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Q1: In the Morse code, which letter is indicated by 3 dots? ?

a. C
b. !S
c. O
d. A
Q2: In 2013 how much money was lost by Nigerian scams??

a. $956 Million
b. $95 Million
c. !$12.7 Billion
d. $2.7 Billion
Q3: After how many years would you celebrate your crystal anniversary??

a. 25
b. 10
c. 20
d. !15
Q4: Which Italian automobile manufacturer gained majority control of U.S. automobile manufacturer Chrysler in 2011??

a. Ferrari
b. Maserati
c. Alfa Romeo
d. !Fiat
Q5: What is a dead mall??

a. A mall that has been condemed

b. A mall after business hours
c. !A mall with high vacancy rates or low consumer foot traffic
d. A mall with no stores
Q6: In what year was McDonald's founded??

a. 1947
b. 1964
c. 1951
d. !1955
Q7: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"??

a. Brasilia
b. Brasíl
c. !Brasil
d. Brazil
Q8: Which item of clothing is usually worn by a Scotsman at a wedding??

a. Skirt
b. !Kilt
c. Rhobes
d. Dress
Q9: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Post hoc ergo propter hoc

b. !Ad hominem
c. Tu quoque
d. Argumentum ad populum
Q10: Frank Lloyd Wright was the architect behind what famous building??

a. Sydney Opera House

b. The Space Needle
c. !The Guggenheim
d. Villa Savoye
cturer Chrysler in 2011??

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