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Q1: What name represents the letter "M" in the NATO phonetic alphabet??

a. Mark
b. Matthew
c. Max
d. !Mike
Q2: In the Morse code, which letter is indicated by 3 dots? ?

a. C
b. A
c. O
d. !S
Q3: Which language is NOT Indo-European??

a. !Hungarian
b. Russian
c. Latvian
d. Greek
Q4: Which of these companies does NOT manufacture automobiles??

a. !Ducati
b. Fiat
c. Nissan
d. GMC
Q5: What is the German word for "spoon"??

a. Essstäbchen
b. Gabel
c. !Löffel
d. Messer
Q6: On average, Americans consume 100 pounds of what per second??

a. !Chocolate
b. Cocaine
c. Potatoes
d. Donuts
Q7: Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's??

a. Boo-Berry
b. Count Chocula
c. Franken Berry
d. !Fruit Brute
Q8: What was the soft drink Pepsi originally introduced as??

a. !Brad's Drink
b. Carolina Cola
c. Pepsin Syrup
d. Pepsin Pop
Q9: What is the currency of Poland??

a. !Złoty
b. Euro
c. Ruble
d. Krone
Q10: What is the star sign of someone born on Valentines day??

a. !Aquarius
b. Scorpio
c. Capricorn
d. Pisces
d in the 1970's??

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