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I'm Robert. B.

Brown, A United States Army, Commanding General but I�m currently on

assignment in US Peace Keeping Division in Syria, regards to the War

As for me I am from Delray Beach, Florida, that is where i am stationed, but

currently now, I am in a peace keeping mission here in Syria regarding to the war

I am a man with one simple objective, to live as close to God as I can and still
remain in this world, to touch the lives around me in an everlasting way, that will
cause them to see that an ordinary man can know and have a real relationship with
the creator of the universe. I believe that the purpose of mankind has been and
will always be to know, love, and serve God, that in doing so, we find our richest
fulfillment, our deepest joy, and we win our greatest victories. Whatever good that
may be found in me or may come of my thoughts, words, or deeds, it is only by His
great mercy and abundant grace. I consider myself an old fashioned guy with old
fashioned values. I think men ought to treat women with dignity, respect and
consideration, not make crude and suggestive comments about them. I also think
women should act and dress like ladies, modesty seems to be a forgotten concept
these days. I believe that marriage is a gift from a loving God, that it should
last our life time and that sex comes after you get married. I believe that
children ought to be loved unconditionally and taught to respect their elders &
authority and disciplined when it's necessary. I believe a mans highest priority
next to God, is his family, then his country. I am passionate about the things and
people I love, I am unpretentious and genuine, honest to a fault.

How does one describe themselves in characters minimum? I will give it an attempt
by saying that I'm a 59 year man, A widowed and a proud father. I am a giving
person, a warm, loving and affectionate man who cares for others and enjoys life to
the fullest. I am easy going and prefer to live in peace and with a positive
attitude. I am analytical, intelligent, educated, confidant, mature. I have a down
to earth personality love to laugh and have fun. I have a great deal of compassion
for the things of the world, but also have passion for the special people in my
life. I have no problem sharing anything of myself, with that being said that is
only with the right person for me, one that is not selfish of her time or herself.

I desire to be with someone that communicates well and is not an avoider when it
comes to working out situations, if any shall arise. I like someone who is level-
headed and is capable of thinking outside of the box, no offense but I do not do
well at all with the mentally challenged in a relationship (no baggage- carriers),
you know who you are, for you deal with you every day. I'm interested in a woman
who is in tune and confident within himself. I seek a companion, whereas we are
good to and for one another.

The best way to describe me as I am not always smartest but competent, ambitious,
hard working, spontaneous with zest for life. People who know me always like to
keep good relation with me. Attractive, tall, reserved personality. Love Nature,
Science, Astrology. I am a good honest man, I definitely enjoy hugs and kisses from
someone that I am attracted to. Being together and holding hands like a couple of
kids makes me happy. Once champion Athlete in School / College sports events (Track
& Field), presently into driving, swimming, aerobics, besides Theater, Art Gallery
(MoMa). Amusement Parks, weekend gate a ways. Like out door activities - white
water rafting, jet-skiing, surfing, ice skating, skiing, snow mobiling/tubing. Fond
of cooking & home decor. Health conscious (natural / organic food habit). Love pets
and protect environment.
Believe in "All well that ends well". So, looking for an Achiever who is more or
less successful or established in his field and secured. Someone who has his own
identity and wants to have a fun-filled (moderate to luxurious) material life at
the end part of the journey of this life. As we all made for that and deserve it in
this material world. I'm financially secured with property & assets. Someone who
loves driving, out door sports activities, traveling for adventure in remote
Islands, Spontaneous, Enthusiastic (free-spirited) with creative mind would be a
good match. Only marriage minded individuals should contact. No games here. Serious
inquiries only.

I am usually quiet until I get to know you. Once I feel comfortable with a new
person or new surroundings, I like to talk and laugh. I smile most of the time, and
can fine something funny about most situations. I don't believe in making fun of
people or hurting anyone's feelings, and I don't like being with people who do.
Although, I have been blessed with two lovely daughter, I am very close to them. I
take an active interest in my daughters schooling, as well as, there other studies
and interests. I enjoy going just about anywhere. I�m happy going to a local
festival or taking a day trip.

I hope to find someone special with whom to travel. I like storytelling and believe
that everyone has a story�which is why I like photography and genealogy.

