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A new way to restore Earth's biodiversity

In this ted talk Susan Graham is talking about a new way of restoring our earth biodiversity with the help
of drones. These drones are programmed to gather data and plant the right mix of vegetation in
destroyed hectares, quickly at a large scale. This project has already started in Australia, with the help of
AI and drones, to restore thousands of hectares of land mined for coal.

Why healthy bones are about so much more than milk

In this ted talk Dr. Jen Gunter is talking about healthy bones that are so much more than milk. We all
know that a good diet with calcium is needed for our bones to be healthy and many people when they
think about calcium, they think about milk but milk is not the only good source out there. We have many
more other options like yogurt and cheese but also spinach and kale vegetables like broccoli and
cabbage also proteins like tofu, nuts, beans, eggs and fish and even orange juice is good.

Secret of success in 8 words

Richard St. John presented us the 8 words that lead to success. The first thing is passion many successful
people do it for love not money because if you do it for love the money comes anyway. Work it’s all hard
work. Good to be successful is something you need to get really good at it. Also, focus you need to focus
yourself on one thing to become great at it. Push you have to push through the challenges and through
your insecurities. Serve you can’t serve yourself you got to serve others something of value because
that’s how you become rich. Ideas, there’s no magic to creativity in coming up with ideas it’s just doing
some very simple things and the last thing to success is to persist you have to persist through failure and
never give up after it.

Forget multitasking, try monotasking

Paolo Cardini shows us how monotasking could be better in our day-to-day life than multitasking.
Multitasking is a concept made for completing objectives faster while doing other stuff to and is
essentially saving some time but monotasking on the other hand helps you focus on that one thing and
it makes your experience more enjoyable and memorable. Multitasking saves time but monotasking
helps you enjoy every moment of your life.
Simple way to break bad habits

Judson Brewer explains to us how to break bad habits really easily and quick. A common bad habit that
kills your body is smoking. Most people start smoking to look cool and try to be cool after watching
other “cool people” smoke. Judson Brewer showed us a way to quit these bad habits buy mindfulness
training. This essentially is a way of us realizing what smoking really is how does it smell how does it
taste and after this training you discover how disgusting it really is. This method works with every bad
habit not only smoking and for some of us it could even save our life.

Infinity explained in 3 minutes

Hakeem Oluseyi explains to us infinity. Infinity can be met in many different situations in math, science
and space but what does infinity represent in our life? You and I are infinitely choice makers. At any
decision in our life, we have infinite choices. In math adding up all the numbers to infinity is going to
sum up to –1 but in life adding up all the choices we’ve made up to this moment, negative or positive,
you can find that it sums to a very large positive value and so for me that infinity is hope that is the
infinity that matters to me.

How to know your life purpose in two minutes

Adam Leipzig presents to us 5 different questions to know our purpose in life: Who you are? What you
do? Who you do it for? What does people what and need? And how they change as a result? Now, why
is that formulation so powerful because of all those 5 things you need to know to know your life
purpose, only 2 are about yourself the other are about other people. This forces you to be outward
facing. If you make other people happy, life teaches us: we will be taken care of too.

4 ways the pandemic changed the way we sleep

The first change appeared in our sleep quantity. A study conducted across the world showed that on
average people were sleeping 30 minutes more each night. The second change was the quantity of our
sleep. 60% of people in the US felt that the quality of their sleep was worse during the pandemic. The
third change concerns sleep timing. On average people were going to bed later and also waking up later
during the pandemic. The last change that happened was that people reported dreaming more due to
the fact that people started to sleep in the morning.

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