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C-130 Engine-Out Landings

Think about it BEFORE it happens.

A nyone
the Hercwho
is believes
a routineaaffair,
start questioning
ianding iii
your perception! Engine-out landings are emergency
procedures; we practice them that way; they’re fia the
emergency procedures chapter; and werst of ali,
crews have crashed airpianes doing them!!
The most serious scenario is two engines out ou
the left side, outboard windmillfng on NTS, ianding
ou a short runway, at night, in weather at minirnums.
From this nightmare the situation can inaprove to a
much less homicidal situation of a singie inboard
feathered, landing te a 12,000 ft-pius runway ou a
coei, sunny day. Worse only gets better, but never
( “ecomes good. the goal is to stop the airpiane safeiy
Naturally, -

ou the runway CENTERLINE. Getting dose to this

goal equates to survival. Several aerodynamic and
envirenmentaj factors affect aircraft centrei; iii some
cases, fuil use of ali flight ceutrois is required te
maintain runway centerline during rollout and
stepping. We’Il examine each of the flight contreis
and review how te use them te maintain runway
centerline and minirnize ianding greund reli.
In consideriug each centrei surface, we’ll assume
a ne-wind er runway-aligned wind conditien.
Cresswinds change the eptimum centrei inputs iii an
amount tetaliy dependent upon angle and veiocity.
Rernember this—the airpiane will tend te weather.
vane flato the cresswind because of the wiud’s affect
eu the vertical stabilizer (Figure 1). This tendency,
coupied with asymrnetric reverse, can create a severe
swerve. Be prepared, and if possibie, choose a runway
‘here cresswiud can be used te ceunter this
Use rudders as necessary te maintain centerline
througheut the ianding. Rudder trina, on the other required te maintain centerline. This rudder input is
hand, poses a unique problem. During cruise and needed only because an unnecessasy trina setting is
approach, it’s very likeiy you’li use a large amount present. During reversai, this trina setting has a
of trina te assist in maintaiuing balanced flight cine different effect. As the operating engines are brought
te high power settings. Twe engines eut ou the sarne flato reverse, the trina directiy opposes the rudder
side may require fuil trina (Figure 2). This trim inputs necessary te maintain centerline (Figure 4).
setting, sustained and present during flare and This has both a positive and negative resuit. On the
teuchdown, wili eventually beceme adverse trina. negative side, more force is required en the rudder
When eperating engines are at zere or near-zere in order te get fuil centrei surface threw. Ou the
thrust, trina is no ionger necessary since there is new bright side, the rudder is slightly more effective since
an essentiafly symrnetric power reiatiouship among there’s more rudder surface exposed te the airstream.
ali engines. Yeu shouid use trina to assist required centrei
Any trina setting will produce a yawing moment surface inputs, but insure zero rudder trina befere
(Figure 3). A rudder input frem the piiet til be flare and teuchdown for engine-eut landings. II the

Aísúüst 1988 7

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pilot at the controis has been triniming throug
the approach, while gradua]Iy reducing power,
flgur. 4 will already be near zero. .Pilots at the controls sho,
uerify rudder trim zero prior to crossing the threshc
and commencing a fiare in arder to use rudder an.
trim to best aduantage.
Ailerons should be used during engine-out ~
landings to equalize lift on the wings ia the Ianding ‘~
rollout engine reversal. Assuming a no-wind or
aligned headwind condition, an asymmetric lift
conclition til be present if the ailerons are left neutral
when bringing engines into reverse.
InaC43O, 60% of the wing’s lift is provided by
propeiler thrust at maximum power; therefore.
reversing thrust til spoil a significant amount of the
wings’ lift. Airflow across the left wing during
landing roilout engine reversal is disturbed by reverse
thrust on engines 1 and 2 (Figure 5). No reverse
thrust is present on 3 and 4, and the airflow is cleaner,
causing the right wing to produce a lift vector of
greater magnitude (Figure 6).
Think of your airplane as a tripod on wheels. If
this tripod is rouing straight and you lift one of the
Figurt 6
rear wheels, the tripod wiil swerve. With 3 and 4
feathered, the airplane will try to swerve left due to
asymmetric ilft vectors. Alierons can be used to
reduce these ilft vectors and reduce the tendency to
swerve. As engines are reversed, fuil aileron toward
the feathered engines will increase the lift on the left
wing (down aileron) and decrease lift on right wing
(up aileron) as shown in Figure 7. A near-equal lift
condition now exists, reducing swerve tendency. The
need for this aileron correction wiil decrease as
airspeed is reduced and control surface effectiveness
Elevators can be used to assist your rudders.
Again, imagine the tripod on wheels. If the tripod is
rolling with pressure on the nosewheel, steering
Figur. 6 inputs til be more effective. If there’s no pressure
forward, or if there’s an uplifting force on tht -

nosewheel, a tendency for nosewheel skid exists. As

engines are reversed, forward yoke pressure til
cause rudder inputs to be more effective. As the
throttles are brought into reverse, a degree of for
ward yoke pressure wiil assist any rudder input. As
airspeed is reduced, more elevator can be added, to
fui! throw, as the airplane slows to taxi speed.
Figur. 7
Feel more comfortable? Let’s not be too hasty!
Your preparation shouldn’t end here or with the Dash
One. Talk to other piots. Correct control surfaces
application is critica!, but even more critica! is the
human moving them—you. Don’t wait until things
are quiet on final before you decide to improue your
knowledge of this subjectt
Adapted From: App,oach


