agreement. In Indonesia, the
principle is regulated under Article 1338 of Indonesian Civil Code which stipulates
that: “All agreements made in accordance with the law apply as law to those who
make them.” The word “All” in this article means that parties to a contract are allowed
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
to make any kinds of contract based on its intention with a limitation that the contract
does not violate any laws and regulation.
Article 1320 of the Civil Code explains that in order for a valid agreement to occur,
four conditions need to be met:
- their agreement that binds them;
- the ability to create an agreement;
- particular subject matter;
- a cause that is not forbidden.

Freedom of contract is implied in Article 1338 of the Civil Code which states that all
agreements (agreements) made in accordance with the law are valid as law for those
who make them. This consent cannot be withdrawn other than by agreement of both
parties, or for reasons determined by law.

2. capital investment (penanaman modal) refers to any form of activity where capital is
invested, whether by domestic investors (penanam modal dalam negeri) or foreign
investors (penanam modal asing), to undertake business activities within the territory
of Indonesia. In accordance with Article 1 Number 2 and 3 of Law Number 25 Year
2007 regarding Investment regulate as follows:
“(1) Domestic Investments is an investing activity to conduct business within the
territory of Republic Indonesia which is undertaken by domestic investors using
domestic capital.
(2) Foreign investment is an investing activity to do business within the territory of the
Republic of Indonesia which is undertaken by foreign investors, either by fully using
foreign capital or in the form of joint venture with domestic investors.”

All / Part of the shares are held by a Indonesian citizens or national
foreign company companies become shareholders
The company must be in limited liability Domestic capital investment (PMDN)
form can be conducted in the form of a legal
entity, in the form of non-legal entities,
or even as a sole proprietorship
PMA (Foreign Capital Investment) can PMDN does not have specific
only be conducted in the category of provisions regarding the minimum
large-scale business activities with an amount of authorized capital that must
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
investment value exceeding IDR 10 be invested
billion, excluding the value of land and
buildings this is based on Indonesian

3. Below are the differences between Lawyers, Notary and Barrister in Indonesia:

Differences Scope of work Territory

Corporates specialize in providing legal services and All over the territory
Lawyers advice to businesses and corporations of Indonesia
operating within the Indonesian legal and
regulatory framework. They typically offer
legal guidance to companies on legal
matters related to business and company
operations, but not on the court.
Notary public officer authorized to create Article 18 of Law No
authentic deeds, which are official 30/2004 regarding
documents that certify specific Notary Official,
agreements or legal transactions. working
According to Law Number 02 of 2014 area/territory of
Amending Law No. 30 of 2004 on Notarial office of a notary
Profession, notaries have the authority to covers the entire
create authentic deeds for all acts, province of his/her
agreements, and determinations required place of domicile.
by legal regulations and/or desired by the
parties involved to be expressed in an
authentic deed. That’s not represent the
clients in the court.
Barrister lawyers who focus on litigation, which All over the territory
involves representing clients in legal of Indonesia
disputes or court proceedings

4. 4. The Board of Directors is someone who represents the shareholders. This means
that all actions taken must be able to generate profits for the company. Therefore,
they must hold regular meetings to establish new rules as a form of company
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
supervision. The functions and roles of the board of directors are regulated under
Articles 92 to 107 of Law No. 40/2007 So, it can be said that the duties and
responsibilities he carries include the following:
- Lead and manage the company by determining policies according to interests
and objectives.
- Establish company management policies that are in accordance with the
company's aims and objectives, as well as policies that are deemed appropriate
within the limits specified in the Law or Articles of Association.
- Arrange the transfer of power to a person or several company employees
independently or in groups, or to other people, who have the task of representing
the company.
- They represent the company both within and outside the court on all matters and

5. LLD or legal due diligence is a thorough examination activity carried out by a legal
consultant on a company or object to obtain information or material facts in order to
find a picture of the condition of a company or transaction object. There are four
goals of LDD. First, obtain legal status for the audited documents. Second, check the
legality of the legal entity. Third, check the level of compliance of legal entities.
Fourth, provide a legal perspective on a policy.
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers



Nomor 21/spt/SKK/2005

Jakarta, 22 September 2005

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Makmur Sentosa,
Alamat : Jalan Kerucut No, 25, Jakarta Selatan yang
Pekerjaan : Wirawsastwa.

Untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai “PEMBERI KUASA”

Dalam hal ini memilih domisili hukum di kantor kuasanya yang disebut di bawah ini, serta
menerangkan bahwa dengan ini Pemberi Kuasa memberikan kuasa kepada:

1. Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara S.H. LL.M.

2. Rayanzza Malik Ahmad S.H.

Advokat pada Kantor Hukum Bagaskara & Partners Law Firm, yang beralamat di Jalan
Tebet Barat no 5, Kelurahan Tebet Barat, No 34 Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12830,
yang bertindak baik sendiri-sendiri maupun bersama-sama, untuk selanjutnya disebut
sebagai ----------------------------------------------------------------------“PENERIMA KUASA”


Untuk mewakili, memberikan nasihat hukum, dan membela hak-hak dan kepentingan
Pemberi Kuasa untuk mengajukan Gugatan atas dasar wanprestasi terhadap:

PT Semangat Bangun berkedudukan di, Jl. Kembangan No 10, Semarang,

berdasarkan Akta Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas No. 22 Tanggal 1 September 1992
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
dan disahkan oleh Kementerian Hukum dan HAM berdasarkan SK No 34/shu/PT A
selaku TERGUGAT. yang diajukan kepada Pengadilan Negeri Semarang.

Selanjutnya Penerima Kuasa sepenuhnya berhak untuk menghadap dan menghadiri semua
acara persidangan di Pengadilan Negeri Semarang, menerima panggilan persidangan,
mengajukan dan menandatangani surat-surat, mengajukan perdamaian atau menolak
tawaran perdamaian, mengajukan replik, mengajukan akta/alat bukti tertulis, mengajukan
saksi-saksi termasuk saksi ahli dan menolak akta/alat bukti tertulis dan saksi-saksi termasuk
saksi ahli yang diajukan oleh pihak lawan, mengajukan kesimpulan, menerima putusan,
menyatakan banding, kasasi, Peninjauan Kembali (PK) dan membuat serta mengajukan
memori-memorinya dan/atau kontra memori-memorinya, serta dapat berbicara seluas-
luasnya dengan pihak lain yang memerlukan keterangan.

Kuasa ini diberikan dengan Hak Honorarium, Hak Retensi, dan Hak Substitusi
(melimpahkan) baik sebagian maupun seluruhnya menurut hukum, serta hak kolaborasi
yakni hak untuk menarik serta melibatkan pihak lain dalam menjalankan kuasa ini, baik
secara bersama-sama maupun sendiri-sendiri atas sebagian maupun maksud kuasa ini
tunduk pada ketentuan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Jakarta, 22 September 2005

Penerima Kuasa Pemberi Kuasa

[ttd] [ttd di atas materai]
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara, S.H., Makmur Sentosa

Rayanzza Malik Ahmad, S.H.
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers

Nomor 21/spt/SKK/2005
Jakarta, 22 September 2005

The undersigned below :

Name : Makmur Sentosa,
Adress : Jalan Kerucut No, 25, Jakarta Selatan yang
Occupation : Businessman

Hereinafter referred to as the “Authorizer”.

Advocate and legal consultants at the law office of Bagaskara & Partners Law Firm, yang
beralamat di Jalan Tebet Barat no 5, Kelurahan Tebet Barat, No 34 Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Jakarta ,12830, whether acting individually or together, hereinafter referred to as “POWER

---------------------------------------------- Specifically -----------------------------------------

To represent, provide legal advice, and defend the rights and interests of the Authorizer to
submit a lawsuit, against
PT. Semangat Bangun domiciled at, Jl. Kembangan No. 10, Semarang, based on the Deed
of Establishment of Limited Liability Company No. 22 dated 1 September 1992 and ratified
by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights based on Decree No. 34/shu/PT A as
DEFENDANT. which was submitted to the Semarang District Court

Furthermore, the Power of Attorney has the full right to appear and attend all court
proceedings at the Semarang District Court, receive court summons, submit and sign
documents, submit peace offers or reject peace offers, submit replicas, submit written
deeds/evidence, present witnesses including expert witnesses and rejecting deeds/written
evidence and witnesses including expert witnesses submitted by opposing parties,
submitting conclusions, accepting decisions, declaring appeals, cassation, Judicial Review
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
(PK) and making and submitting memoranda and/or counter memoranda -memory, and can
talk as widely as possible with other parties who need information

This power of attorney is granted with the rights of Honorarium, Retainer, and Substitution,
either partially or in whole, in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in
Indonesia, as well as the collaboration rights, meaning the right to involve and engage other
parties in the execution of this power of attorney, either collectively or individually, for some
or all of the purposes of this power pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations in

Jakarta, 22 September 2005

The Authorized Authorizer

[ttd] [ttd di atas materai]
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara, S.H., Makmur Sentosa

Rayanzza Malik Ahmad, S.H.
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers



Jakarta, 12 Oktober 2005

Kepada Yth.
Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Semarang
Jl. Siliwangi No.512, Kembangarum, Kec. Semarang Barat, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
50146di Tempat.

