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"Football vs.

Basketball: Two Sports, Two Passions"

- Football and basketball are two of the most popular sports in the world, each with its own unique
history, rules, and style of play.


"Football: Global Passion"

- **Rules: It is played with 11 players per team and the objective is to score goals in a soccer goal.

- **Duration: Matches usually last 90 minutes divided into two halves.

- **Playing field: Large grass fields.

- **Use of hands: Prohibited, except for the goalkeeper.

- **Worldwide popularity: Widely followed around the world, especially in Europe, Latin America,
and Africa.

"Basketball: Speed and Accuracy"

- **Rules: It is played with 5 players per team and the objective is to dunk the ball into a basket.

- **Duration: Matches are divided into four quarters of 12 minutes each.

- **Playing field: Smaller courts with a wooden floor.

- **Use of hands: Essential for dribbling, passing and scoring.

- **Worldwide Popularity: Widely played in North America and growing worldwide.


- Both sports encourage team collaboration and healthy competition.

- They require agility, endurance, and precision skills.

- They are followed by millions of fans and have a large presence in the media.

"Although football and basketball have significant differences in terms of rules and style of play,
both are appreciated around the world for their ability to bring communities together and
entertain the masses. Each offers a unique and exciting experience for players and fans alike."

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