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~‘Teàhniquesto Consider

There are many procedureà Lo • What systems have you Iost? In

- ou Lhe rimway or sinlãng iii Lhe mud$t~
foflow alter au in-flighL engine shut Lhe case of one engine out, you’ve IosL, t InstrumentcondjtionaWesli z~t
down. They’re aU listed ia several aL a minhnum, a generator and how Lhe Herc wffl fiy Lbree-engine -

differeut places rauging under four or hydraulic pump. If iL’s number 1 or 2, instrumenLs as well as iL files visual
five different headings ira Chapters 2, configuring will Lake longer. Is BuL why execute au approach Lo a4.
3, 5, and 9 ia Lhe Dash One Chapters electrical draw reducLion a player? m{nirnums and risk ara insti-ument
2,3,5, and others tu Lhe 55 series MAC Landing. Eventuallyr, you’U want Lo missed approachlthree-engine go
regs; and other places. BuL as is the give Lhis hunk of metal baclc Lo Lhe around. If you have Lo divert a great
curse of our profession, sometimes we, mainLainers. tu fact, your plan distance ira Lhe oLher direcLion Lo find
too easily, Lend Lo compartmentalize probably includes hoLh your crew and VMC, iL may well be worth iL.
everything we need Lo do in checklist craft being in one piece. Now’s Lhe • What else has failed? Hardly a
formaL and omit phllosophical Lhought time Lo consider Lhis facLor. Tu mission goes 1»’ where you haven’t
or understanding of what it is we’re selecting a lancling site, Lhe destinaLion earned your aircraft commander’s pay
reaily Lrying todo. Such is Lhe case ira may not always be Lhe best choice. by deciding Lo fly without something.
engine-out operation. We’ve pooled We’ve already discussed Mel consider MosL of Lhe Lime, you do just fine.
some Lhoughts ou Lhis subject, and Lhe ations; here we’ll address crosswinds, However, alter Lhe excitemeut of
following, by no means complete, list fuel dumping, conflguration, reversing caging au engine. your Lhought
of “oLhe?’ considerations is Lhe resuit: technique, and instrument condiLions. direction, and rightfuliy 50, goes inLo
• Fuel Management. A step ia Lhe Crosswinds. The feature this pressing problem. Whatever you
engineer’s Cleanup Checklist requires articie explains Lhis consideration ira do. maintain total situational
isolating Lhe main tank feeding Lhe deLail. However, iL’s important Lo awareness. WhaL problem &d you Lake
failed engine. Give iL some thought mention iL again as iL will be a major off wiLh or what are you now fiying
and you’ll agree; however, once Lhings facLor in runway selection. Granted, in wiLhout? Is number 3 ia mechanical
seLLle down, you’d better get LhaL hei some circumstances, you may not due Lo a prop flui Lhat’s getting
back haLo Lhe management system Lo have Lhis luxury. Remember, Lhe piLot worse? Have we ali been waLching
prevent au atrocious imbalance. We all Lube will face Lhe crosswind. number 2 because it’s losing oil? What
know we never Lake ou wiLh a main Fuel Dumping. Don’L be did you shut down for? Cara you
boost pump inoperative, but we also spring loaded Lo Lhe dump position. feasibly restart that engine and liter
know we’ve had Lhem fali in ffight. Sometimes, Lhe Lime involved may not alIy flue wiLh iL unLil rollout? Don’t
WhaL if Lhe failed boost puxnp resides be worLh Lhe effort when iL precludes omit this lifesaving option.
over Lhe failed engine? Gravity feed is a safe, expeditious return landing. Ou In summary. and LhaL’s ali we cara
no louger a player, fuel imbalance is. Lhe oLher hand, be prepared Lo dump do because Lhis list is far Leo involved
Other wrenches ira Lhis system are some lii a hurry il Lhe need arises. Lo ever list ali considerations, there’s
myriad combinations of failed Configuration. You’re a loL Lo Lhink about and pIara for
quantity gauges. Caging Lhe prop has probably most familiar wiLh Lhe wheuever Lhe mighty Hercules
Lo key your thinking along these tines. picture of a 100% flap landing. If becomes crippled.
• Range. Tu conjunction with Lhe possible, nevar compound emergencies This hunable aLtempt at thought
above, alter Lhe engine’s gone, better by doing Lhings differently when you provocaLion wasn’t assembled Lo incite
get Lhe One Dash One out. There are don’t have to. ConLemplaLe and argumenLaLive response. Instead, we
a couple figures we need Lo know. conclude your own definition of sincerely hope you’ll use iL Lo develop
Will you have euough hei Lo “landing is assured.” You’ve ali your own LhoughL paLterns. Oue final
make iL to destinatiou? practiced two-engine, no-flaps, and word, read Lhe entire Emergeucy
• •• WhaL is two-engine driftdown have seen Lhe runway markers Engine Shutdown procedure, you’ll
speed and ceiling? Rexuember, you had whizzing by ira excess of 100 knoLs. find Lhat II you experienced Lhe most
iL for three-engine operaLion when you Remember Lhat picture when you extreme caLastrophic emergency
were a four-engine airplane, now you choose configuraLion. during any sLage of flighL, Lhis check
are a “Lhree-engine” airplane. The next Reversing technique. Ou rare lisL, by itselL is enough Lo configure
contingency has Lo shift Lo Lwo-engine occasions you’ll need ali Lhree engines Lhe airplane for a SAFE landing, wiLh
operations. reversed, normally you won’t. Read ouL Lhe use of eiLher Lhe Descent or
Chances are good your Equal carefully Lhe section ou Lhis subjecL ia Before Landing checklisLs. One more
Time Point has changed. Again, Lhe feaLure article. Plan Lhis acL! IL’ll good reasou for a solid backup plan
recompute. make Lhe differenee beLween stopping and thorough crew briefing.

August 1988 9

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