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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. Royal Oak
b. King's Head
c. White Hart
d. !Red Lion
Q2: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. !Wasabi
b. Ponzu
c. Mentsuyu
d. Karashi
Q3: In 2013 how much money was lost by Nigerian scams??

a. !$12.7 Billion
b. $95 Million
c. $956 Million
d. $2.7 Billion
Q4: According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking??

a. Twenty
b. !Five
c. Ten
d. One hundred
Q5: What is a dead mall??

a. A mall that has been condemed

b. A mall with no stores
c. A mall after business hours
d. !A mall with high vacancy rates or low consumer foot traffic
Q6: Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's??

a. !Fruit Brute
b. Boo-Berry
c. Count Chocula
d. Franken Berry
Q7: When was Hubba Bubba first introduced??

a. !1979
b. 1972
c. 1980
d. 1984
Q8: What is real haggis made of??

a. Whole Sheep
b. Sheep's Liver, Kidneys and Eyes
c. !Sheep's Heart, Liver and Lungs
d. Sheep's Heart, Kidneys and Lungs
Q9: Which country drives on the left side of the road??

a. Germany
b. China
c. Russia
d. !Japan
Q10: Directly between the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool is a memorial to which war??

a. !World War II
b. American Civil War
c. American Revolutionary War
d. Vietnam War
o smoking??

d in the 1970's??

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