Perihal: Gugatan Wanprestasi

Dengan hormat,
Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara S.H. LL.M., kuasa
hukum di Bagaskara and Partners yang beralamat di Jalan Tebet Barat no 5, Kelurahan
Tebet Barat, No 34 Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12830, baik sendiri-sendiri maupun
bersama-sama berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tanggal 22 September 2005 No
21/spt/SKK/2005 (terlampir), hendak mengajukan gugatan untuk dan atas nama Klien Kami:

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Makmur Sentosa,
Alamat : Jalan Kerucut No, 25, Jakarta Selatan yang
Pekerjaan : Wirawsastwa.

Dalam perkara ini memilih domisili hukum pada kantor kuasanya sebagaimana disebutkan di
atas, untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai ---------------------------------------------Penggugat\

Penggugat dengan ini mengajukan gugatan terhadap

Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
PT Semangat Bangun berkedudukan di, Jl. Kembangan No 10, Semarang, berdasarkan
Akta Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas No. 22 Tanggal 1 September 1992 dan disahkan oleh
Kementerian Hukum dan HAM berdasarkan SK No 34/shu/PT A selaku TERGUGAT.

Adapun yang menjadi alasan diajukannya gugatan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Bahwa Tergugat dalam kasus ini merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang
2. Bahwa perusahaan Tergugat berdomisili di wilayah Semarang.
3. Bahwa Tergugat mengaku mengalami kesulitan finansial untuk perusahaannya
4. Bahwa berhubung adanya kesulitan dalam usaha dagangnya, Sabar Setiawan, yang
merupakan Direktur Utama dari PT. Semangat Bangun hingga saat ini, memerlukan
kredit atau pinjaman uang.
5. Bahwa Tergugat menghubungi Penggugat yang bersedia menolong Tergugat dalam
kesulitan finansialnya
6. Bahwa pada tanggal 15 September 1999, Penggugat dan Tergugat menandatangani
Perjanjian Pinjaman dimana Penggugat memberikan pinjaman kepada tergugat
sebesar Rp20.000.000.000 (dua miliar rupiah). Dalam perjanjian tersebut, Tergugat
memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar kembali pinjaman tersebut secara berangsur
selama 5 tahun dengan tambahan bunga sebesar 2% setiap bulannya sampai
seluruh pinjaman lunas.
7. Bahwa Perjanjian pinjaman yang dilakukan kedua belah pihak telah memenuhi
syarat sah Perjanjian yang diatur dalam pasal 1320 KUHPerdata.
8. Bahwa Tergugat pada awal tahun pertama setelah adanya perjanjian, Tergugat telah
melakukan pembayaran Bunga secara berkala, Namun modal pinjaman pokok sama
sekali tidak dibayar oleh Tergugat.
9. Bahwa berdasarkan pasal 1238 KUHPer, Tergugat sebagai debitur telah lalai dalam
melewati batas waktu pembayaran Hutang sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan dalam
perjanjian awal
10. Bahwa Pasal 1238 Kitab Undan-Undang Hukum Perdata (“KUHPer”) telah mengatur
bahwa: “Debitur dinyatakan Ialai dengan surat perintah, atau dengan akta sejenis
itu, atau berdasarkan kekuatan dari perikatan sendiri, yaitu bila perikatan ini
mengakibatkan debitur harus dianggap Ialai dengan lewatnya waktu yang
11. Bahwa faktanya, Tergugat tidak melaksanakan kewajiban pembayaran tersebut
sampai Gugatan ini dibuat meskipum Penggugat sudah mengajukan permohonan
pembayaran bahkan mengajukan surat Teguran/Somasi kepada Tergugat sebanyak
3 (tiga) kali pada tahun 2002, 2003 dan 2004.
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
12. Bahwa tidak ada itikad baik dari pihak Tergugat terhadap Pengguat sehingga
Tergugat dinilai melanggar pasal 1338 KUHPerdata
13. Bahwa Pasal 1338 KUHper telah mengatur bahwa: "Semua persetujuan yang dibuat
sesuai dengan undang-undang berlaku sebagai undang-undang bagi mereka yang
membuatnya. Persetujuan itu tidak dapat ditarik kembali selain dengan kesepakatan
kedua belah pihak, atau karena alasan-alasan yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang.
Persetujuan harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik.”
14. Bahwa Bahwa tindakan wanprestasi yang telah dilakukan oleh tergugat telah
menimbulkan kerugian materiil kepada Penggugat sebesar Rp22.440.000.000,-,
dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
- Hutak Pokok : Rp.
- Total Bunga Rp. 5.440.000.000
- Hutang yang sudah dibayar Rp
15. Bahwa Pasal 1246 KUHPer dan Pasal 1250 KUHper, Tergugat berhak atas
kompensasi atas biaya, ganti rugi serta bunga yang timbul karena keterlambatan dari
pelaksanaan perikatan oleh Penggugat
16. Bahwa atas perbuatan Tergugat sebagaimana dikemukakan di atas, maka
selayaknya Para Tergugat dinyatakan oleh Pengadilan Negeri Semarang telah
melakukan Wanprestasi [wanprestatie], dan karenanya sepatutnya berdasarkan
Pasal 1243 dan 1244 KUHPerdata harus bertanggung jawab atas seluruh kerugian
yang timbul akibat wanprestasi yang dilakukannya, maka jumlah ganti rugi yang
harus ditanggung renteng oleh Tergugat adalah Rp. 22.440.000.000 (Dua Puluh Dua
Milyar Empat Ratus Empat Puluh Juta Rupiah)