I feel making impact in church activities is a real good start for every man and
woman as that will lead to my accomplishments in life. It's good to serve the Lord
and stay close to Him, keep His commandments and working according to His ways.
Render support to the poor and less privilege people, making impact in people's
life and never let them down when they need you most. I love the Lord and i want to
stay close to Him each and everyday of my life, i also want to learn more of His
word because hearing His word alone gives me wisdom which i would like to have in
my life.

A perfect day would include reading the newspaper while drinking coffee, taking a
long walk with someone who enjoys feeling the sun shining on his face, relaxing
during a cozy picnic in the park or a leisurely lunch on a restaurant patio, and
sharing a good movie or play.
Traits that friends admire are my intense loyalty, honesty, dependability,
responsibility, tendency to root for the underdog, nonjudgmental attitude, and
kindness. Quirks include my tendency to attach nicknames to people, my need to
check things (garage door down, lights off, stove off, etc.), and my "gift" of
remembering insignificant and irrelevant facts while forgetting much more important


My favorite activities are outdoor activities. I like camping, hiking, exploring
creeks, horseback riding, biking, or just walking enjoying all the wonderful things
God has made. I love animals of all kinds, domestic or wild. I am multi-talented
which I thank the Lord daily for each of my talents. For indoor activities I can
knit and crochet, macrame, make bead jewelry, make quilts, do counted cross stitch,
etc. I am a pretty good cook. I like baking cookies and other such goodies.

MY INTEREST My interest are mainly singing, acting, dancing,(sanctuary choir,

solos, and productions), biking, working out, victory motorcycles(they rule!),
sports: nascar (Ryan Newman the rocket man), pro-football (Jacksonville jaguars &
Cleveland browns),pro-basketball (the cleveland cavaliers),pro baseball (the
cleveland indians), college football (the buckeyes & the gators), high school
football- the massillon tigers, history, science, concerts, museums, cultural
events like the highland games, and times with family & friends
Meeting someone of my type will be very nice and if she can do everything to put a
smile on my face. I will be most grateful. My aim is to meet nice and interesting
person who will be able to share similar ideas with me. I will like to meet a woman
who posses a good sense of humor and high understanding. I will like to spend my
life with a woman who will love me for who i am and not because of what i have, a
woman who will be able to support me in my race and give me good advice, a woman
who will be there for me during the rainy days, a woman of high quality and great
ability. Someone who is well committed, organized, hard working, good looking, God
fearing, well mannerred and well behaved not intruding into private affairs. I
wanted someone who loves Jesus more than anyone or anything else and lives a Holy
life, someone who is not only beautiful physically, but also has a beautiful heart.
She is unwavering in her commitment to Christ and family. I've waited and searched
for a long time, for this one special woman and I'm more certain than ever, that
nothing less will do! It is far better to be alone and lonely, than to be married
and still be lonely.

I desire someone who is fun yet stable(God Fearing if possiable), capable of having
a good time in intimate settings or large crowds. Someone I can have fun with at
the park, just the two of us walking by the water hand in hand or a cookout with
the family and friends. Someone who I can enjoy a movie and popcorn with at the
theatre or play or on the dance floor, shaking a leg. Someone I can share a burger
with at Burger Queen or a quiet intimate dinner at a restaurant. Someone that I can
rival with while watching football or basketball, or a bag of peanuts at the zoo.
Someone I can cook beside in the kitchen, while stealing a kiss or taking a shower
while I wash her hair. I desire to read the word of God with the one I am with and
pray side by side when we are done. I believe none of this is farfetched, nor that
my king is not out there (cyber space), I just believe that we haven�t come into
one another�s lives as of yet. I seek someone that has dealt with his past
relationship issues before pursuing a new relationship with me. I do not seek
someone to COMPLETE me, but someone who compliments me and our relationship

I am looking for a partner who is honest, caring, trusting, trustworthy,

passionate, loving, affectionate, and not just looking for a bedroom partner.
Someone to share life ups and downs, someone to talk to about the day, not just the
weather. I am looking for someone that's for real, not living somewhere that I have
never been nor want to be. I like movies, dinners out, cuddling on the couch,
holding hands or being on your arm, notes tucked in your pocket, wallet, briefcase
or lunch box, just to let you know you're being thought of...calls during the day
to hear your voice. I enjoy all things that matter in life. My partner must be
totally honest and trustworthy. She must have respect for me and also respect
herself. She has to be there to share the good times and the bad times with me.
She has to be willing to put 100% into the relationship. Marriage is 100% from each
person and not 50/50 deal.I need that person to love me for who I am and not what I
have or do not have. Someone who wants to enjoy life and not take it for granted or
take me for granted. I do not want someone who will put me down and make me feel
like I am not important enough to be with.

