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Q1: Which language is NOT Indo-European??

a. Latvian
b. !Hungarian
c. Russian
d. Greek
Q2: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. Ponzu
b. Karashi
c. !Wasabi
d. Mentsuyu
Q3: What direction does the Statue of Liberty face??

a. Northwest
b. Northeast
c. !Southeast
d. Southwest
Q4: Which slogan did the fast food company, McDonald's, use before their "I'm Lovin' It" slog

a. !We Love to See You Smile

b. Making People Happy Through Food
c. Have It Your Way
d. Why Pay More!?
Q5: Earl Grey tea is black tea flavoured with what??

a. Vanilla
b. !Bergamot oil
c. Honey
d. Lavender
Q6: Which item of clothing is usually worn by a Scotsman at a wedding??

a. Dress
b. Skirt
c. Rhobes
d. !Kilt
Q7: What is the star sign of someone born on Valentines day??

a. !Aquarius
b. Scorpio
c. Capricorn
d. Pisces
Q8: A statue of Charles Darwin sits in what London museum??

a. !Natural History Museum

b. British Museum
c. Science Museum
d. Tate
Q9: What is the highest number of Michelin stars a restaurant can receive??

a. !Three
b. Five
c. Four
d. Six
Q10: The Mexican Beer "Corona" is what type of beer??

a. Baltic Porter
b. !Pale Lager
c. Pilfsner
d. India Pale Ale
9;m Lovin' It" slogan??

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