Berdasarkan dalil-dalil tersebut di atas maka PENGGUGAT mohon kepada Pengadilan
Negeri Jakarta Semarang dalam hal ini Majelis Hakim yang mengadili perkara ini untuk


1. Mengabulkan Gugatan Penggugat untuk seluruhnya;
2. Menyatakan Tergugat telah melakukan Perbuatan Wanprestasi terhadap perjanjian
dengan Penggugat;
3. Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar kerugian immateriil/materil yang dialami
Penggugat senilai Rp. 22.440.000.000 (Dua Puluh Dua Milyar Empat Ratus Empat
Puluh Juta Rupiah);
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
4. Menyatakan bahwa keputusan ini dapat dijalankan lebih dahulu (uitvoerbaar bij
voorraad) walaupun ada permohonan banding dan kasasi dari TERGUGAT
5. Memerintahkan kepada TERGUGAT untuk tunduk dan patuh terhadap putusan
perkara ini; dan
6. Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar biaya perkara.

Atau apabila Majelis Hakim berpendapat lain, maka mohon agar Majelis Hakim memutuskan
berdasarkan keadilan yang seadil-adilnya berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa (ex
aequo et bono).

[ttd] [ttd]
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara, S.H., Rayanzza Malik Ahmad, S.H.

Material 2
1. There are several reasons why I am interested in becoming a practicing lawyer in a
law firm rather than an in-house lawyer in a company. I believe that if I become a
practicing lawyer, I will encounter various real-life cases. Working at a law firm
introduces me to a wide range of legal challenges, consistently presenting new
issues, industries, and a diverse clientele. I believe that because of this, I will grow
both professionally and personally, learn more, and have numerous new
opportunities.In my view, being employed at a law firm represents an excellent
starting point for my career. It would provide the opportunity to refine my problem-
solving skills by addressing intricate legal matters, fostering inventive solutions, and
improving my analytical abilities.
A corporate law firm like HHR possesses proficiency in managing cases across
various business problems. Gaining more exposure to a diverse range of cases
would be a valuable experience, especially for me as a recent graduate embarking
on the early stages of my career and for the better stepping career ahead.
Muhammad Hilman Bagaskara
Written Test Answers
2. Not only do I intend to have new experiences and learn new knowledge, I also aim to
implement the experience and knowledge that I have in the long run by obtaining a
permanent job in the future as a lawyer. I'm thinking about my career in the long run.
I believe that the experiences this firm can provide are important for my professional
development. In a long term, I see these experiences will help me become a better
legal professional and providing a solid foundation for reaching my career goals. And
one of the reason I choose work this job is that there will be a career progression in
the field I have chosen in the future especially in legal sector

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