Well I�m looking for someone who is capable of honesty, openness and communication,
because these habits are important to me. There are many other qualities I look for
in the matches I receive here, but this is one of the most important. I feel I have
a lot of love to share with the right woman. I want a partner who will help me be
the best person I can be, and in turn, I would want to do the same for her. To
always provide for her and support her. I want someone to be my " earthly


I enjoy going to antique shops, flea markets, craft shows, festivals, and fairs.
Going for long car rides on a warm spring, summer, or fall day gives me great
enjoyment. I love to travel and site-see. The mountains can be beautiful and I do
enjoy most activities in the mountains, but I also enjoy the ocean and snorkeling.
I enjoy the cities and the country. Basically, I just enjoy life no matter what the
location. I am very positive, caring and sincere. I am for the most part happy and
smile and laugh most of the time. I am looking for a nice woman that enjoys being
with me and loves to touch, kiss and cuddle and much much more. I want to find my
live partner and soul mate. You must be friendly to family and friends as they are
very important to me. This is the second part of my life and I need to live it the
way I want to with that special person. Thanks for looking.

My favorite places in the world include: Paris, Boston, Vienna, London, Las Vegas,
Rome, New York City, Tokyo, San Francisco and Hong Kong

My favorite restaurant to eat at is a Japanese Steak House. Picnics can also be

Singing, acting, dancing,(sanctuary choir, solos, and productions), biking, working
out, victory motorcycles(they rule!), sports: nascent (Ryan Newman the rocket man),
pro-football (Jacksonville jaguars & Cleveland browns), pro-basketball (the
Cleveland cavaliers), pro baseball (the Cleveland Indians), college football (the
buckeyes & the gators), high school football- the Massimiliano tigers, history,
science, concerts, museums, cultural events like the highland games, and times with
family & friends.

Praise & worship, contemporary christian, christian rock, country, smooth jazz,
pop, and classical.

Star-gate sg-1 & Atlantis, history channel, military channel, boomerang, ESPN. wwe
raw, smack down, cop shows, comedy show, and discovery

The bible(amplified verse.), The divine romance-by gene Edwards,the purpose driven
life-by rick warren.
Snow. It's about Turkey and the conflicts in that country. Religion, politics,
race. Love learning about other parts of the world and seeing our similarities and
differences. I guess it would be a Veranda Magazine about home decor.

Mostly Disney-beauty & the beast is my favorite, ice age, robots & other animated
movies,the chronicles of Narnia, the passion of the Christ, the end of the spear,
lord the rings, brave heart. conspiracy theory, the patriot, forever young, the
last samurai,gladiator, master and commander, walk in the clouds, the lake house,
scarlet, invincible, various super hero movies and SC-fi movies like: fantastic
four, batman begins, superman returns, the hulk, daredevil, minority report, mimic,
planet of the apes(new version), King Kong(also new version) and cheesy old "b"
horror movies- (they're hilarious), mars attacks and napoleon dynamite.


On a fun date.. Just a fun fun day and relaxation afterwords i like to go to a
amusement park and just be kids again.. go on roller coasters, go cart racing play
games make her win me a teddy bear.. yep make her win me one. shell like that. but
then I win her won too.. then Karaoke is always fun.. its entertaining if the
person can sing really sing or just drunk and acting a fool.. then Ill show her my
acne skills she prob be tired but she would have so much fun wit me.. then I know a
beautiful place we could take a romantic walk by the water and just enjoy the

sports? football,basketbalL,golf and swimming.

Bible Verse:.... Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what
doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with thy God

Church i attend: Catholic Church

What are three things you are most thankful for? 1: The ability for humans to
perceive, create, and share. 2: God's grace given to everyone. 3: The inspiring
personalities of the people in my life.

What are you passionate about? I am passionate about music. When I hear music it
gets me excited and I sing and dance along. There are so many types of music so I
am never bored. I love to sing also, so I am always able to sing along.

Please describe two or three things that you most enjoy doing with your leisure
time? drawing and playing music and walking outside and spending time with my

what is means to be a christian...

When you say you are a Christian, you are telling the world you claim the name of
Christ, and the world holds you to a different set of standards. I think that you
should also hold yourself to a different set of

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